Tuesday, August 06, 2024

A busy Tuesday

Well hello there.  

You're probably thinking I've lost my marbles, since I'm talking about it being a busy Tuesday and it's just the early afternoon.  But, there is a method to my madness, because I am quite busy today pottering around, homemaking and doing some deep cleaning.  My dogs started barking (my feet hurt, for those who don't know what that means lol),  so I figured I better sit down for a bit. 

And since I will probably not get another chance to post today, I wanted to just get in here and get it done so I don't forget.  I'm trying y'all, I'm trying very hard to be a responsible blogger.

I have a few pics to share, as always so I'll just sprinkle them indiscriminately through this post.  

August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

My day started with a cup of coffee at 5am, as it usually does, but when I finally make my way into the kitchen and get ready to start the actual homemaking day, I usually have another cup, and when I do, I often like to indulge in a pure cup of coffee manually brewed.
I just find so much peace and calmness in pouring the hot boiling water over the filter, watching the coffee grounds gurgle and bubble and hearing the sweet trickling sound of coffee filling the carafe.
It also makes for some of the best coffee you'll ever had, truly. 

August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

For breakfast I had 3 scrambled eggs from our chickens.  It's such a pleasure and a joy to get the eggs everyday, to be able to know that we are eating healthier eggs filled with nutrients for our bodies.  

I just love my girls.  We have 3 girls, only 2 are laying so far because the youngest one is not yet old enough to start.  Hopefully soon.

Once breakfast was had, I moved on to make some more banana bread from the frozen bananas I had in my deep freezer.  Remember last week I cleaned it out?  Well I had 2 big bags of frozen bananas in there, and banana bread is a favorite around here, so I whipped up two loaves of the Copycat Starbucks Banana Bread, which is by far my favorite recipe to use.  It's over on my food blog

August 6, 2024

Then my day began, so far today I have deep cleaned my bathroom including getting into the tub with gloves and my Cif Cream, magic eraser and brillo pads and really putting in some elbow work.  It's hard for me to do because of the osteoarthritis, but it's a job that needs to be done.

I also did a ton of laundry, moved couches and other furniture in the living room so I could get a good vacuum and clean behind it, and gave the backyard patio a good clean as well.  It involved moving the furniture, sweeping the area, cleaning the outside rug, and moving all the furniture back into place.

Believe it or not, these may sound like small tasks but when you have arthritis they are difficult to do, and I find that I keep having to stop because either my hands or my knee is bothering me.  Goodness!!!

I still need to go clean out the chicken coop again.  There are so many little bugs in there and I think they've been biting the girls, because they have these black spots on their combs which are really bothering me.  It's been so miserably hot and the bugs are out in force, so it's not surprising but it does break my heart to see.

Anyway, that's what is happening around here today, I hope you're having a slower Tuesday than mine.

I have to get back at it, so I'll see you all tomorrow!


Aritha V. said...

I enjoyed your blog ànd the photos

Debbie said...

It sounds like you've done so much for one day! And I have things going on with my hands and it's so painful after a day of hard tasks. I've caught up on the last few posts of your blog and I can relate so much to staying informed but not consumed. I don't watch the news, but of course, you see things on social media. So much of it creates fear and we have a world full of fearful people, all the time. I can't live with constant fear, so I choose to trust that God will take care of it all. I agree that if everyone would tend to their families and homes and marriages, maybe the world would be a better place. I'm so thankful we have Jesus. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week :) Take care.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I just bought a chargeable scrub brush and love it! I can't believe I waited so long to buy one. It's making my cleaning jobs so much easier. We are in the process of finishing the last repairs and updates in our master bath, but frustrated with the hired help. I posted about it today. We shall see if the guy acually returns to finish it.