Thursday, October 03, 2024

{ Restocking the freezer and random thoughts }

October 2, 2024

Do you ever just have random thoughts of missing specific things or times in your life?  I do, quite often. 

Sometimes they are about family members or times in my life, my kids being little, childhood memories, things we used to do and so on.  One of the thoughts that was running through my mind, as simplistic as it may seem, was the days I would go to the library and come back home hauling tons of books.

I used to share the hauls on here all the time, and show you everything I had gotten and was reading.  As the years moved on, I began going less and less to the library and then just stopped altogether.  I had a Kindle, I had shelves full of books to read, and trips to the library seemed kind of pointless.

But it's something I dearly miss, like really, really miss.

I think I may need to do a library run this weekend, when I'm at the gym on base.  

October 2, 2024

At times I have said that my life has changed so much, and things are all different.  But then I look through my old blog posts and realize that, it kind of hasn't.  I still strive to lead a very simplistic, quiet, homey kind of life.  I am a true homemaker, down to the deepest depths of my soul, and it brings so much joy.  I can't imagine being or doing anything else.

It's funny how sometimes I look at my house now, and even though it's a completely different house, in a different state and under different circumstances, some areas look exactly the same.

Take this picture below for instance.  I look at it and immediately think of my old kitchen on base, at Luke in Arizona.  The stoves are different of course, the one on base was gas which I LOVE, but still, it gives me the same kind of vibes.

I think because no matter where we move to, the person and the way of decorating is still the same, it doesn't change, so it ends up just melding all together.  I personally love it, because it feels like anytime I miss my old little base house, I can just look at my kitchen now and be transported back in time.

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

The past few days I have been doing my usual homemaking, but also moving some things back and forth, as always.  No matter how much I think I have something in a spot that I think works best, eventually, as time moves on, I realize it's not working for me and my needs, so I move things around again, hoping to find the right configuration, so to speak.

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

Favorite meals have been made and enjoyed, and fresh bread has been baked to refill the freezer.  I love having french bread in there for pizzas, garlic bread or subs.  I don't eat bread as much as I used to, but that doesn't mean that the rest of the family can't still enjoy it right?

I am pretty sure I've shared the recipe here before, but if I haven't and you want it, let me know and I'll share it next time.

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

As I've refilled the freezer, I have also been refilling my soul with the Lord's word.  It feels so strange to me when I go a day without reading my Bible.  I feel that it helps me get through the day and face anything that may cause me stress of any kind.  Leaning into Him and letting Him guide my steps, is the only way to live, because when I try to take control, things seem to go haywire.  It's inevitable!

I am a bit tired today, I had a hard time falling asleep last night and then kept waking up throughout, so I'm kind of dragging myself a round a bit.  I don't feel like doing anything, I have zero motivation or energy, but I did force myself to get my 15 minute workout in, so at least there's that.

October 2, 2024

I will have to get dinner started in about an hour, so for now I am going to catch up on some Vlogtober videos on Youtube or maybe read a little in my book.  I keep yawning though so it may just happen that I conk off on the couch (I hope not, but you never know).

The house is very quiet, everyone is at work, and the fur babies are asleep.  Kaia is on the couch sleeping and Elliott is by the back door napping on the floor.  It's the perfect temperature in the house, and in the distance I can hear the turtle filter running in the office.  This is why I say that I may just fall asleep, and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to listen to my body and do what it tells me.  If it says I'm tired and need a power nap, then maybe that is what I need.

Anyway, I'm hopping off here.  Have a blessed day!

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