Saturday, July 30, 2022
Friday, July 29, 2022
{ What Will They Think by Grace Valentine - TLC Book Tour }
About What Will They Think?: Nine Women in the Bible Who Can Help You Live Your Life Boldly
In this inspiring guide for young women, Grace Valentine shines a spotlight on nine courageous women in the Bible who lived their faith boldly. In a world that pressures you to seek validation from others, learn to focus on what truly matters.
“What will they think?” It’s a question that consumes many women and may even stop them from living the lives God has called them to live. Whether it’s don’t be too loud, don’t be too aggressive, or your role is to be a sidekick for men, women struggle to live a life that is about pleasing others—but Scripture describes women who actually did the opposite.
In this third release from popular blogger and podcaster Grace Valentine, What Will They Think? features the stories of nine incredible women in the Bible, including Esther, Deborah, Sarah, Mary Magdalene, and Tabitha. These women did not bend to peer pressure or seek to people-please but instead turned their focus on God.
What Will They Think? contains:
- Inspiring and motivating stories of strong women who lived courageously in their faith
- Practical steps on how to stop caring what others think and focus on what truly matters
- Personal stories from Grace’s life and her own struggle to stop focusing on the opinions of others
For inspiration found in the lives of these biblical heroes, What Will They Think? provides steps to finding freedom to live life boldly and to stop caring about what others might think.
About Grace Valentine
Grace Valentine is an author, blogger, podcast host, and speaker. Her readers love the fact that she is young, ordinary, and relatable; they say her fresh voice helps them navigate their own faith and life. Grace’s mission is to show others that Christianity is not lame–it is an adventure worth living.
Grace grew up near New Orleans, Louisiana, in a suburban town called Mandeville. She graduated from Baylor University in 2018 with a degree in journalism. She currently resides in Orlando, Florida, where she enjoys going on runs and eating lots of sushi. You can find Grace on Instagram @thegracevalentine; her podcast, I’m Tired; Twitter @GraceV96; or her website, Grace loves connecting with her readers, so send her a message!
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The Gilded Age
Thursday, July 28, 2022
{ Cooking Thursday - Pao de Leite Condensado (Condensed Milk Bread) }
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
{ Good Dog and Best Patient Award }
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
{ Kaia went in for her spaying }
Monday, July 25, 2022
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/25/2022 }