Oh hello there!!!
Isn't that picture above just the prettiest? I like to look at it and think that I would have just loved living in that setting, in that red house in a cute country road with just trees and flowers around me. Oh it would be blissful, though I'll say, I do love where I live now and wouldn't change it for anything :)
This past week has gone by so quick for me, I've been busy with the usual household chores and mom/wife duties, and so by the end of the day when I really should be putting my thoughts down here in my old little blog, I'm instead putting my head on the pillow and passing out almost immediately.
I feel like I repeat myself over and over at times, like I can't muster up or form a coherent thought about my day and write it in a blog post to make some sort of sense.
"I'm busy", "I'm doing the usual household", "I wish I could blog more", "I wish I could have more time for crocheting or doing the things I really enjoy".
I swear you must find this to be the most drab and uninteresting, mind numblingly boring blog, and quote honestly at times I think that myself, but when your days are pretty much the same, day in and day out, that kind of tends to happen doesn't?
Quite possibly the reason many old bloggy friends no longer blog on a daily basis or much at all.
But I don't want that to be the reason that I stop coming by and talking, even if it's just random babbling about something I've done, or the past few days or whatever strikes my mood.
I guess you'll just have to keep coming back to see what the heck this girl is up to, right?

This little man keeps me company throughout the day, he truly is my shadow and is always either laying on my lap if I'm on the couch, or laying nearby as I clean, or under my feet in the kitchen, outside, wherever I go.
He absolutely loves drives and walks, and has a special drive he does with his daddy every Sunday.
They hop into daddy's truck and head up the street to Braum's for a bag of burgers (only $4 if you're wondering), then they get back home and they each have one for lunch, then play and then he goes down for a nap. Hahaha
It's a routine, and it really makes me think of him as a toddler with the naps during the day and play time. Love him so much :)
Every morning, this is how you'll find me. After I've sent hubby off to work with a cup of coffee and his lunch for the day, I retreat to this spot on the couch, check emails, drink my own coffee and then catch up on some youtube vlogs or lately.....some favorite Period Dramas.
I've been rewatching Call the Midwife because, well, because it's fabulous isn't it???
Also just watched Poldark because Season 4 started on Sunday and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Poldark.
Another show I've been watching or rather binge watching with the hubby, has been the Netflix show Lost in Space. It is good, we enjoy it so much and have to control ourselves so we don't watch the whole season in one day. If you like SciFi or Space related shows, you have to check it out.
I've also come across a few great new period dramas, and one that I want to mention to you is The Picnic at Hanging Rock starring Natalie Dormer. It is based on the Joan Lindsay's 1967 novel and then later a movie and now turned series. It is about a governess and her 3 schoolgirls who mysteriously disappear on Valentine's Day in 1900.
I've only watched the first episode and of course enjoyed it very much, then again when don't I enjoy a Period Drama right?
Also, starting this Thursday, the World Cup kicks off and of course being a huge soccer lover, it is one of the things I most enjoy watching, even if it only comes around every 4 years.
Portugal play their first match on Friday so you know this household is going to be a ball of nerves, but it's always so much fun watching with the whole family.
Well friends, that's basically what I've been up to the past few days. I'm just going to finish off an episode of Call the Midwife and then it will be time to start getting dinner taken care of.
I'm making some Bratwurst with Grilled Onions and probably some potato wedges. Quite simple but we have been enjoying some easier meals now that it's super hot and humid here.
Curt and I have also been downing and I mean downing gallons of water with cucumber and lemon. So good.
Right, I better get going or I'll be here all day because something will keep popping up that I want to talk about, you know that how is.
Have a great Tuesday afternoon everyone :)
On this day in 2006 - Ouch Ouch Ouch
On this day in 2007 - Prayers for Sarah Please
On this day in 2008 -
On this day in 2009 -
On this day in 2010 -
On this day in 2011 -
On this day in 2012 - Day 14
On this day in 2013 -
On this day in 2014 - Boys will be boys
On this day in 2015 - Still here....still waiting....
On this day in 2016 -
On this day in 2017 - Happy Homemaker Monday
Call the Midwife and Poldark - absolutely two of the best binge-worthy shows!
Hello.....I love hearing about your days....I love call the midwife I need to get back into it......I’m not a s I fi gal but do enjoy period dramas.....I must also start downing the water, I’ll have to try adding something yummy to it......love to see your crocheting...the baby set you made was absolutely adorable.......how’s the Kids? Jasmine hear anything? Marley is just a sweetie......
Have a wonderful rest of your week.....blessings
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