Good morning sweet ladies, how was your weekend?
Mine was good, got to spend some time with hubby, which is always a good thing since weekdays are so busy. We tackled a few projects around the house, wandered around Lowes, planted our veggies and fruit seeds, and even picked up a few established seedlings from Atwoods. They were having a 99c sale on all their veggie fruits.
Oh I also picked up two rose bushes that were 50% off, so I need to get those planted today.
Hope you all had a good weekend as well. As always, thank you for joining me every Monday, here on the ol' blog. I find that I can't get my Monday started without our post, helps keep me on track. Hope it does the same for you.
Have a blessed weekend, friends ♥

♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
We're already experiencing hot weather. Yesterday was 88. It's been absolutely gorgeous around here, the grass is all green, the birds are all building nests and little ones are hatching. Looks like we'll be enjoying hot weather from here on out. Now if we could just get rid of the crazy wind, that would be great.
Monday - Thunderstorms, 73
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 91
Wednesday - Sunny, 72
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 68
Friday - Sunny, 68
Saturday - Sunny, 78
Sunday - Partly cloudy/wind, 89
♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
The sun is shining. I love morning sun with it's beautiful golden glow, it just gives everything such a gorgeous hue. The birds are flying about between my big soapberry tree and the roof of my house. I see a few clouds in the sky, the storms haven't moved in yet, they're supposed to arrive this afternoon.
♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
Just finished my cup of coffee. Sitting on my bed, Elliott is stretched out beside me, just watching the birds outside the window.
I have a youtube video on the telly and I'm working on this post.
♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
The house projects we need to get to. There's so much to do, we haven't really tackled anything since we bought the house, 2 years ago. It's just a matter of making a list, seeing what needs tackling first, and then finding the time between hubby's work schedule, because some things I can't do on my own.
♥♥ Homemaking tips ♥♥
I shared this tip on my previous post, but thought I would share it here again, in case you missed it.
I have this cute brown jar that I keep
near my sink. In it I have dish soap. When I start running of dish
soap, I buy a new one, but before I run out completely, I pour the
remaining soap into the jar, and keep adding my leftover liquid dish
I wash dishes by hand, I just dip my sponge into the jar, and voila. I
try to use that soap up before starting a new bottle. It makes washing
the dishes easier, because I just have to dip the sponge in, and keep

♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Guess what? I got horrid sleep last night again. Perimenopause has given me the worst sleep of my life, especially during that time of the month. It is crazy. Between the night sweats and the waking up every 5 minutes, or laying awake for hours on end.....I don't know how I make it through the day without walking around like a zombie.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
I got some Dunkin Donuts coffee creamer with my groceries, on Friday. I had never tried it before, and oh my word, I can't stand it. It's awful. It's supposed to be just cream and sugar, but it's so sickeningly sweet, I just can't do it. I will be making my own creamer sometime today, or I may pop to the store. OR, even better, I think it's time to drop the creamers and go back to good ol' plain coffee with a splash of milk or cream.
How do you have your coffee?
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
Reading Exodus in my Bible
My devotional
Starting a new book for March today, as well as a new review book for a post coming up in a few weeks
♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
Doctor Who
Outlander - episode from last night
Crime Youtube Channels
Youtube homemaking channels
It's so strange. I was looking back at some Happy Homemaker Monday posts from years ago, and this category for me was always a huge list of shows I was either watching, or wanting to watch. I have found that over the years, the tv programming has gone downhill so much, I don't really enjoy anything on the tv anymore.
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday - Pork Chops, Fried Potatoes, Sauteed Cabbage with Bacon
Wednesday - Beef Enchiladas, Cilantro Rice, Veggies
Friday - Baked Italian Sub Sandwiches, Chips
Saturday - Tex Mex Chicken Wraps
Sunday - Leftovers
♥♥ Looking around the house ♥♥
The house is clean and tidy......well except for the big couch still in my den. Anyone else have a husband that struggles to get rid of things? I could just let it all go, if it's not needed or if we don't use it, it can go.
My husband on the other hand, does not like getting rid of things, it's a trait he inherited from his grandpa Fred. Hahahah
He always says "we could use it someday." Please help me people!!!!
♥♥ To do list ♥♥
- Get the two rose bushes into pots. I wanted to put them straight into the ground, but I think I am going to pot them first until they are well established, then I'll transplant them in the future
- Spritz all the seeds with water
- Move my two strawberry plants, to the back porch
- Get Italian Bread baked (I make at least 2 loaves every week, for toast, garlic bread or french bread pizzas for hubby and daughter's lunches)
- Clean bathroom, bleach tub (do this once a week), mop
- Plan my garden (what is going in which bed)
♥♥ Devotional ♥♥
Is there evidence in your life that you are awe deficient? Cry out for eyes to see once again, for a heart ripped by awe once again. And be thankful for the grace that assures you that you will be heard and answered.
New Morning Mercies Devotional by Paul David Tripp
We're having wind too and it's playing havoc on allergies! Unlike you though we even have the "S" word in the forecast for later this week - the weather has been the bane of my existence lately! I'm glad to hear you can plant, but not that the warm weather is already there. Fun menu! Have a blessed week my friend.
The wind is insane and yes, my allergies have been the worst they've been in years. Not to mention the cough I get from allergies has been ongoing for the past month and a half, driving me batty.
I really do hope you don't get snow, that is not cool at all LOL
Have a blessed week my sweet friend,
We are having a perfect weather day today and then tomorrow and the rest of the week will be to batten down the hatches! Storms. I go to Dunkin stores and buy coffee beans and grind it daily and drink it black. When I used cream, I used regular half&half. I love your new furniture. It’s almost identical to mine that I bought 18 years ago. I love it and it’s been very good furniture. I wish I could help your persuade Curt to get rid of the old furniture. I’m like you, that would drive me nuts! Act like your not going to feed him supper or lunch because your saving money to pay for movers! Lol! Call around to your charity stores, sometimes they actually have volunteers that will come out and get your stuff. It’s worth a try. Have a good week Sandra!
Oh, I'm so ready for a solid stretch of warm weather, I'd even take it with the wind! I feel your pain with the husband who keeps things, you are not alone. This weekend our city is having a drop off event for large items (like mattresses, etc.) and I've already told my husband we need to take advantage of it. Coffee with just milk what I have every day, saving the flavored stuff for when I get coffee out. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hello my Lovely,
I so relate with the crazy perimenopause sleeping! I get such insomnia sometimes. ugh! I've always wanted to plant roses, but intimated because I've heart they're finicky? Lol
I've been enjoying my coffee with fairlife protein drink - salted caramel flavor. It works great as a creamer but it's less WW points and I get the benefit of protein. Plus, it's really yummy as a milk substitute for my healthy cereal! 😉
I can't fault your hubby - I'm sentimental and try to keep everything! Lol I have to really force myself to be practical. I love our Mondays. They absolutely keep me on track! Have a blessed week ahead. xo
Glad you had a good weekend. Nice to hear about the plants / flowers. My husband keeps everything too... sigh.
Have a great week
Please send some of that beautiful weather my way! I agree with you on the Dunkin creamer! I thought it would be so good! It was so bad, I dumped it down the drain! And I hate wasting things. I hope your sleep improves. From the other side, I can tell you it does get better. Have a cozy evening.
I am so with you on the menopause problems. I never sleep good and the night sweats have worsened. It's awful waking up drenched and clammy. I started using essential oils and discussing them at night to help promote sleep. I use a blend at night with Lavender and Clary Sage. Awesome for menopause. Then I make a blend for day time. I actually have a video on our YouTube channel of the Benefits of Essential Oils and how I use them and how to get started. I noticed a big difference after switching from scented candles to essential oils. Our channel is Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms.
I am a person who says "I can use it later" too. My husband picks on me about it too. Lol. I've tried to learn not to be a pack rat and let things go.
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