Good morning friends and a happy Monday to you all!
I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the week ahead. I had a good weekend when it comes to getting rest, but emotionally and mentally it was exhausting.
Marley stopped eating on Friday night, went all Saturday without one bit of food, just drinking water. He is so thin and so weak at this point, and we are basically keeping him comfortable. The vet has said there is nothing else we can do for him.
But Sunday morning, Curt and I had to go to church because he was being baptized. We were torn between leaving him for an hour, because he is so sick. But we made the decision to leave it in God's hands, let Him watch over Marley for us while we went. After making that decision, 30 minutes before leaving for church, Marley started eating again and walking around, and being more like himself.
I burst into tears and thanked God profusely. He is still eating, still drinking, walking around, gaining his strength and feeling so much better. What any of it means, I don't know, but whatever happens we are leaving it in the Lord's safe hands and just accepting the outcome. Still praying for a miracle, but if one doesn't come, then we are ok knowing our boy will be happy and healthy again in Heaven.
Anyway, just wanted to update you real quick. I am still quite MIA from the blog and social media in general, just popping in once in a while. Just need that break right now to deal with what is happening and to spend as much time as possible with our baby.
Right, let's move on with our Happy Homemaker Monday for today. Wishing you all a blessed week ahead.

So hot, but thankfully yesterday we had a rain storm in the afternoon which cooled the temps down a bit. Incredibly
hot, we are in the triple digits around here. We have another pretty
hot week ahead, which means I'll be spending more time indoors.
Monday - Partly cloudy, 88
Tuesday - Sunny, 89
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 89
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 93
Friday - Sunny, 97
Saturday - Mostly sunny, 99
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 99
♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
So much better. The past two nights I have been able to actually sleep, and so has Marley. He was on a very high dose of steroids which were wreaking havoc on his body, keeping him up all day and night, making his breathing rapid and so on. Curt and I made the decision to taper down his steroids, and have seen a dramatic improvement. He is breathing normally, able to sleep and is feeling much better.
♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
of coffee with Peppermint Mocha creamer.
♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
I still need to go over my dining room carpets one more time. They are giving me quite a bit of work to get cleaned. Honestly can't wait to pull that carpet and do wooden floors. Need to do some tidying up, put some clean laundry away, that is folded and on the couch.
♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
I am now in John in the Bible.
Also reading The Ocean in Winter by Elizabeth de Veer.
♥♥On my TV♥♥
Absolutely nothing. Haven't watched anything since last week.
♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
Grocery shopping will be Friday, so I'll be working on the new menu this week.
Tuesday - Crazy Pizza Bread
Wednesday - Portuguese Steak and Egg, Homemade Fries
Friday - Take out
Saturday -
Sunday -
♥♥From the camera♥♥
We get a lot of deer on our property, but this mama and her baby just make me smile. That is a real Bambi right there. :)
♥♥I am thankful for♥♥
God's hand in everything we do, for His protection and for especially His hand over Marley through this difficult time.
♥♥I am hoping to♥♥
Have a week full of blessings.
♥♥Happening this week♥♥
First our dryer broke and we had to purchase a new one. Then a few days after that, our water heater went out and we had to get a new one installed.
On Friday, our air conditioning went out, and guess what??? It's broken beyond repair and we need to get a new one. It is being installed this morning, but my word, how expensive are air conditioning units? The cheapest was $7500. Wow!!!
Thankful again for God's hand in it, and providing us a way to pay for such a huge purchase.
♥♥ Prayer List♥♥
♥♥♥ My SIL as she continues her fight with breast cancer. She has one last treatment of the Red Devil which is the horrible strongest chemo treatment for breast cancer. She then moves on to 12 weeks of weekly chemo but not as strong a treatment.
♥♥♥ Marley, that he continues to eat, to be comfortable, and to battle this cancer too. We are still praying for a miracle healing for our boy.
Blessings to you! Hang in there. Keep on keeping on.
Hugs, d
Hugs to you and Marley. Keep on being postive and strong. Have a good week and get some rest.
I'm so sorary you're having so many mechanical issues! Especially the AC in August in Texas! Congratulations to Curt for his baptism. Love the picture of the deer, so calming - having property on the edges for the wildlife is so wonderful. Keeping Marley and Hayley in my prayers as well as you. Try and have a GREAT week.
Glad that God heard your prayers and you came home to Marley doing so well. Prayers for continued healing for him and your sister-in-law. Also happy you were able to get some rest the past 2 days. Hope you do indeed have a wonderful week full of blessings!
Hi Sweetie! Continuing to send prayers for Marley and all intentions. Keep holding onto that faith and leaving whatever you need to at the feet of our loving and merciful Father. Biggest hugs dear Friend! 🙏 xoxo
I'm so happy about Curt and Marley too!
So glad Marley was able to have a good day on Sunday. God will take care of him no matter the outcome. Sorry about the broken appliances. Sadly, they always come in threes don't they? LOL Very understandable that you'd rather spend time with Marley than blog. Prayers still for him and Hayley.
You have had quite the week. Hoping the upcoming one will be more restful.
Prayers and hugs🙏
I'm saying a prayer for your sweet Marley.
I'm still praying for you and I'm so glad that Marley is doing some better! I know this has been so hard for you! Thank you for sharing the party even through your difficulty! I hope you have a good week and enjoy your time with your sweet Marley!
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