Monday, October 07, 2024

{ 31 Days of Prayer for my Husband - Day 7 }

Day 7
Pray that your husband will safeguard his heart against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. Pray that his heart will be pure and undivided in his commitment to you. (Prov. 6:23-24, 26; Rom. 13:14)

Proverbs 6:23-24

23For he commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light;
And reproofs for discipline are the way of life
24To keep you from the evil woman,
From the smooth tongue of the adulteress.

Proverbs 6:26 (New American Standard Bible)

For on account of a harlot one is reduced to a loaf of bread,
And an adulteress hunts for the precious life.

Romans 13:14 (New American Standard Bible)

14But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts. 

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