Saturday, July 11, 2009
This and That.....
and a whole lot of nothing in particular.
This post is just that, a bunch of mumbled subjects, a little of this and a little of that and just me being me, rambling about everything and anything.
I hope I don't bore you or at least put a few of you to sleep, I would hate to be blamed for those keyboard marks on your foreheads. *snicker*
So anyway, come on in and sit with me, let's chat for a bit.
The first thing I want to tell you is that my new Review Blog is not really getting as much traffic as I thought it would and I really only started it because I didn't want to overload this blog with reviews but seeing that it's not working out, guess what? Yeah I know, you're probably cringing but, you'll be getting reviews on this blog again. HA!
Oh don't worry it's not that bad, I promise to spread them out and really most of them have great giveaways attached which you'll be missing out on, like my Build a Bear Giveaway that just ended today and which not many signed up for.
Anyway, moving on from that, if you'll notice on my right sidebar, I added a little poll to see what people wanted more of on my blog. I see some of you want recipes and cooking but that's what my Food Blog "Full Bellies, Happy Kids" is for, sure I'll point you in that direction when I post something but other than that I'm afraid that is about the only cooking/recipes you'll see on here, quite frankly I don't even know why I put that option up on the poll LOL
Boy I do seem to be coming off as cranky this morning don't I? I apologize, I truly am not in a foul mood and I don't mean to seem like the mean teacher standing at the blackboard with a wooden ruler in her hand just waiting to smack the unruly pupil.....though if anyone is in the mood for a good smack.....nevermind, I'm just kidding LOL Forget I said that!
Last night I watched a really good movie, actually I had seen a previous version from Netflix before called Victoria and Albert, but this latest one I watched is called Young Victoria (watch trailer here)and it's also the story of Queen Victoria which I thoroughly enjoyed. If you haven't seen either one, I suggest you do, they're so good.
I have a few movies to watch this weekend like Knights of Bloodsteel, Push, The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, Defiance and Revolutionary Road, plus my latest Little House on the Prairie from Netflix. I've heard that the movies are all good, but maybe I'll have a different opinion once I've actually sat through them?
I noticed on my library post that a lot of you were interested in The Forgotten Garden and wanted to know what I thought, well, guess what? I started it and I'm loving every single word Kate Morton wrote, I'm only a few pages in but what a great book it is so far, I can't put it down, though I have to because I'm working on finishing my crochet bag which is almost done, you should see how adorable it looks, I will have to show you once I attach the last little flower.
Of course it also catapults me into more crochet projects, like this little beauty I found on Flickr
How adorable is that and so easy too.
Are you still with me or did you drop off already? If I tempt you with a goodie will you stay and read til the end?
Will a Snickerdoodle Ice Cream sandwich do it? I'm sure you're probably staring at the screen and wondering where I bought these, but I didn't, I made them and you too can make these super easy sandwiches, all you need are Snickerdoodle cookies and Cool Whip. If you want to make them healthier just use the Light Cool Whip.....but either way, slather on a bunch between two cookies and then freeze them. YUM.EE!
And we've made it to the end, see, I didn't bore you that much did I?
I'm off to putter around here, get some laundry done, wash some floors and then indulge in some reading, movie watching, crocheting etc. It's way too hot to go out, we're under a Heat advisory and I doubt the kids, or us for that matter, want to go hang out in 115 degree temperatures.
Have a wonderful Saturday ladies and don't forget to check out my Paperspring Review just below, you can get 15% off by using the code in the post. Enjoy!
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Sandra, I could never be bored with any of your posts! You write in such a delightful manner, that would just not be possible. :)
From today's post, my favorite was your snickerdoodle cookie photo and I will be using the recipe, thank you very much! I never would have thought to do an ice cream sandwich, but that is perfect. It kinda reminds me of a Mexican 'polvoron' cookie.
I agree about it being too hot to be outside. I'm thinking the same way.
Hi Sandra!
Where can I get the pattern for the crochet bag? It's so cute. I'm currently crocheting the same bag you crocheted on vacation! Please email me at if there is somewhere I can get the crochet pattern for the bag. Thanks!
You are not cranky and I'm just fine with reading reviews here!
I'm glad you are putting your reviews back on here. I like the mix you have going with reviews, recipes and just hanging out.
youre so funny and cute Sandra, i just dig you...:-)
Heck I think for me I need a good smacking sometimes just to get me out of my funk! Like today!
I am seriously eye balling those snickerdoodles on this post and toss in some homemade ice cream and I hear the words "Heaven!"
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Reviews are just fine, your post are always fun no matter what it is.
Hi Sandra! I have a question. Can you tell me how large you made your bag from Attic24 and what kind of yarn you used (and how much). I really, really want to make this bag! Thanks!
Ok ... I watched Revolutionary Road and I thought it was sooooooooooooo depressing !! I'll be interested to see what you think ...
Those snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches looks AMAZING !!! They didn't taste very good though when I licked the screen ... ha ha. Maybe I should try making them myself ...
I love your fun posts...they make me smile! :)
I'm off to watch the 'Young Victoria' trailer now...
love, Tina xx
I'm so behind in reading blogs. We needed to cancel our Internet at home and so the only time I'm on is if I go to the church or from my iPhone. Not an easy thing )-;
I enjoyed your updates!!!! Wow that's hot. I shouldn't complain when our heat gets to 95
Have a great week
I don't comment often because I use Google Reader, but I have to tell you that I love your pictures. Your food pictures especially are sooo inviting. Those cookies look like they are to die for, and they're not even chocolate!
Wonderful post! It was a 104 degrees here yesterday; can't imagine what 115 would feel like. Love the snickerdoodle ideal!
You crocheted bag is just LOVELY! And I can't wait to try the snickerdoodle cookies!! :)
115 degrees - that's way too hot!
So just enjoy those snickerdoodles. They were always my favorite growing up. I can't wait to try these.
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