It is a beautiful Autumn morning, except for the unwanted wind which has been at it since Sunday afternoon. My allergies are awful, and I don't say that lightly. At this point, if I could scratch out my eyes and nose, I would. It doesn't help that I really dislike taking allergy meds because of the drowsiness they give me, so I try to suffer it out, but honestly? I can't wait for this wind to disappear, which seems to be happening only tomorrow. *sigh*
I haven't done many update daily, life posts. This month has been mainly filled with the Husband prayers, but since it's winding down and getting ready to end, I thought it was time to start bringing in the usual day in the life, what am I doing, kind of posts.
Just finished going by to visit all the Happy Homemaker Monday participants, and leaving some comments. I love interacting with you all but don't always have the time.

Autumn is finally starting to show it's full face. It's been slow going, and up until what seems like overnight, it didn't seem like the leaves and the trees were going to change at all. But, there's definite signs now, thank goodness.
I do love the changing colors, and maybe you're like me, and can smell the change in the air. There is a specific change to the light of the day and the smell in the air. It's pure bliss, to me at least.

I've been loving waking up each morning, opening the blinds and windows and just stretching and waking up to the crisp air. Well except for days like these with wind, there's no way I'm taking in a whiff of that wind, not with my allergies like this. Hahahah
I spend a little time with the babies too. They give us unconditional love, all day long, and they don't ask for much at all, so I love showering them with love and attention. They certainly appreciate it ♥

Books have been read, and when I say that, I mean quite a few. I am back on my reading streak and have just been inhaling books, left, right and center. I feel like I can't get enough. It does help that I'm a fast reader, so if I have time, I will usually start and sometimes finish a book the same day or the very next morning.
I've started dedicating my Sunday's to book reading as well. After getting home from church and gym, I will take my shower, have a quick lunch then get into bed with a warm blanket, a hot cup of milky tea and a book. I then spend the next 3 hours or so, just reading, sometimes napping but mainly reading. It's been a very welcome calming routine that I think helps end the weekend, and reset our bodies for the week ahead.

I've also been making it a priority to grab my camera more, and to take photos of life around me. I've always enjoyed taking pictures of birds, so any chance I get, I take advantage.
This gorgeous mourning dove was perched on the tree right outside my bedroom window. It sat there for a long time, just looking at me while I took photos. How beautiful is it?

Life has been slowing down, but I know that here soon it will kick into high gear again with the holidays upon us. I am already planning our Thanksgiving, Christmas Cards, Christmas shopping and so forth.
I love Christmas cards and I miss the days where sending out cards was a thing. It feels like over the years people have gotten more comfortable with just sending an online card, or just wishing someone a Merry Christmas over a text or an impersonal post on social media.
But I love the exchange of actual cards and I really want to send more out this year. I think we need to do that. We need to make an effort to send out actual cards in the mail, and I would love to send some of you a card too, especially if you're one of my usual readers. It would be quite fun to do a card exchange between us blog readers.
What do you think? Let me know.
Right, it is almost 8:30am, and I'm still sitting in bed. I need to do my prayers, read my devotional and my Bible and then get started with my day.
On the to do list for today:
Clean living room and dining room windows
Vacuum and dust
Pay bills
Start Thanksgiving Menu
Iron a pile of clothes
Workout and get my 10k steps in
Have a blessed Tuesday friends!