Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/26/2024


Good morning ladies, and welcome to the last Happy Homemaker Monday in August.  Can you believe that?  I am so happy to see this month come to an end, even though it's my birthday and anniversary month, the heat is unbearable.
So, last one for August, and then we are into the BER months....yay!
I had a good weekend, it was laid back and relaxing and just what I needed.  Got a lot of crochet in, which felt so good to do, it's been years since I've done that, so it's great to be back on track with that.
Last week was a bit of a hit and miss when it came to posting, but I explained why in my last post, which you can see here, The Past Week in Pictures
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and are ready for a new blank slate, week ahead.  I pray God's blessings over you and your families.  Now, let's see what is happening around our homes. 

*** The Weather *** 
We are over the triple digits, at least for the foreseeable future, thank the Lord above.  We got up to 113 and haven't seen any rain for well over a month or two, and are desperately needing a reprieve.  Thankfully it looks like we are getting just that heading towards the end of this week.  Can't wait! ☔

*** Right now I am ***
Just said goodbye to hubby as he went off to work.  I am starting to work on getting this post up, and am also watching random videos on Youtube, not really paying attention to anything specific. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Actually meal planning is on my mind since I need to get groceries on Wednesday, but I'm struggling to find inexpensive meals.  I am hoping to get a meal plan down that will maybe just give me a little break from the expensive groceries.  It's not easy either when you have some family members that don't eat specific things, it makes it harder to plan.  But, we will get there.  I think I may look through Clara's cookbook and find some inexpensive meals that everyone will eat. 

*** How I am feeling *** 
It's the Monday after a good gym workout, so as always, I am sore.  I have started incorporating exercises for my glutes (behind) and I'm certainly feeling them. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Just had a cup of coffee and one of my healthy banana pancakes, I left you the recipe last week, if you're interested in giving it a try. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not really sure, I mighty stick with a simple tuna salad with lettuce and boiled egg. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Slow Cooker Beef Ramen Noodles.  I will eat something different, as I don't want to eat noodles.  It's hard to eat as well lately because the cheaper meals are usually pasta, rice, potatoes, all things that I have to eat very little of.  I'll figure something out for myself.  
*** On the menu *** 
Meals just for the next two days, then the new meal plan will kick in.  

Slow Cooker Beef Ramen Noodles 
Chicken Enchiladas, Rice, Beans (didn't make it last week)

*** What I am wearing *** 
Grey and white striped nightgown.  Will probably put on some leggings and a top later. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  
Finished A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, and also finished Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Started The Linen Queen by Patricia Falvey

*** On my TV this week *** 
Homemaking channels on YouTube.  
Kanatsiz Turkish Show.
Time Team on Amazon Prime (one of my favorite shows ever and there are 20 seasons, although on Amazon you only have seasons 11, 17, 18, 19 and 20)
If you don't know what it is about, it is a group of specialists who dig deep to uncover as much as they can in three days about a U.K. site's archaeology and history.  It is absolutely fascinating to watch and so interesting, and informative. 

*** Looking around the house *** 
The beautiful golden morning sun, is streaming in through the windows.  I love morning light, it gives everything such a magical hue.  There are a few Autumn decorations here and there.  I pulled out my decorations on Friday and have started bringing out little pops of Fall here and there. 
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
A row or two on my Cosmic Blanket.  
Meal plan and grocery list

*** What I am creating ***
Cosmic Cal Blanket from Crystals and Crochet.  By the way, the yarn I got from JoAnns last week?  Wrong color, totally wrong color.  *sigh*
But, I did find the right one on Amazon and it arrived on Saturday, and I'm already using it on the new row I just started.  I need to do better at keeping track of of yarn brands and colors per project.
*** From the camera *** 
My yummy refrigerator pickles. 
August 20, 2024
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Why fear when God has already given you, in Christ, everything you need to be what you're supposed to be and to do what you're called to do?  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp


A Runners Mom & More said...

Happy last Monday in August...

Luludou said...

Oh I've always thought of doing refrigerator pickles. Glad you are under the 3-digits. Have a great week

Cathy said...

I looked at your recipe for the refrigerated pickles and it looks very similar to mine. They are delicious pickles!

Cathy said...

I just wanted to add something here about the link this week. You see I am 4 and 5...Sorry.😏 I am not familiar with Linky and they reposted last week's and I could not remove it. I believe I understand now what I must do!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello dear Friend! I'm so excited for the "ber" months too! Tryiing to soak up the last days of summer though too. I picked up a few new Fall decorations and may just be leaving them out on display already. Lol Your fridge pickles look SO good! Blessings. xo

Jean said...

Your fridge pickles look good! Glad you are finally going to get a break from the heat, one day of it this week around here and I'm done with it already. I don't know how you put it with it all summer. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Jules said...

I'm slightly envious, as the heat is far from being unbearable here. It's cool and it's raining. I'm struggling between wishing summer would last a little longer, and thinking autumn might as well just start autumning now. Xx

R's Rue said...

I’m ready for it to cool off here too. I love those pickles. Have a wonderful day.

Mary M said...

I know what you mean about trying to avoid noodles, rice etc.. do you have one of those small devices that will make noodles of sorts out of zucchini, carrots etc? I found if I put them in the hot ramen broth, meat etc a few minutes before serving it softened them slightly but not enough to make them mushy.