It's been a week of rain, taking it easy, and quite a bit of crochet.
Even though the temperatures have been in the 80's, we have had quite a few storms roll on through, which I love, but my husband on the other hand gets frustrated because the grass grows faster, which means more mowing LOL
Usually when we get up at 6am, the sun is starting to come up, but due to the weather it's been quite dark and the other morning was downright foggy. I do like how it looks though, it makes the house seem cozier and warmer.
I've spent the past few mornings, in the quiet and stillness of the house, crocheting.
Catching up on some projects I have laying around, continuing with new ones and just enjoying the monotonous back and forth of hook and yarn, watching it go from simple knots and pulls through loops into something that sometimes is very reminiscent of a work of art.
I've always found crocheting relaxing and especially during times of craziness or worry or stress, it tends to ground me and keep me in the moment, allowing every negative thought to dissipate from my mind.
What you see above is the third square of the Nuts About Squares blanket. I am enjoying it so very much, each square is beautiful in it's own way and I can't wait to see it all put together.

In between these squares I'm picking up my Mandala Madness and pushing through. I'm on row 66 of Part 10 which is a monster of a row to make, not even joking, I feel like I've been stuck on this same row for 10 years. It is tedious, it takes an insane amount of concentration which I can't always do when I have so many other things going on at once.
But I love this Mandala so much, I'm determined to not set it aside and forget it.
I've also been indulging in the ID Discovery Channel which if you are not aware, is basically a bunch of crime shows, and oh my word, do I enjoy that, maybe a bit more than I should, but I find them so fascinating.
And speaking of which, did any of you watch the Casey Anthony special last week?
I remember watching the trial and the whole story unfold back in 2008, I was glued to the screen watching the trial live and was absolutely shocked when she was found not guilty. Craziness right there.
This week we've also been working on getting caught up and ahead with school work so that we can maybe finish earlier than anticipated. To be honest, I'm about done with school at this point in time, and so are the kids.
Jasmine's cap and gown came in for her graduation next month, I can't believe it's almost that time. My baby girl is graduating high school and starting her life and I am left feeling like she was just 3 years old the other day and I'm nowhere near ready for any of this. But such is life, right?
We're throwing her an 18th birthday party, she didn't want anything special, matter of fact didn't even want any sort of party but I feel like it's her 18th and it's probably the last one we'll be celebrating with her as a family of 4, so I have to make it a bit of a big deal.
Last week we had a get together for my Nick's 14th Birthday, another one that I'm shocked at how fast he's grown.
That was his cake and believe me when I tell you that everything that could have gone wrong with this cake, went wrong. I had a really sore finger from a burn as well so I struggled a bit to get it done, but I had to do it for him and he really liked it. That's all I cared about :)
So, yes, lots of things happening, a lot of events coming up as well as financial commitments we are working through, big things being paid off within the next 2 months and so forth.
We have plans for our yard, things we want to do to it and plant and fix etc.
We have family things planned, cabins at the lake, hopefully camping this summer. Just living and making the best of every single day.
Tomorrow morning we are heading to our local Farmer's marker, they are having a Spring/Easter themed market day so that should be nice to see, I'll take my camera and grab some photos.
The rest of the day will be spent getting ready for Easter Sunday, I'll be making my usual Hot Cross Buns, also making a Copycat Starbucks Lemon Loaf, doing laundry, cleaning the house, watching some more crime shows and crocheting.
Sunday we'll be having the family over for Easter Lunch so I'll be sure to take pictures of that as well.
I do hope you all have a blessed wonderful Easter weekend, that you spend it with those you love the most and that above all, you keep in mind the real reason for this holiday.
We have an amazing God, and every year, around Easter I feel so incredibly blessed, happy and even sad that he had to die for our sins.
Have a great rest of Friday night friends,
1 comment:
Happy Easter glad to see your post was worrying about you.....glad all is good just love love your crocheting.........l
Have a wonderful Easter......
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