Friday, December 18, 2015
One week from Christmas!!!
Good morning everyone, hope you're having a brilliant Friday.
Mine has been very quiet and relaxing, I've spent most morning working with my computer and doing some clean up, re downloading of a few software I needed, looking up some ebooks and also finished my Christmas shopping.
Yesterday after hubby got home from work, we went to the mall to get the last of the Christmas presents. It was so much fun, even the kids enjoyed it. What we did was split up, first hubby and son went together to shop for me and our daughter, and we did the same thing, we went to shop for the boys. We then switched and Jasmine went with Curt and Nick came with me so I could shop for her and, and they could shop for me.
We took a little break to have dinner, nothing out of this world, we stuck by the food court and had some yummy Chinese.
It was just fun to run around shopping for each other, and it was good for my daughter to get out of the house too. She was a little down for the first two days after the break up, but she's perked right back up and she still loves the boy but she is moving on and looking to the future and being strong, and also looking back and realizing a lot of things that she liked about the relationship and many more that she didn't and would rather not have repeat themselves with boyfriend or husband in the future.
I'm so proud of her. Something else she has done, which her ex hasn't, is that she hasn't talked bad about him to anyone, or felt the need to trash his image. He on the other hand took to his facebook to do just that and then blocked her and unfriended me too. It's one of those things, we can't do anything about it, and I really don't have any hard feelings towards him, I wish him nothing but the best in his future, it's just a chapter in our lives that has come to an end.
She did as me yesterday how he could be so cruel after a year and a half of being together, and I don't have the answers to this, all I could tell her is that maybe this is his way of dealing with it. Doesn't make it right, but we can't control how others feel and act.
Anyway, we got back home and we all wrapped the gifts and placed them under the tree, so it's definitely looking a lot more like Christmas.
And speaking of trees, this right here is the only annoying part of real trees. I spend my life vacuuming it all up but it still comes falling down. Even so, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I got a pitcher of iced tea going for lunch.....
Made myself a hot cup of tea, because my throat hasn't been feeling quite right, and it's gotten so cold here lately that I'm wondering if I'm not coming down with anything.
Also switched my bag out, haven't used my Cath Kidston in a while and was missing it, so here it is, in all it's beautiful glory :)
Now I'm sitting down and working on my meal plan and grocery list, that's where I am headed tomorrow morning, to the grocery store. I'm going to try and actually do a video grocery haul this time, and see how that turns out. If it's ok I'll post it, if not, I will just do it as I have been up to now, with pictures etc.
I feel like I'm so behind on the whole holidays thing this year, usually in years past, we would decorate the beginning of December and really look forward to Christmas, but as time has gone by and as the kids have gotten older, we've stopped a lot of that and so it doesn't quite feel like Christmas anymore, and it's sad, really.
I don't quite know why, up until Curt retired from the Air Force we were so into it, and I can say that the last time we got into the holidays and enjoyed every single minute of it, was back in Arizona, the last year before we moved to Idaho. I've decided though that I need to make the most of it because the kids are growing up so fast and soon they'll be out on their own, so might as well make these last few years with them at home, the most memorable.
Anyway, I'm going to finish off this post, add the Christmas movie for today, find myself something to watch, continue downloading my software and finish up that meal plan.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do for dinner, I have nothing in the freezer (meat wise), so I guess I could ask Curt to run to the commissary on the way home and pick something up, something easy and quick maybe.
We'll see what happens!!!!
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Sounds like your daughter is learning some very important lessons about relationships. That will help her throughout her life. I love the idea of watching a Christmas story every day. You and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
Growing up we used to have a real tree each year. Mom would put a white sheet under it, then top it with the tree skirt. The sheet would catch the tree needles. When we took the tree out after Christmas, she'd pull the sheet flat and lay the tree on in, and wrap up the tree to avoid getting more on the floor as the tree went out to recycling. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh how I hate this for your daughter. Madison went thru it last year. It was horrible. I will tell you this.....Madison was made stronger from the experience. Her boy came back begging for her. She did not take him back. He still to this day says she was the one that got away. And they made peace with each other. Something I'm so proud of them both for doing. (maturity) Jasmine will grow stronger from this life lesson and guess what???? She will never treat anyone the way he is treating her. Hugs to you guys.
It sounds as though your daughter has done wonderfully, and as though it would never have been meant to be forever if this is the way the young man is now behaving. A good lesson learned, even though it is a very sad one too. Happy Christmas! xx
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