Monday, April 08, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/08/2024

Good morning ladies, welcome.  Come on in out of the cold and sit with me a little, let's share what is happening in our households this week, over a cup of hot coffee.  
Just a quick update, we have a baby chick that hatched last week, and unfortunately due to a series of unfortunate events, lost the other 3 that weren't ready to hatch yet.  Let's just say that having chickens is exciting but you do have to prepare for some traumatizing events.  
Baby chick is doing well though, it's with mama, the other hen and the rooster.  They share a coop and everyone is happy with the baby.  I think it's easier this way to, so that it gets integrated into the flock easier.  
Anyway, let's get on with our post.  Enjoy the solar eclipse folks, but remember to keep your eye on the Lord above, at all times.  We are in the path of totality here so will have complete darkness.  Should be interesting.
Have a blessed week friends.
 *** The Weather *** 
Looks like a week with quite a bit of rain, and some severe storms, which is normal for us here in Texas. 
Monday - Scattered thunderstorms, 81
Tuesday - Rain, 67
Wednesday - Thunder Showers, 64
Thursday - Sunny, 71
Friday- Mostly sunny, 79
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 82
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 86
*** Right now I am *** 
Working on this post, eating my oatmeal and listening to a video on the TV.         
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
On Friday I have to get another blood test done, to see if my Triglyceride levels have gone down.  I'm certain they have, but I'm also quite curious to see how my weight loss (22 pounds) and new healthier diet, has affected my health.            
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm feeling well.  A bit sad over losing our chicks, but it's all part of the process and we do the best we can, but nature takes it's course. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Coffee with almond milk and Instant Pot Oatmeal with coconut and walnuts.

*** On the lunch plate *** 
Lentil salad with tuna      
*** On the dinner plate ***
Tuna meatballs, Roasted Broccoli, Brown Rice 
*** On the menu *** 
It's time to start working on the new menu again, so I'll be doing that this week.  You know the drill, there will be meals listed below until Thursday, that's when I'll be grocery shopping, then the new menu kicks in.
Stuffed Green Peppers with Ground Turkey and Cauliflower Rice
Shrimp and Sausage Bake with Curried Quinoa, Salad   
Lentil Chili with Polenta, Sauteed Cabbage

*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown.  Will either put on a dress later or some shorts.  

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
The Wind in the Willows

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda, Ruzgarli Tepe, Bir Sevdadir, Gelin, Uc Kiz Kardes, Kara Agac Destani, Emanet 
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar

*** Looking around the house *** 
I have a drying rack with a sheet over it, that I placed yesterday afternoon.  Sheet is dry, so need to get that out of the way.  The house itself is clean and tidy so I don't have much to do in that sense.   
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Meal plan and grocery list
Grocery Shopping on Thursday
Blood work on Friday
*** From the camera *** 
One of my favorites since starting this healthier diet, is Lentil Salad.  I'm following a Mediterranean Diet, Lower carb and lower sugar diet.  Loving it. 

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Bit frustrated, was not able to pick up my crochet at all last week, what with the chicken hatching and then my hands hurting from yard work.  Really need to get this part finished on the blanket so I can move on.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
God uses the picture of physical food to point to universal spiritual hunger.  Life is all about what we look to, to fill us.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sorry to hear about the chicks. Raising animals is rough some days. We too are in the path of the eclipse. We are not watching it however. We'll leave that up to the professionals and view it on the news. It should be an interesting day for sure with total darkness later.

Schotzy said...

Your lentil salad looks delish! Yum!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I'm so sorry about your other chicks dear Sandra 🙏🏻 But it's been so fun following your chicken journey and seeing the baby you do have. SO SWEET!
That lentil salad looks so good. I need to look more into ingredients like that for salads.
Blessings on your week. xoxo

threesidesofcrazy said...

So glad you were able to save one of the chicks. Farm life and animals isn't for the faint of heart. We didn't get too much eclipse activity here, but watched a bit on TV. Have a WONDERFUL week.

Katerinas Blog said...

Beautiful post! I love the way you write about chickens. Life on the farm is unfortunately full of joys but also disappointments!! Thank you, because while I was reading it put a smile on my face!

Jean said...

Getting caught up as we were out of town for a bit. So sorry to hear about your chicks but glad one made it. Hope you've had a wonderful week!

Luludou said...

So so late visiting. I hope you got to have a good time with the eclipse. we were at 98% here and that was a not enough... not that noticeable the darkness.
Hope you had a positive week with good results for your bloodwork.