Saturday, November 16, 2019
{ Let's talk }
It is so chilly outside, the grass is filled with sparkling icy drops, the car windows are covered in a white icy film, and our heaters are humming in the background.
I have a feeling that this winter is going to be colder than usual.
But come on in and sit with me a little, let's talk.
I want to start by apologizing for the lack of actual posts. I have put up a book review pretty much each day, but I don't consider those proper blog posts. Maybe I'm wrong, but for me, blogging is about sharing our lives, exchanging ideas and recipes, tips and so forth.
And so when I go a few days without doing that, I start getting antsy. It's a bit unnerving to look at my blog and see only reviews or posts that don't reflect what is going on in my life, at that specific moment.
So I wanted to come in and talk to you real quick.
I'm doing well, my family is doing well, so let's just get that out of the way already.
However, you know what is currently going on behind closed doors, and it's been a flurry of busy, stressful, paperwork coming out of the backside, few weeks.
Outside, completely unaware of our current state of mind, the season continues to do it's thing. The trees have now either completely lost their leaves, or are in a state of undress. Bare branches intermingled with branches that have some leaves clinging on for dear life.
There is something so magical about the Fall season, for me, it's especially beautiful when driving by and seeing the changing colors of the trees. Dark reds, bright oranges and muted yellows, all in a line, as if waiting to be inspected.
But I'm getting off track here, after all I invited you in for a chat, not a lesson on the seasons.
I guess what I want to say is that, right now, my posting will be sporadic. Not by personal choice, but rather an imposed brief, and I mean VERY brief hiatus of the posts you love reading, and really the ones I most enjoy sharing.
My attention is needed elsewhere.
We have had a ton of inspections, seems like every other day there is a new person walking through my house, and for someone as private as I am (I'm talking about having people in my house, kind of private), it all feels quite unsettling.
Strangers prodding and poking into every corner, invading your space, questioning and inquiring, suggesting and demanding and so on.
Boy it's been a lesson, in many ways......actually, it's been an incredible journey.
The constant barrage of calls and emails, signing of this and that, providing this and that document, having to rely on my memory for things from years prior that frankly, I can no longer remember. The stress, the uncertainty of it all.
I have told my husband that I feel like I've been holding my breath for weeks, and I'm quite ready to exhale and take in a deep fresh breath of air.
So as much as I wish I could be waking up every morning and just worrying about what I need to clean and cook, or do for homeschool, I feel that I can't concentrate on anything much other than the house buying process.
Forgive me, we have but 2 more weeks of this and then I can move on and go right back to homemaking full time.
The blogging will be kind of sporadic, but at least you will know why. It might not make sense, or have any rhyme or reason, and I hate doing that because I'm quite an organized and methodical person, so trust me when I say that I'm counting down the days until this is all done and dusted.
You may see some random posts here and there. I'll actually have a post for you tomorrow, as this afternoon we are gathering all the pecans from the yard, and I'll also be making my Christmas fruit cakes (poor things should have been made weeks ago, but it's yet another thing that took backseat).
It is 8:30am and I'm still sitting in bed. I've had coffee and I've had toast but I haven't had the energy or motivation, to get up, get dressed and get started with the day.
I've allowed myself to go slow this morning, everyone needs a break now and again, right?
Anyway, in brief, I know I'm a little MIA from the blog and not exactly putting out the content I want to, but it's temporary and before you know it, I'll be back.
Have a wonderful weekend friends, relax and enjoy time with your family.
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I agree with you about this winter.
We have much colder weather here than usual.
How lovely to have your own Pecans.
Take Care 🌿
If this house is the one for you, it will all work out. Don't worry about your blog posting, there will be sporadic postings from everyone, which happens every holiday season. Enjoy each day, thanking and trusting God for working all things out. ~ FlowerLady
We know you'll be back! Take a breath and we'll see you when things calm down. Been there, done that, the sheer amount of paper it takes to go through the mortgage process is eye-watering. Hugs xx
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