Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: HQN Books (October 18, 2016)
Protecting her life will mean betraying her trust
Ainsley Hamilton has always been the responsible one of the family. As the oldest daughter of presidential candidate Buckmaster Hamilton, she’s also a potential target. For months she’s sensed someone following her. When an expedition to scout locations for a commercial takes a terrifying turn, she’s rescued by a natural-born cowboy who tempts the good girl to finally let loose.
Sawyer Nash knows just how reckless it is to fall for someone he’s gone undercover to protect. Yet masquerading as an extra on set, he starts to see beneath Ainsley’s controlled facade. And with the election—and a killer—drawing closer, Sawyer stands to lose not just his job and his life but the woman for whom he’d gladly risk both.
About the Author:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author B.J. Daniels lives in Montana with her husband, Parker, and three springer spaniels. When not writing, she quilts, boats and plays tennis.
Connect with B. J. Daniels
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My Thoughts:
Honor Bound brings to an end the Montana Hamilton series. I hadn't read the previous ones and as such I was a little worried that I would be lost.
Luckily for me, I've found that a lot of the series books can be read as stand alones which is great if you ever happen to pick up one of the books without having prior knowledge of the author or their writing style.
I love western themed stories, I love cowboys, I mean I live in Texas after all :)
So in this last chapter of the Hamilton clan, we follow the story of Ainslee who is the eldest of 5 girls, as she tries to keep things stable and together, while their father runs for office. Yes, for office, as in Presidential office.
She scouts locations for commercials which in itself is not a dangerous job, but being the daughter of a Presidential candidate comes with all sorts of danger and problems. Enter Sawyer Nash who happens to be portraying the role of an extra on set, but is really there undercover and with the intent of protecting Ainslee.
What follows is a romance, but not just any old romance....a suspenseful romance full of twists and turns and love and danger and all the glorious things that make a great read :)

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Thanks for being a part of the tour! I'm so glad you enjoyed this book.
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