We've been so busy running around the past two days that I feel I really didn't get a chance to relax, but the good thing is that we accomplished a lot around here.
Before I show you what we were up to today, let me answer some of your questions first.
A few of you wanted to know about my wood floor cleaner. I don't like using abrasives and if you have laminate wood floors then you'll know that some of the commercial cleaners will leave streaks on the floors, and since I love using homemade cleaners, I've started doing the same for the floors.
They turn out just beautiful and smell amazing.
Here's what you do:
Equal parts water to equal parts vinegar. The vinegar smell does NOT linger at all, you don't even know it's in there, trust me. Then add just a few drops of essential oils, not too much, usually a drop or two leaves a wonderful scent and does the job.
That's it. Plain and simple. Now try it out and let me know what you think :)
Christina also wanted to know about my Lavender Linen Spray. Believe it or not, I get these at the Dollar Store. They have different scents but I'm a Lavender kinda gal, so I always get this one and I just love it :)
Now that we got that out of the way, let me show you a few things around here.
We went for a walk yesterday late afternoon, and made a stop by our old house. I felt so bad when I saw my Lemon Tree, it's just sitting there, no one is taking care of it, the grass has a yellow blanket of lemons that are rotting away. Made me sad, so we picked a few from the tree to bring home.
Our garden is coming along just great. We sectioned off an area to keep the girls from trampling all over our veggies and potted and planted a few more things.
This is my garlic.....
Look at all that wonderful garlic coming in.
And here's my lettuce...
I'm so thrilled to see it thriving and growing so well, it's hard to grow anything in this Arizona heat.
My patio table has kind of turned into a garden workbench, at least for the moment. Curt and I are going to build a little stand kind of like the little red bench we have in the front yard, and it will hold all our pots and plants.
Look at my basil, I can't believe that it's still growing.
Re-potting some of the garlic, I have so many :)
While hubby mowed and watered the yard, I spent some time doing school work with the kids. The greatest thing about homeschooling is that we make our own schedule and if we want to take a day off during the week, we just do and catch up on the weekends :)
Jasmine is working on Science, learning all about mammals.
Nicholas doing Language Arts, it's all about contractions which he is a whiz with :)
And what better way to do school work than with a cold Root beer Freeze to quench the thirst?
While the kids worked on their studies, I made up a batch of Homemade Salsa.
Trust me, if you've never made your own, you have no idea what you're missing. Not only is it much cheaper than store bought, but it's fresher, it's healthier and it's absolutely delicious. I posted the recipe I use on Full Bellies, Happy kids.
I think all these things combined caused the weekend to just speed on by and here we are, Sunday night and getting ready for a whole new work week.
Truthfully I would rather it were Friday night and I had two days to sleep in.
I do hope you all have a blessed week!
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