I know you think you're doing a GREAT thing by offering me a free blogging service (and yes, hats off to you for that), BUT does that entitle you to have less than workable conditions???
Do you have any idea how annoying it is to be locked out of your own blog, or not able to comment on a friend's one??? Please, do us all a favor....get your act together!!!
I've had the WORST time trying to post anything today, it literally took me an hour to get my WFMW post up. I haven't been able to visit any of my favorite blogs, and let's not even mention trying to post a comment anywhere.....Mission Impossible!!!
BUT, it seems that blogger has stopped PMSing, and I'm able to get on and do my daily post, and don't worry because as soon as I'm done here, I'm running on over to all my faves to read and comment. Now don't kill me either, faithful readers, all 1 or 2 of you (if I'm that lucky lol), but I'm looking for a new template. I'm frustrated with Internet Explorer pushing my right menu to the bottom and I think it's time to go back to just one sidebar.....and since I don't have time to make my own template right now (got other work to do), I'm just going to use one of the many wonderful free templates available.
So if you come back tomorrow and it's a new template, don't run away, it's just me being bored and antsy as usual.
Had the worst headache yesterday, didn't even get to run to the store, asked hubby to go for me. I'm just lucky to have such a wonderful husband who does what I ask, no questions asked, isn't that sweet???
The headache is still here today but I'm starting to think it's either allergies or my sinus acting up again, I think the main giveaway is the pressure and the feeling of congestion. Nothing some pills can't cure right???
You all know that we're a military family, so moving is always a thought in the back of our minds, you never really get to call a place a home. Let's just say that we're brave nomads, going from land to land. At least that's how I like to think of it!!!
With the whole BRAC thing going on, there's a lot of changes being made, and one of them is obviously to the base we're at. My husband being an F-16 mechanic will fall into the category of people being shifted and moved from base to base. So I found out yesterday that we will more than likely have orders out of here by March of next year. Who knows where we will end up!!!!
I just gotta keep remindind myself of 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast your cares upon Him, for he Cares about You".....no matter where we end up, things will be fine!
I'm so excited today, I have a package waiting for me at the post
Now I know a lot of you are probably turning your noses up at me, and I understand, because if you know the portuguese Cod Fish, you know that it's dried and salty and it does stink. (literally).
But it's also one of the MOST deliscious fish you can come across.
I will be sure to share the recipes in my food blog, so if you ever find cod fish and don't know what to make with it, try Bacalhau A Gomes de Sa, or Bacalhau a Braz or even a quick Bacalhau Cozido com Grao. My mouth is watering just thinking about it :)
"BE CONTENT IN EVERYTHING", that was the title of my next chapter in the "15 Minutes Alone with God". Boy did it hit home!!! I am one of those people who are always looking to the future, when do we get paid again, when will we have our own house, the next car, the next month, the next outfit......never stopping to think about the here and now. What a fool I've been, I've spent my whole life chasing after the what can be instead of just accepting what IS and thanking God for it.
"Godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Timothy 6:6)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I shouldn't eat healthier or try to maintain a wealthy weight. But I need to do it because it's what makes me feel better and NOT because I think it's what will make me acceptable to society. What IS acceptable, really???
I think one of the things that I have to realize, is that even if I DON'T end up loosing all the weight I want, it's OK....the Lord will still be there no matter what, and THAT for me is what matters.
I have to stop worrying about where I am in my life right now, and that goes for everything, my body, my mind, my life, my house, my family, everything. Just have to praise God for where I am, and ask him to reveal to me what I'm supposed to be learning from this present situation. There's always something to learn, and although we may not notice it right away, eventually we see it.
And I'm out of here for today, Blogger is starting to act weird again and I honestly don't have the patience to deal with it. Last thing I need is another whiny kid right? LOL
Have a great day everyone, and please, if you get a chance, come join me for breakfast tomorrow morning???
God bless,
I have a tip for easing sinus congestion. It may sound a little gross, but I have just terrible sinuses and this helps me. Get some plain old saline nasal spray. You can get the brand name one called Ocean, or you can buy the generic from WalMart or wherever...it's the exact same stuff, just less expensive. Anyway, make sure it is just the plain stuff with no medications in it. I use a couple of sprays in each nostril in the morning before my shower and right before I go to bed at night. It really helps to clear the junk out of there.
Hope your headache feels better!!!
And blogger messed with me today, too...very frustrating!!
I forgot to tell you that after you do the sprays to wait a few minutes then blow your nose. Sorry, I accidentally left that out!
I had an awful time with Blogger last night trying to post my pics of this weekend to Court's! No joke, it took me 3 hours to upload 5 pics!!! GRRRRR!!! LOL
We too may be moving around the first of the year! No official word yet, and as you know all too well, it probably won't come 'till the last minute, but we'll see what happens!
Hope your sinuses have cleared up and you are feeling better!
Believe it or not my hubby's been stationed at this base going on 7 yrs now! Almost unheard of isn't it? We still don't know if we're "ever" getting orders anywhere else LOL Although he's in Comm and they are realigning it to only 2 bases that will be the focal point of network operations, so I don't know what that means for us! In a few months we're supposed to start the housing privitazation so we'll see what those changes brings. Do you guys have that yet?
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