Thursday, January 15, 2015
This fog.......
You know how some people say that the weather affects their well being, and their moods?
I was never one to agree, matter of fact I always thought, oh that's just dumb. Perhaps I was being naive, perhaps I was just lucky that it never seemed to affect me in any way, or perhaps I was just in a fog of my own.
As I've gotten older, just like many other things in my life, things have changed. Foods I used to dislike I now love, or vice versa, music I didn't care for now is what I enjoy listening to, thoughts and opinions I had on different subjects have completely changed, and so on and so forth.
You know what I'm about to say right?
The whole weather thing affecting moods have changed for me too. It's weird, and a little difficult to get used to because I've never put much weight into any of it, and to now have something else out of my control is quite disconcerting.
The blogging thing? The no posting, the non updates? Yes, all due to how I'm feeling lately which is a mixture of confused, tired, and generally non motivated.
We have had fog for quite a few days in a row and I miss the sun, I don't know where it is, I'm assuming hiding way up there behind this blanket of clouds and fog. I miss it, and I crave it and it's driving me quite bonkers to have to sit here and wade through these depressing winter days.
How do you do it? How do you push yourself through it?
And as I'm typing this post, I look outside and see this. The fog has lifted, and the clouds are dispersing. Coincidence?
I think not, but then I'm not one for coincidences, I happen to think that things happen for a reason and that God has His hand in it all.
I guess this is the sign I was looking for, that little nudge to stop feeling sorry for myself and to just get up and get going, and you know when God talks to me, I listen. Boy do I listen.
So, with that said, I would like to ask you all for some prayers for a different thing.
My husband has been offered a potential job as an instructor at Sheppard AFB in Texas. It would be a wonderful opportunity for us as a family, and a good pay. But, it would also mean having to leave my family behind and saying goodby again, which is something I do NOT want to do. They have shown interest in relocating to Texas as well, so maybe that is something we could help them with, but either way I don't know.
Again, it's being put in the Lord's hands and we'll take it from there.
Right, now I need to get my butt in gear, get kids started with school, go on with the laundry and housework, work on some recipes for the food blog and so on.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!
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Prayers for you concerning potential opportunity for your husband and family. Have you tried using essential oils to help with your
mood? I have found they help me as I have a hard time during the winter months.
I will be praying Sandra. I hope He sheds a light and gives you the answers you seek soon. Xoxo
Sandra, I totally understand and our weather has also been cold, dark and dreary. We have had some trying times around here that make the days even darker. When I'm not having to run the roads, I like to stay at home and keep the fire going in the fireplace and cook comfort foods. Candles, a good movie or a book...also like to plan for a summer vacation during these cold months.
I would hate for y'all to have to move to Texas, but, if it's better for the family then...I will be in prayer for all of y'all!
Praying that the right decision comes along for your family, be that moving to Texas or staying where you are. The Lord knows what is needed for your family! :)
Sounds like moving to Texas might be an answered prayer. I know that things haven't been easy since retirement and relocating. As for your family; Idaho would be much closer then South Africa. They could always relocate also. Praying that you have peace as you wait to see where the Lord leads you.
The weather has a huge impact on me. Today was sunny and it helped my energy level so much.
Feel better soon Sandra god bless, I miss your posts, try not to worry pray and he will guide you! Hugs!
Boy, your family goes from one adventure to the next! Praying you have God's wisdom on the decision!
I imagine that your husbands job offer has added to the fog and that is what is clouding your thoughts. I hope that the fog lifts and that there is a resolution and decision about your husbands situation. I find a for and against list a great help to at least start to see what all the issues are with a big decision. I really do hope that it all comes good and am of course sending good thoughts your way. Hugs. xx
Oh Sandra sending sunshine if I could I am in dreary Ohio so it isn't much better here, but let me tell you vitamin D is a must I take 10,000 mg a day through the winter omg what a difference, go out for a walk bundle up get some much needed fresh air in those lungs. I hope you keep blogging I so look forward daily to reading your blog with my cup of coffee in the morning such a inspiration....many prayers to you and family on such a hard decision to make in life, maybe your brother and family would love adventure their selves...hugs my friend
prayers for you all..
Sandra, will be praying for you and hubby to know the will of the Lord about the situation. Feel better soon, love the blog and miss it when you are not there
I will definately praying for you as your family makes difficult and life changing decisions. I understand about the winter blahs. It usually hits me hardest in late February/early March. When it is just dirty slushy mud and I am ready to move on into Spring and Summer. Blessings :)
Praying for wisdom for all of you - it certainly sounds like a great opportunity for your family.
Sandra, I have been feeling the every same way, myself. Had no idea what was going on. I have always loved gray, cloudy skies and bad weather, and always considered myself as being able to stay in such weather for the rest of my life and never give it another thought. I'm actually cheerier the darker it is. But, I too have been very down for some reason. Not even the New Year made me feel great, and the New Year ALWAYS makes me feel great. Hopeful. But, not this time. I was mentioning my weird, uncharacteristic funk to some co-workers of mine, and the first thing they hit on was the lack of sunshine. Seriously?? But I got to thinking, and here in Houston we haven't had one day of sunshine in 15 days, that's when I started feeling 'blah'. Today we have some sunshine, and I feel more energetic and happier. I guess I'm going to have to re-think what makes me happier weather-wise. I don't know how far away Sheppard Air Force Base is from Houston, but if you do come down this way maybe we cam sit down for a chat.
Texas is beautiful and if your family decides to move our'll love it. Plenty of sunshine to be had even in the winter. No matter what your family decides I hope the best for you all.
So glad to visit this blog. Don't let the weather get to you. That song, don't know the name, I can see clearly now, the rain has gone. . .it's great, but if you deal with winter, waiting won't help. But attitude is everything.
Weather affects my moods too. I once read that a Christian should be cheerful and not let something exterior like the weather affect their/our moods...but it still affects me. I guess I need more fortitude. But on the good side, it brings more joy to see the clouds clearing and we can appreciate it maybe moods should be accepted in our human nature. I lived one year in NE Texas. (many years ago). We were very homesick (my husband and I...we just had our first baby) but now that I look back, those were nice times! (And our neighbors in our apartment complex were so, so nice!) What counts is that your family is together...and sounds like a great job for your husband! I usually am able to decide on things by God closing doors...If a door closes, I take that as a "no"! If a move is good, things fall into place so easily. So if you leave it totally in His hands, He will guide you and take care of all. Good luck! Andrea
I know what you mean - we've been having that pea soup fog here and it just gives me a general sense of lethargy. Hope your week is sunnier all around.
I know what you mean, Sandra, I've noticed myself that every year after Christmas and New Years are over, when the kids are back to school, I feel at loose ends. I can't start new things and I just don't have interest in finishing things, etc. I tend to waste time doing unimportant things and lack motivation for anything. I wonder why? Hopefully we will both be back to normal soon! And prayers coming your way about your job decision.
Sandra, praying that sunny days will soon shine upon you! Also praying that the Lord guide your family as you make life changing decisions. (And I live in a small town not too far from Sheppard AFB and Wichita Falls! What a coincidence!)
I understand 10000% what you mean by the weather affecting your mood and how you feel. I've been going through this for the past 4-5 years and it's making me crazy. There's something called "cyclonic depression" that everyone tells me might be my issue, but that is driven by seasons....mine is day to day, weather front by weather front. I am learning how to watch the forecast and try to plan my days accordingly, so that I can get through the ugly, cold, windy days here in the Texas Panhandle. I plan, for those days, not to cook an elaborate dinner (we do boxes or cans those days), movies and crochet or some other creative thing I know will get me through, and no housework or laundry those days. It helps, for sure, until an unexpected change happens in the weather....Just know you aren't alone :-) <<>>
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