Come on in and sit with me a bit, I'll tell you what's been going on over here in Arizona.
Saturday afternoon we got a phone call from my MIL and her new hubby saying that they were in town and would be over in about 2 hours. We were shocked, we didn't expect that at all, they live in Texas. LOL
They're on a road trip and were in New Mexico and decided to stop by and say hi. What a nice surprise it was!!! We enjoyed having them, it was short but sweet. They left yesterday morning on their way to Colorado before starting their trip back home to Texas.
So it was a short visit but it was nice, I'm glad they took the time out to come see us.
I think I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the house is almost completely done so I'm starting to get together all my projects, sewing, crafting etc. I also want to get into my reading pile, I miss curling up in bed with a good book.....lately as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.
One of my favorite TV channels is the Discovery Channel, so saturday I was thrilled to see "The Deadliest Catch" on all day, I don't know what it is about that show that has me hooked, I love it. Then sunday night I watched "Ocean of Fear" the story of the USS Indianapolis sinking and the survivors being in shark infested waters......it was so scary to watch but it was amazing to see the trials that these poor men went through.
Onto other things, I have some new cookbooks that I'm enjoying, and this coming week I'll be trying some new recipes, you can see which ones on my Menu Plan Monday, with it being so hot here I want to avoid using the oven as much as possible, hence pulling out the trusted crockpot and letting it do the work.
I'm coming down with a bit of a cold, I'm not sure if it's the temperature change between it being so hot outside and having the air con inside. Something is up, I woke up this morning and my throat hurts, my head hurts and I'm just feeling miserable. I also need to have my eyesight checked, my right eye has progressively gotten worse over the months, but I'm thinking it has to do with the computer, if I don't get on here for a few days I'm fine, but the minute I get back on, it gets scratchy and dry and it burns, it also makes it blurry. It's always something isn't it???
I'm going to try and come by all your blogs this afternoon, I have no idea what is going on with anyone anymore, I have no clue what contests are happening, what meme's are IT right now, nothing, I'm completely in the dark. It's not a great feeling let me tell you!!! LOL
I better get on out of here, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.
For dinner I'm fixing Grilled Steaks with Twice Baked Potatoes and Lemon Cake for Dessert.
All My Children
General Hospital
Just for Laughs
Singing Bee
Nothing else.......need some rest today!