Monday, May 06, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/06/2024

Good morning everyone, welcome back.  How was your weekend?
Can you believe that we are already in May?  This year is flying by.  Well it is Monday, it is hot, and we are once again looking at some severe storms.  I have never seen so many strong storms, and so many tornadoes in our area.  Please keep the entire Tornado alley in your prayers as we head into more severe weather.
Stay safe friends, please and make sure you're covering yourselves and your homes with the blood of Jesus.
Anyway, let's get on with our post for today.  Have a blessed week ladies!


*** The Weather *** 
Constant severe weather, it's starting to get a little unnerving, to be honest.  I try not to worry and not to fear, but it's been pretty scary.   
Monday - Severe weather, 86
Tuesday - Sunny, 85
Wednesday - Sunny, 84
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 77
Friday- Mostly sunny, 76
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 79
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 80
*** Right now I am *** 
Working on this post and listening to a weather report on what to expect today. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
About this weather, again like I said I don't want to be scared, but it's been very unnerving and scary.  .    
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm doing very well, aside from this weather stuff, I'm doing good. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I've had my coffee, and will have some oatmeal soon.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Chickpea Salad with Tuna.      
*** On the dinner plate ***
Baked Garlic Lemon Salmon, Garlic Pasta, Greek Salad. 
*** On the menu *** 
Will start working on the new meal plan, which as always, will kick in on Thursday.  Also, just keep in mind these are the meals I make for dinners, but I am doing low carb, so many times, I have just the meat or fish, and the salad, and not the rice, pasta or potatoes.

Baked Garlic Lemon Salmon, Garlic Pasta, Greek Salad.
Beef and Broccoli, Brown Rice, Vegetable Egg rolls   
Bacon Spaghetti, Garlic Bread (I will probably have something else, since I am avoiding carbs)




*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightgown.  Might throw on a summer dress or some shorts, not sure. 

*** On my reading pile *** 
Done with Exodus, now debating which book to read next in the Bible.  I am kind of pulling towards Revelation.  It is a difficult one to get through, but it's also important to read.  Which book are you reading through in the Bible right now?

*** On my TV this week ***
This one hasn't changed much at all, but it's what I'm watching so leaving it as is, for now.
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani, Sen Anlat Karadeniz
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery with my hubby

*** Looking around the house *** 
Need to give the carpets a good clean today, and do the usual pick up and tidy.  Also want to get some dusting done. 
*** To do list *** 
Cleaning the house
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Start working on meal plan and grocery list
*** From the camera *** 
This time of the year, we are flooded with butterflies.  Small ones, big ones, yellow, white, black and orange.  I just love sitting outside and watching them fly around, sometimes coming right up to me as if to say hello.  

I snapped this photo in my front yard, this is a female Black Swallowtail.  How magnificent are they?  God's creations are something beyond words.

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Still slowly working on the crochet blanket.  I did get some new crochet hooks yesterday, my daughter got them as an early mother's day present, and I'm so excited to try them.  Will take a photo and show you tomorrow. 
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
I pray that the Lord covers everyone in the path of these storms, with the blood of Jesus.  We have been given authority and power over the everything, and we are to use that authority when something is a threat to our well being.
So with that in mind, I cancel and rebuke all storms, in the name of Jesus Christ.  They will NOT come anywhere near our homes and our properties, our animals, our families.  I draw a bloodline around the areas in the forecast and call upon God's army to protect anyone in the path.  Amen and Amen!!!  


threesidesofcrazy said...

BEAUTIFUL butterfly photo! I have been watching the weather in your area and pray you stay safe! Tray and have a worry free week my friend.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Those storms would be so scary! Prayers will continue to be sent for safety for all! I believe in how the Lord watches over. 🙏🏻💕
It's funny you say that about Revelations - I started reading it recently and then stopped and haven't gone back yet. It is a tough one.
That butterfly pic is so beautiful. Gos truly is an artist.
I LOVE that afghan you're crocheting. Yay for new hooks!
Blessings always.

Sherry Jolly said...

Your butterfly photograph is absolutely stunning!

I have been working at the Grace Bible Reading Plan from How to Faith a Life. Last week I started taking a class on Revelation. It's a free class from the Dallas Theological Seminary.
"The course of Revelation is a seven-lesson course taught by Dr. Stanley Toussaint (1928-2017), examining insights into the social, political, and religious conditions of John’s day, how to interpret the prophecies presented in Revelation, and what Revelation tells us about Christ’s return."


Adriaantje said...

Frightening, those storms!
What a beautiful photo of that butterfly.
Greetings, Adriaantje

Luludou said...

Stay safe!
Lovely butterflies

Have a great week

@irina_sweet_home said...

I hope you are well! I wish you a blessed May