Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Living my best life ❤️


It seems like every one is going on about "living their best life".  When I first heard the saying I thought it corny, to be honest.  But the more I think and reflect on it, the more I realize that, if everyone out there concentrated on actually living their best life, and not worrying about what others are doing with their lives, things would be so much easier and everyone would be happier too.


And so instead of looking down on the saying, I decided to embrace it, bring into my own thoughts and see if I myself was living my best life.  The answer is short and to the point....YES!


From small little glimpses of joy inside my home, to the non stop mountains of laundry that seem to forever inhabit my washing machine.  It's become a bit of routine for me, wash, hang to dry, bring in, iron, fold, put away.  Rinse and repeat, at least twice a week.


I sat the other day wondering what I would post about, what kind of blog ideas I should have lined up in order to continue on this much loved blogging journey of mine.

I drew a blank, a complete blank.  I thought about what I've done all these past years on blogger, and all the posts I religiously typed through my keyboard.  I was, I guess, looking for ideas on what I should be doing (I know, a little ridiculous), but I quickly realized that I think I've pretty much done and talked about everything I could think about.



I'm a homemaker, there really isn't much excitement going on, and certainly nothing majorly different from one day to the other, to merit always having exciting and new posts to share.

But with that resignation, also came the realization that, this IS my life, this is my best life, the life of a homemaker, a stay at home mom and wife.  And while there may not bet a difference in the routine from day to day, it still IS what my life is about.



I think of it this way, I enjoy watching homemaking vlogs, not only from the States but Brazil and Portugal and all over the world.  These ladies share their daily lives, and at times I've heard them state on their vlogs that they are oh so sorry for their content.  For not knowing what to share, and that people are probably bored and sick and tired of watching them do the same thing day in and day out.

My reaction is always "NO, I love seeing your every day, even if I've seen you wash your dishes, or make a bed for the millionth time, in the same manner, and fixing dinner for your family again, I wouldn't want it any other way."

So why should vlogging be different to blogging?

It shouldn't and it isn't.  Aside from the obvious difference of video or a post on a website.  These are our lives, and just like me and those women on the daily vlogs, there are millions of women worldwide, going about their business.

Doing the same tasks every day, cooking, cleaning, child rearing, working on their marriages, one day going about their homemaking with a pep in their step, other days feeling a bit more gloomy or bored with the tasks at hand.  But nonetheless, always going about their lives.



Some weekends we sit around and do nothing, our meals consist of snacking throughout the day, we watch movies, or catch up on shows.  We may go for a drive  or pop into the stores to look around.



Some weekends we are busy from morning to night, working in the yard, tending to the property, mowing and weeding, chopping down fallen trees, checking on the fruit and veggies and so on.




This week it's been all about getting ready for a 4th of July Barbecue and family coming over.

Chairs have been given a good wash and clean, the back patio is being scrubbed and washed and prepared.



I've been making food plans and last minute shopping lists, cleaning and rearranging and all the stuff that comes with throwing a barbecue.

It can be overwhelming at time and I guess some may see it as boring content, but it is life, right?

So I'm not longer going to worry about the kind of posts I'll be able to share or if I'm going to be boring.  I'm just going to post when I can and post what I'm doing whether it's a thought I've had, something I want to share, or pictures of things you've seen a million times before.

We're all in this boat together, and I find that when I watch these women vlogging their lives, I tend to start thinking of them as friends and completely relate to what they are doing.  So what if it's the same thing every day, I still enjoy it, I still love sharing their moments through the computer and in a way it makes me feel like I'm part of a loving, wonderful community of women.

Out here.

Living our best lives ❤️


Felicia said...

I have always loved your simple homemaking day to day post. For me I find it uplifting to see another homemaker take so much joy in their daily work. And now I'm off to see if I can find homemaking vlogs because I didn't even know those existed and I'm intrigued.

Erin said...

It's the "normal" days that appeal most to,, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. I don't want to read a blog where they are trying too impress me with their exciting life. I like to keep it real, and real IS a never-ending pile of laundry. lol. I have enjoyed reading your blog for years, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Thank you for sharing your life with us. <3

Stacy said...

Thank you SO much for sharing this today. I've struggled SO much with feelings of inadequacy lately. I've even given up on blogging because I felt like I didn't have much to share. Just so you know, your posts always encourage me, and this one was amazingly timely today. I think I'll get back to blogging for me now :) Thank you!