I have made such amazing friends through my blog and one of them is Sarah, she's just an amazing lady with so much to offer, she has thought provoking posts, laugh out loud posts and those that bring tears to your eyes....needless to say I just love her to death.
Sarah's come down with a case of Shingles, let me tell you it's painful and it's horrible. I distinctly remember my stepmom going through the same when I was about 12 or 13 years old and it was just horrible for her. So please, say a prayer for Sarah, I'm sure some of you know her from "A Bend in the Road".
I'm a little on the off side today, my allergies came in full force again, it's this pet dander that's really getting to me. I already used Nasonex but it makes me a little dizzy and gives me headaches, I swear I have no luck with these allergy medicines, so I'm hoping it all goes away within this week, wouldn't it be awful to be moving and driving for days feeling this way???
I know I'll be pushing through today and trying to get things done when all I really want to do is climb into bed and take a long long nap, if only my kids would cooperate, but I doubt I'll get them back in bed before 8pm tonight.
Thank you for the ideas on easy meals while moving, it's definitely going to help to have things organized and as easy as possible. The next 2 weeks we're going to be sorting through things and making sure they're in the right rooms so that when the movers come we don't end up with toys in the bathroom boxes (don't ask).
I have to tell you, I finally got through all the menu plan participants last night, all 112 of them, yes I stopped at 112 because everytime I refreshed the page there seemed to be someone new. I don't know, I think it's great to have big of a response but good grief, where do you find the time to visit everyone???

Since it's summer, the kids tend to become bored, so I decided to go online and search for a bunch of things for them to do, thereby completely removing the "I'm Bored" words from their vocabulary.
So here is what I found, hopefully it will help some of you out there with bored kids at home:
How about some "letterboxing" with the kids....or a Treasure Bottle (just love the Family Fun site and mag)
PBSkids.org is another fun site with so many great ideas, just look at this City built out of recycled materials....or maybe some Cauldron Bubbles or some Recycling paper?
I also found a page full of Paper Toys to make.
I saw another blog where she came up with a list of things to do for the summer, it was so cute and the title itself was hilarious "60 ways to leave your mother alone" LOL....go on over and read it, I've saved the link myself and will use it once we're done with our move to Arizona.
So there ya go, don't ever say I don't contribute to the blogging community somehow LOL
I have laundry to put away, yes I know I've been slacking off on that, I just wish the Laundry Elves would come and do that for me, it's not too much to ask is it???
I also need to go see what's for dinner so that I can prepare, thaw or whatever is needed for it.
Hope you all have a wonderful day, God Bless,
Just found your blog today from your comment left at Kelli's, "There's No Place Like Home." Thought I'd pop in and say hello.
Thanks for all the wonderful links and hope you'll be on the mend soon. I'll stop by again!
Awwww, allergies! On top of
the cold! -sighhh- Unfair!!!!
And hey, don't wait for the Laundry _Elves_ to come rescue you. Those ding-dang Elves just aren't reliable. :-(
I'd suggest a call for the Laundry _Faeries_. Faeries are a much more reliable bunch.
I tried to tell Sarah that I was sorry about the shingles, but I can't comment there.
praying for sarah, hope she feels much better soon..
Hope you feel better soon..
hang in there Sandra..
Those were really fun ideas, Sandra!! Thank you for sharing them. You can never get too many good ideas for summer, esp. on days like today when it's too yucky to go to the pool.
Hope you feel better soon!! My allergies are flaring up for the first time in years. There is SOMETHING in the air. Yucky!!
Hope you feel better soon.
Ooh, ooh, me next! I'll be in line next for the laundry elves!
Poor Sarah. I've always heard shingles is just awful. I think it's a version of the chicken pox virus, right? Anyway, apparently it's a heck of a lot more painful than chicken pox. Poor thing.
I can't believe you're sick again. You seriously deserve some kind of medal. I hope you're completely over this latest bout before you move. I'm sure it's difficult with all you have on your (paper) plate right now.
I admire you for even trying to read all those posts. I couldn't possibly do it right now. Good grief, I'm so far behind because of this wedding, I'll never catch up. People are moving and having birthdays and having babies and I'm missing it! Arrggghhh!
Sorry about your allergies, Phillip and Emily have had an awful time with them this year.
Thankyou for the fun summer links!
Hi Sandra:
I'll pray for Sarah, yes, it's horrible and very painfull.
About meals, Sandra on this days you are busy and not so well, cook easy things like empadão, chicken in the oven with rice (remember that one), steaks with chips or rice, things like that, don't spend too much time cooking, hamburgers, easy things, ok?The family must understand or some chicken with spagheti, or chicken breasts in the oven with chips, etc, etc.
I hope I can help you with these ideas.
Love and God bless you all.
we are pro letterboxers - your kids will love it! let me know what fun you have!
Hey Sandra! Thanx for stopping by the other day! Will be praying for Sarah. Thanx for the fun links! I saved them all b/c I might need them when Olyvia gets to the "I'm bored" age. lol I've been praying for you to feel better as well. Take care.
Hey Sandra.
I'll say a prayer for Sarah, I've heard shingles hurt pretty bad. Poor thing... and also a prayer for your allergies.
I know you will be so relieved to have this move behind you.
Poor Sarah. I haven't been over there in forever. I guess I'll go pop in and give some love.
Those were great links for the kids. I'll take all the help I can get!! LOL!
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