Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/19/2024

Good morning ladies, and welcome back to another Happy Homemaker Monday!
I hope you've all had a fantastic weekend, mine was good, relaxed, went to the gym and caught up on a Turkish show I've been meaning to watch for a long time.
I don't have much planned for this week, so am thankful for a slow, quiet week indoors and away from the horrible temperatures we're having.  I hope you're all staying cool as well.
Now, let's get right on with our post, which is going up a little later than usual, sorry about that.

*** The Weather *** 
I am not even going to comment on it, I'll just leave you the temps and go cry in a corner somewhere.  
*** Right now I am ***
Eating my breakfast and trying to get this post up as quick as I can. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing specific, just a running list of what I need to do or want to do this week, and hoping to get it all down on paper before I forget.  
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm well, though a bit sore from the gym workout this weekend. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with pumpkin spice seasoning, and a banana healthy pancake.  
1 banana, mashed
1 egg
1 tablespoon almond flour
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed (optional)
Stevia (optional, depending on how sweet the banana is)
Mix it all and make one big pancake.  It's so tasty, healthy, you get your protein, your healthy fats and so on.  And it's a great quick breakfast too.
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, I don't know what I feel like.  It's been so hot lately, that I've sometimes just have a smoothie.  
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Salisbury steak, basmati rice, sauteed squash.
*** On the menu *** 

Salisbury steak, basmati rice, sauteed squash 
Chicken Cacciatore, Penne Pasta, Salad
Moroccan Fish, Arabic Rice, Sweet and Spicy Cabbag
Chicken enchiladas, cilantro lime rice, beans (using leftover chicken from the cacciatore)
Hamburger Helper, Mixed Veggies
Fend for yourself
Slow Cooker Beef Ramen Noodles

*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown, I am moving a bit slow today since my legs are so sore LOL  But I will get dressed into some blue and white striped shorts and a blue tank top. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

*** On my TV this week *** 
The usual YouTube homemaking channels.  
Kizim Turkish Show
*** Looking around the house *** 
The house is clean, I gave it a good clean and tidy yesterday.  Today I just have to do my usual week prep and dusting.
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Water plants on the porch
A row or two on my Cosmic Blanket.  
Week prep
Make Refrigerator Pickles

*** What I am creating ***
Working on my crochet blanket.  I managed to find the yarn that was missing, at JoAnns.  Or at least I think I got, but it is arriving tomorrow so I'll have to see.  Hoping it's the right one.
I'm also creating a reading journal, it's been fun to just draw and write and make it cute.  It's relaxing and calming for me.
*** From the camera *** 
I love this blanket so much, and am having so much fun working on it again.
August 13, 2024
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
God's care comes in many forms.  Fellowship is God caring enough to put people in your life to encourage, rebuke, and comfort you. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp


threesidesofcrazy said...

Your menu sounds wonderful! I had to laugh at the slow cooker ramen noodles though. Ramen has always been a "quick" thing for me especially getting through college! Tray and stay cool and have a wonderful week! Praying you see cooler temperatures soon!

Adriaantje said...

Your menu is lovely, especially the "take care of yourself" seems very tasty! 😉
The blanket is going to be very nice, I hope you ordered the right wool.
Warm regards

Mother Em said...

Phew with the heat! When you ever get 'round to selling any of your beautiful blankets, I'm first in line. Used to have your email address, but have lost touch with you. Mary in GA

Aritha V. said...

What a nice blanket. I love the colors.

Cathy said...

Isn't crocheting just the most soothing handwork to spend time on doing? Every time I see someone working on a crochet project (which for me usually means afghan) I want to begin one too! Just lovely.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello dear Friend! You are rock star continuing those workouts and getting so healthy. (sore or not) Lol I'm stealing that healthy banana pancake - love that!
I love that you're decorating up your reading journal. What a fun way to be creative and relax too. Love seeing what you'll crochet next! Hope you get cooler temps soon. Blessings. xoxo

Luludou said...

ouch the heat! I like the banana pancake recipe. Have fun decorating your journal. Enjoy your week

Jean said...

The colors of your blanket are so pretty! Hope you have had a wonderful day!

Jules said...

Thank you for the pancake recipe. It sounds delicious. Xx