Monday, August 12, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/12/2024


Good morning ladies, and welcome back to another Happy Homemaker Monday!
I haven't posted in a few days, I've been busy and Saturday I also celebrated my 50th Birthday.  The big one.  I can't believe I am a half a century old, but what a blessing to be here.  I think with every year that we get through, we need to be more thankful.  So, I am heading into the fifties and to a whole new chapter in my life, it's a bit overwhelming but quite exciting too.
Anyway, I am not going to talk too much today, I am not feeling very good as it's that time of the month, and I'm noticing the closer I get to menopause the weirder, more intense and just draining my cycles are.  
But yes, let's just get on with our day, I have so much I need to accomplish but not quite sure how much I'll get done today, it may end up being a "forced relaxation day", for me.
I hope you all have a blessed week ahead.  Thank you as always for being here and participating. 
*** The Weather *** 
Sick of it, that should say it all.  We got a tiny reprieve this weekend when the temperatures dropped to the 90s and we were supposed to get rain.  No rain, everyone else around us within a 10 minute radius had rain, but not us.  We are back to scorching heat and heat advisories.  Blech! 

*** Right now I am ***
Sitting on my bed with a heating pad on my tummy.  I'm watching a youtube vlog on the telly, and the babies as always are fast asleep next to me, snuggled in their blankets.   
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
About my meal plan for the next two weeks, I need to start working on it and am trying to remember to jot down a few meals, so I don't forget.  
*** How I am feeling *** 
As I mentioned above, just struggling a bit with this cycle.  It's one of those that I can already tell is going to leave me depleted of energy.  The night sweats, hormonal headache, nausea and cramps are just annoying.  But we will count our blessings and just move through it. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I've had a cup of coffee.  I'm not sure what I'll have to eat, I don't feel like anything specific, so maybe just my trusted ol' oatmeal.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Chickpea tuna salad. (This one doesn't change much, seems to be my Monday lunch, every week)
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Slow Cooker Beef Stew, Steamed Broccoli
*** On the menu *** 
Will be working on the new meal plan today.

Slow Cooker Beef Stew, Steamed Broccoli  






*** What I am wearing *** 
At the moment I am wearing some cute summer pajamas that my brother and sister in law got me, for my birthday.  They are super soft, top and capri pants.  Really cute.  I will be popping up some leggings later and a tank top or a tshirt.  Just going for comfy today.
*** On my reading pile *** 
Still in 1 Samuel in the Bible.  
I finished Bright Raven Skies, but really hated the ending.  Ugh!  Overall it was a sweet trilogy but yeah, not too happy with how things wrapped up. 
I ended up not starting the  The Cut Out Girl by Bart Van Es. I'll wait on that one for now, because I got the first two books in the Court of Thorn and Roses series from Sarah J. Maas, and I've been wanting to read those for a while.

*** On my TV this week *** 
The usual YouTube homemaking channels.  
My Lady Jane on Amazon Prime.
*** Looking around the house *** 
We had a full house on Saturday for my birthday, and anytime there is food and lots of people, I end up having to carpet clean.  I didn't get to do it yesterday because Jasmine and her boyfriend Issac were over for the day, so that is on my list for today.  Hopefully....fingers crossed, if I can get my cramps to back off for a little. 
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Water plants on the porch
A row or two on my Cosmic Blanket.  

*** What I am creating ***
So I was going to do the fabric mushrooms, got everything cut out and then just set them aside.  I don't know why I have this block to sew at the moment, but when I feel like that, I just leave it and eventually I will feel like doing it.  I did however clean out my crochet works in progress, and came across my Cosmic blanket, which I started back in 2018.  So yeah, 6 years ago.  

I picked it back up and have done 3 rows already this weekend, but I'm a bit frustrated because one of the yarns I was using, I can't seem to find in stores and I really don't want to change the colorway right now.  So I don't know what to do.  I may have to omit that color and just continue with the other 3, but I'm so bummed out.  Ugh.  "Sandra, next time keep the skein sleeves with the color names on, will ya?" 🙄
*** From the camera *** 
My little crochet pillow that I'm working on. 

August 7, 2024
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
I would ask you to please pray for the family of a young girl, who went home to be with Jesus yesterday.  It is such a sad story.
My stepmom, who lives in South Africa, had asked me 2 weeks ago to pray for Sisi.  Sisi was a 6 year old sweet little girl, who attended her church and was in my stepmom's Sunday school class.  About 3 weeks ago, she developed a pain in her cheek and they thought it was a tooth, but after a dentist visit, it was determined it wasn't any teeth.  A few days after that, her little head tumbled to the left and her eyes couldn't focus.  She had a scan done and a ton of other tests, and the doctors found cancer in her brain.  
A week after she slipped into a coma and last week the doctors said she had just 3 weeks to live.  Within a week, little Sisi passed.  It is devastating, and I can't imagine the pain her family is going through.  Please keep them in your prayers, please. 


Jules said...

Belated Birthday Wishes, Sandra! I hope you enjoyed your special day.
Sorry to read that you are still struggling with your peri-menopause symptoms. I don't have any advice, other than to be kind to yourself and rest when you need to. Sweats, nausea, headaches and cramps don't sound like much fun.
And I'm so very sorry to read about Sisi. I can't begin to imagine what her poor parents are going through. So very sad. Xx

Jules said...
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threesidesofcrazy said...

Hope your birthday was wonderful with family and friends all around! 50 is an awesome accomplishment. I too am horrible at not keeping the yarn sleeves and have had that same problem! I know HE has a reason, but I always struggle with the "WHYS" of it all when such devastating things happen to young children and their families - keeping them in my prayers. Feel better, I hope this week passes uneventfully and you do better than you imagine.

Dawn Marie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I hope you find relief soon, just make sure to get lots of rest. And my prayers are with Sisi's family. That is so heart breaking.

Jean said...

Happy Belated 50th Birthday! Hope you start to feel better and have an amazing first week of being 50!

Luludou said...

Happy belated 50th birthday!! Enjoy your week

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Happy bday again dear Friend! May you be abundantly blessed in the years ahead. 🙏🏻💕 I personally think the 50's rock! I also hope you feel better soon and the cramps behave. Yuck to all this menopause stuff. And prayers sent for Sisi's family. A pain I pray I never have to know - losing a child.
Blessings on your week! xo

Adriaantje said...

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! Inderdaad, een halve eeuw!
Mooie week gewenst!

Billie Jo said...

Happy and Blessed Birthday!! Fifties are really wonderful. I will be halfway through mine next month. And menopause. Yes. I had more emotional symptoms than physical. It can seem like it never ends. But I am on the other side, and feeling so much better. Prayers for you and your intentions!