Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Chatty catch up!
Well now, it's been a while since I've come in and had just a good ol catch up chat.
I felt that it was overdue and so here I am, coffee in hand, and ready to dust the cobwebs off this little blog so that I can update you all.
Life as always, and as I'm sure many of you know, is just so busy around the holidays and leading into the new year. We still have the Christmas decorations outside and if you know anything about me, you have to know that it is making my eye twitch. I need them taken down and put away but my husband hasn't had a chance because he's been so busy with work.
He is now on break from college until his new Semester begins in late February, I think right at the end actually.
He was going to Boise State but it just wasn't working for him. The fees, the 45 minute drives back and forth with the gas prices, the book prices and the schedule and class work itself was just overwhelming with work and everything else. I am so extremely proud of him for even going to college right now. As he resumes classes online this new Semester, he will be continuing to work towards his Masters Degree :)
The kids are doing great. Jasmine is growing into such a gorgeous young lady, is only 4 months away from turning 16 and is about to go for her Driver's permit. Time is flying and I find myself struggling to hold on to my babies but knowing that it's a futile effort.
Nicholas is also 4 months from turning 12 years old. The baby of the house will no longer be the baby and that is something that I'm finding hard to deal with it. Sometimes I sit and think that I wish I had had a third baby, but then I realize that with all my pregnancy struggles I don't think that would have been a good idea. I'm blessed and overjoyed at the two children I have and just need to be thankful for that.
As for me, well, I am just plodding along, taking care of the family and the laundry and housework and all that other fun stuff.
I am so also trying to get back into my normal routine, normal blogging schedule and just plain normal life which is pretty hard when you come out of the holiday season, isn't it?
I want to apologize for not having visited anyone, commented or even had the chance to read any blog posts, I desperately want to get back into that habit too, but it's something else on my long list of must do's coming up.
So how have things been with you all, any fun, interesting things going on in your lives?
I know I thanked you all already for the participating in the Blogmas 2014, but I wanted to do it again it was so much fun and I'm looking forward to another Blogmas at the end of the year. Sure hope you all will jump right on in again :)
Right, so it's now 9:30am and I need to get up, get out of these pj's, finish this cup of coffee and get started with my day. The usual is going on, homeschooling, laundry, housework and vacuuming and so forth and so on.
Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday, and I'll see you all back here tomorrow :)
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I have six kids, five I gave birth too, and I always wanted another. I think that is just the "mother" in us all. I'm piddling around getting housework done today too. The kids are back in school, so it's very, very quiet here today.
I linked under the Year in Review but here's my link again if you get a chance - love this post every year -
I am looking forward to Blogmas this coming year - missed it last year but enjoyed reading your posts.
Happy New Year!
Missed you, glad to see you post...I go to your blog in the am with my coffee...we are plodding along as well glad holidays are done, all my decor cis down and put away...we are just about ready to list house for sale 😀. Busy times here. It is freezing here, snowy and down right nasty....our gas prices here in Ohio dropped to $1.80 a gallon....what's your?
Well have a wonderful day....
Hi Sandra~ Happy New Year to you and your lovely family. Well, Monday evening did not go as planned so I didn't get to join in HHM but there is always next week - right. Enjoy your kids - they are gone far too soon. i had four kids - wanted five and now find that kids problems often get bigger, rougher and harder to solve the older they get. I love my kids, but it's like "be an adult already' ;-) I was wondering what college you husband is working on his Masters with. That is a huge undertaking. Is he doing his masters online? I went through ASU and hubby did University of Phoenix - it was a boat load of work. Hope the new year goes well for you all!
Totally with you for Blogmas 2015....(and trying, now, not to think of my nearly 9 year old who also won't be a baby any more very very soon....)...thanks AGAIN for hosting Blogmas - it really was wonderful xxxx
Happy Wednesday dear Friend! So nice to see you back. Looking forward to all this new year will bring!
I just LOVED Blogmas...that was such a wonderful idea and I plan to be in this year too! Thanks again so much for the idea and hosting it. Truly a gem!!
Hope your winter wonderland is behaving there. It's freezing here! (it was -29 with wind chill this AM). Oh well, what can I say? I'm a lady of the north and that's how it goes.
I really loved the idea of Blogmas but due to lots of computer problems in December couldn't join in although I really enjoyed the posts I managed to read. I always wanted more kids than my 2 boys but our house seems to often be full of their friends so I get my fix that way. Hope you had a lovely and warm Wednesday!
The time can sure fly by quickly!
Lovely to catch up with your news. I hope that all goes well for your family and you this year. The first week back in January is always a bit odd isn't it, getting back into routines, so I hope that you are more into the swing of things next week. xx
Thanks for sharing your life with us. Sounds like you have a busy household. Time goes by so fast, try to enjoy the busyness when you have it.
I was off my blog for almost a year but now I'm trying to get back to it again. My life can be so ordinary but I don't always what to say. Please check me out sometimes.
hiya!! I had sooo much fun with your blogmas. Thanks so much for hosting and coming up with all the prompts. I had a great time reflecting and also finding other fabby bloggers and not only reading their interesting blognas posts but discovering blogs that I wouldn't have come accross otherwise.
I just came over and noticed you homeschool. I just started homeschooling our 7 year old this week and was about to look for some bloggers who also homeschool and there you are lol.
I'll deffo be stopping by for HS tips etc.
Here's to a great new year for you and your lovely family xxx
I think it's natural to wonder if you should have ever had another child... but I'm happy with my three. Sign me up for Blogmas again next year; the prompts were just what I needed to record my Christmas! And thank you for your lovely Christmas card. I didn't ever post about it on the blog, but I have them in a basket by my craft box to look at and thank God for international friendship!
Sending one's kid off to college is a decision that no one can ever regret. It is fundamentally rewarding, as either a venerable continuity of learning, or a new path breached for a family or a generation. That is something that anyone should seize, with all the monetary and moral support that can ever be provided. Thanks for sharing that! All the best!
Carlton Mclaughlin @ The Financial Solutions Network
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