I NEED HELP PEOPLE!!! I don't know where to go, who to talk to or even what to do when it comes to Homeschooling, all I know is that if I do have to homeschool I want to have a christian curriculum and that is about all I know, hence my stress! So if you have any tips or are currently homeschooling your children, I would LOVE some info or advice please....pretty please with a cherry on top???
The move is coming soon and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed, there just seems to be so much to do and plan, it's truly stressful. The biggest thing for me right now is Jasmine's school, not until we have base housing do we know which school she is able to attend, and as things stand right now there is a very strong possibility that I will be homeschooling her.
This weekend was wonderful, we had warm temperatures and took advantage of it to the fullest. I think we were only in the house to sleep and eat and oh, use the bathroom of course LOL
Other than that we were outside in the pool, tanning, grilling and just having a ball...I'm nice and brown and I feel wonderful :)
I also got to sit outside in our swing and read my Fannie Flagg book "Can't wait to get to Heaven"....IT IS HILARIOUS. I can't believe I had never read this author before, who by the way wrote the very well known and wonderful "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe"......she's so funny and the book really captivates you from the first page. Here is a little blurb just so you can see how funny it is:
As predicted, around ten AM, just as Norma had finished applying her special Merle Norman facial mask for dry sensitive skin, the phone rang for the fourth time that morning. "Norma, if Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth, then where did Cain and Abel meet their wives?"
"Oh, I don't know, Aunt Elner....at Club Med? Don't ask me. I don't even know why the chicken crossed the road."
"You don't? Well I do!" said Aunt Elner. "Do you want me to tell you?"
Norma gave up and sat down. "sure," she said. "I'm just dying to know."
"To show the possum it can be done."
"Aunt Elner, where do you hear these silly things?"
"From Bud and Jay. Did you know that another name for the potato bug is the Jerusalem grasshopper?"
"Did you know there are forty-seven trillion cells in the human body?"
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, that was the correct answer yesterday. It won somebody and electric knife."
Norma had just put the phone down and was headed to the bathroom when the phone rang again.
"Hey, Normal, you just wonder who had the time to count all those cells, don't you?"
LOL I swear this book is just too funny, I am loving it and I'm definitely picking up any Fannie Flagg books I find from this day on. You have GOT to read them. (Anabela, let me know if you like the book)
Saturday morning I gave the house a good cleaning, actually Curt and the kids helped too, so now we have a spotless house. Here's the thing though, why is it that kids associate cleaning with someone coming over???
Jasmine's best friend came over for the afternoon, and yes while I did make sure she had her bedroom clean, the rest of the house cleaning is done because it's what I do everyday, especially on the weekends when Curt is home and can keep the kids busy, I get a LOT more done.
Anyway, I was cleaning the house and asked Jasmine to help with some stuff to which she quickly says....well, this is how it went:
Jasmine: Why are you cleaning mommy?
Me: Because it needs to be done Jasmine.
Jasmine: But why, is someone coming over?
Me: Yes your friend is coming this afternoon but that is not the reason I'm cleaning....
Jasmine: Oh, is someone else coming over?
Seriously, come on, if anyone hears this they're going to think that we live in a pigsty which only gets cleaned out if someone decides to come by.
It's like the day she stayed home sick and saw me cleaning (this cleaning thing just really confuses her lol) and she asked why I was doing it and I told her that it's what I do everyday...she replied with "really??? Oh I thought you just did your blog" LOL
If you're interested in seeing what I'm cooking this week, just head on over to my food blog where I posted my menu.
BTW we watched "Night at the Museum" yesterday and it was brilliant...we all watched together as a family and loved it.
Alright I'm headed out, I have a 4 year old that believes the couches pillows look better laying all over the living room floor...what is with kids and couches??? At least once a day you can find them diving off the couch onto a pile of pillows.....it does look fun but the mommy in me cringes everytime.
Have a great day everyone, God Bless,