I have a routine I tend to stick to, and aside from a few things here and there that change or come up, like appointments, or grocery shopping, my days are usually comprised of certain chores and tasks that I do from morning to night.
I am well aware that this post is nothing amazing or different to what the rest of my fellow Stay at Home Moms do on a daily basis, but I thought it would be fun to take you all along with me in what is a pretty typical day in my life.
Be prepared though, it is jam packed with photos, and I apologize for that, but I really wanted you to get a sense of what I did today.
Every morning I start with the dishes, unloading the dishwasher and reloading and so on. This morning though, I had to give the sink and faucet a good clean, as you can see from the state of the faucet, it was a little grubby.
I then move on to the laundry, which really is a never ending task in my house. Just when I think I'm caught up, there's another basket being drug into the kitchen and another load waiting to be washed.
I try to do a load every other day, so that it doesn't all pile up on the weekend.
Once the washer is going, I move onto the stove, counter tops and appliances.
I love stainless steel appliances, but I also immensely dislike them. They always look so grubby, no matter how often you wipe them down. I do need to get some of the stainless steel cleaner. (and I did give it a good wipe down after I was done with the sweeping).
Next is usually the vacuuming, and with this huge house and two living rooms, it can take quite a while and give me quite the workout.
I usually move the smaller furniture around so that I can vacuum underneath it.
Then it was time to check the mail, I try to check it around the same time every day, as our mailman is quite good about coming by the same time.
I did notice some weeds starting to creep up and quickly pulled them out.
Then back inside again to switch over the laundry.
Folding takes quite a bit of time too, so I try to do it while watching something on the TV. It makes it go by quicker.
Once the laundry is all folded, I move to the bathrooms and give the toilets a good cleaning, wash down the tubs real quick, wipe the counters and sweep the floors. If need be I also mop them.
By this time, I usually eat my lunch and then make it a point of sitting down for at least 30 minutes to relax.
Today I had to get the chicken in the crockpot for dinner, so I went ahead and did that. For this recipe I didn't need to start it in the morning, but if I did, then I would have done that right after doing the dishes.
I also do take a few breaks in between my chores, to play a little with Marley. He is still a puppy and does require some attention and some one on one time.
Then I light some candles after the whole housework is done. It's become a ritual almost for me, it's like the end to my cleaning routine, lighting the candles and enjoying the beautiful scent.
I try to get a bit of gardening done every afternoon, mainly after the sun has moved away from this side of the house. Watering my plants is part of that routine.
Marley loves being outside with me and is always watching what I'm doing. Don't mind all that overgrown grass on the right side, that is all getting pulled tomorrow and will also get some black mulch.
By the time I get all this done, it's usually after 4pm and I start getting dinner preparations under way.
Setting the table is the thing I do first, because by the time dinner is ready, my family is around the table and chatting and waiting.
I get the food underway, and then while it cooks, I unload the dishwasher once again and reload it with the dishes from the day and whatever I am using to cook with.
Make the tea, or juice, and also quickly switch over any laundry that is finishing up. Finish setting the table and getting it all ready for us to eat.
Back at dishes again, it really is a never ending chore, much like the laundry. I fill my washer but I sometimes have dishes that don't fit, so I wash those by hand.
Once my kitchen is clean and tidy for the night, I go and take my shower, get into my comfy nightgown and then make myself a nice cup of coffee.
And enjoy it while sitting by my big window, watching the sun start to set, the birds fluttering about and my busyness finally starting to subside.
I usually end the day on my couch, touch up my nails while watching some youtube videos or my shows on the TV.

Then I edit whatever photos I took of the day, type up my blog post, or start to at least because sometimes I end up having to move to the bedroom so that I can finish it right before I head to bed.
I turn in for the night and get up the next morning at 6am to start is all over again.
It's my life, it's what I do as a homemaker, and I won't sit here and lie and say that some days I don't get a bit bored, or a bit frustrated that the chores are never ending and never changing, whether it be a week day or a weekend.....but those days are so few and far between.
I get immense pleasure from what I do, I love homemaking, strange as that may sound. But I love my family, and I do this for them, and that in itself is enough to make it all worth it.
Well I hope you enjoyed this peek into a typical day in my life. I sure enjoyed sharing it with you all.
Have a wonderful night friends.
I love a routine too and use to really stick to it. Now with our health issues, that can at times change things.
My routine goes by the season. I could be splitting wood, weeding or harvesting the garden, or canning- all along with dishes, laundry, housework in general. Today it rained, so I'll probably have overgrown cucumbers and zucchini tomorrow, ha ha!
First of all, I Love the blouse you had on in the day time pics!!! Thanks for sharing your day. I miss being a SAHM soooooooooooooooo much. Right now, I have to work outside the home - and at least I have a job that I am well suited for. However, I long to be AT HOME .. and hopefully, some day I will be again.
loved all the pics..
Loved this post, Sandra and always love your photos!! :) That's part of what makes your blog one of the very best! Xox
I love "a day in your life" posts. Simple and yet inspiring. Reading your posts and looking at the photos motivates me a lot...to accomplish more in a day. Thanks again for the sharing :)
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