The weather in my neck of the woods:
It feels so good outside, it's not hot and it's not cold, it's just perfect :)
One of my simple pleasures:
Sitting down with my kids and telling them stories about my childhood
On my bedside table:
Some Portuguese Magazines
A book I'm reading
On my TV:
Little House on the Prairie Season 6
On the menu for tonight:
Spaghetti, Salad
On my To Do List:
Mop and sweep
Change bed linens
New Recipe I tried last week:
Not exactly a new recipe, but one I hadn't made in forever. Cream Horns, check out the recipe on my food blog.
In the craft basket:
Nothing, I'm looking through books and online to try and come up with some great Fall projects.
Looking forward to:
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. I love this time of year and all the holidays we have to look forward to.
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Keep tons of hand sanitizer around, teach your kids how to use the bottle safely and remind them constantly to use it.
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Well I finally got around to blog reading and I can't stay there was a favorite because there were so many and so much I missed out on, but now being back to blogging full time, I'm sure next week I'll have a good one to share.
Favorite photo from last week:
Going back in time to my childhood, I have so many fond memories of the time we lived in Portugal.

Lesson learned the past few days:
That no amount of vitamins and hand sanitizing will keep you from getting the winter cold or flu.
On my Prayer List:
All my friends and family
Everyone during this cold and flu season. There are so many people sick right now and the threat of the H1N1 is unfortunately real.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
And God spoke all these words: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:1-3 NIV
Too true about the hand sanitizer and vitamins not keeping the flu at bay, but at least it can help keep it from getting severe enough or from catching other things as well.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hopefully your family can stay healthy! Mine has been fighting off colds and stomach bugs for a few weeks now. I wound up in the hospital I got so sick a couple weeks ago.
I love this time of year as well!
Those cream horns look really good!!
This is an awesome book - A Mother's Legacy:
It's a place to record all your memories - how I wish I had sat down with my Mum and asked her the questions in this book and then written in the information. There are so many things I forgot to ask her and now the memories of other things we talked about are fading. It's a wonderful legacy for your children.
I am enjoying visiting everyone's blogs to see what they are up to each Monday. I had a mishap and linked to the wrong post so you can delete the first one if you wish.
Good homemaking tip - while it's not fool proof hand sanatizer is great this time of the year. My poor daughter rolls her eyes everytime I tell he to use it in front of her friends. Guess I am embarrassing her...
I hope you don't mind me doing a slightly altered version of this. I discovered your blog a week or so ago and am already doing this and slow cooking Thursday!
I loved the post about where you grew up. We have missionaries visiting our church from Brazil and Ecuador..oh yes the recipe you posted on Thursday was a HIT at church! Have a great week. Hope you are all feeling better.
Wonderful post! Hope you all are feeling better soon.
Pop over to my blog to see a great crochet pumpkin to add to your children's treat or treat bag!:-)
Well, should I tell you, we woke up to 4 degrees this morning and right now it's sitting at about 24*F (-3*C). Brrrr. Still want to move back to the northern States? LOL.
My girl is coughing and not feeling well as we speak. I've been using the hand sanitizer like crazy!
Hope you are all feeling better soon.
And yes H1N1 is very real. We have a couple of sick kids around here too.
Have a great week.
Hi Sandra.
Guess what...I finally got my post down on the Laura Ingalls Wilder home on Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, MO.
If and when you have time, please drop by and check out the photos.
Hope all is going well in your "neck of the woods"!
I am looking forward to the holidays as well. Good advice about the hand sanitizer. I keep it in my purse and car as well. Thanks for hosting this event each week and I hope you have a wonderful week.
I missed stopping by yesterday as things are still a little crazy here but wanted you to know I was thinking of you.
The Raggedy Girl
so good to have you back blogging 'full time' !
And use real soap vs. antibacterial it is better for killing germs than what most folks think.
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