Sense and Sensibility!
I know you've heard me talk about it on my blog many times, you've seen the posts about how much I love Jane Austen and how I just can't help but read her books over and over and watch her movies countless times, something I NEVER do with any other movie. I'm a one time watch and never watch again, kinda gal.
That right there should give you an example of how much I adore this woman's work and the movies based on them.
When I first heard that BBC had produced a new version of Sense and Sensibility, my first thought was NO....why? Why mess with a good thing?
But goodness I was not prepared to watch the new version and completely fall in love again with the story, and furthermore.....proclaim this version my favorite and the best of all others.
As much as I loved Kate Winslet as Marianne Dashwood and truly thought there could never be another, I was wrong, deadly wrong.
Be forewarned though that the very beginning of this new version has a very un-Janelike scene, it's a little racy though you don't see much at all, but it's not something you expect from a Jane Austen book or movie so it may throw you off a bit. I honestly had to go back and check to make sure I was watching the right show *teehee*
But it lasts a second or two and then kicks into the movie..the death of Mr. Dashwood and John’s promise to take care of his stepmother and stepsisters.
Oh and then you are hooked, from beginning to very end. The music, the costumes, the new actors which for me are by far the best from all other S & S versions. I even found myself loving Captain Brandon which had not happened until now, I just could never get into the character and never thought any of the actors played him well enough.
Colonel Brandon

I'm just saying that for me, this is my favorite and is going in my collection.
If anyone wants to watch it and hasn't yet done so, you can buy the movie by visiting Amazon here, or if you're impatient like me, while you wait for it to arrive in the mail, you can go on YouTube and watch it there. The one I used has French subtitles but it didn't bother me one bit.
Here's the first part for you:
Now remember, the opening little love scene thing is very short and it's not bad at all, you don't see much of anything, but just want you to be warned.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this version, did you like it, dislike it, which is your favorite Sense and Sensibility?
I'm so with you girl!!
Have you read any of the spin off books? There are several by various authors. Such as Mr. Darcy and Darcy's daughters. I'll have to look around for the authors names. They are pretty good also.
I've never seen either versions but I am hooked. My daughters would absolutely love this movie. I'll have to buy this for them Thank you so much for posting.
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