Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/20/2023


Good morning ladies, welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday.  
Last week was a bit of a busy one for me, I didn't get much of a chance to come in and post anything other than Monday's Happy Homemaker Monday.  I did take photos, did manage to edit them, but never got around to posting.  Oh well!
I am hoping to get some posts up this week, at least until Thursday, because starting today, it's my annual crazy run getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Speaking of which, don't forget to take your Turkeys out of the freezer.
Anyway, I have another busy day, so I better get going.  Have a wonderful week, and good luck to all the ladies working hard getting their homes ready, and cooking all the delicious food. 
*** The Weather ***
Temperatures are continuing to drop, so I think it's safe to assume that the heat is gone for good.   
Monday - Rainy and windy, 67
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 59
Wednesday - Sunny, 58
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 64
Friday - Partly cloudy, 58
Saturday - Mostly cloudy, 48
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 48

*** Right now I am ***
Listening to the news on the Portuguese TV channel, while typing up this post.   

*** Thinking and pondering ***
Trying to not forget what is currently in my mind, before I put it down on paper.  It's all Thanksgiving related, things to do, when to cook what, and what is missing that needs to be bought still.      
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm ok for the first time in 3 days.  I haven't gotten much sleep, but finally last night I was able to sleep well, and not be woken up at 3am either by Kaia or Henry crowing outside.    
*** On the breakfast plate ***
I've had one cup of coffee, will have another later and probably some toast.    
*** On the lunch plate ***
I have no idea, not sure what I'll feel like and I don't have leftovers either.   
*** On the dinner plate ***
Chipotle Burrito Bowls

*** On the menu ***
Tuesday - Shepherd's Pie, Salad
Wednesday - Chili Dog Casserole, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Thursday - Thanksgiving - 
Deviled Eggs
Pumpkin Shaped Cheeseball
Dinner Rolls
Cranberry Sauce
Roast Turkey
Fried Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Southern Sweet Potato Casserole 
Crockpot Cornbread Dressing
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Milk Tart
Butter Crumble Apple Pie

Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
*** What I am wearing ***
Still in my pajamas, but will throw on some leggings and a long sleeved top later.       
*** On my reading pile ***
Starting the book of Ezra today.
Jonathan Cahn's The Return of the Gods
Francine River's, A Lineage of Grace.

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian Homemaking Vlogs
Turkish shows - Bambaska Biri, Dizik Talesi, Hudutsuz Sevda

*** Looking around the house ***
I need to carpet clean the living room AGAIN.  I swear when it rains, it's just a constant cleaning of muddy paws.  I can't wait to pull all the carpet out.   

*** To do list ***
Take turkeys out of freezer
Make list of what needs to be cooked on which day (I don't want to leave everything for Thursday)
Start new meal plan
Start grocery list

*** From the camera ***
Last week, my husband's squadron had a Thanksgiving dinner for the students.  We sent in a fried Turkey, and I also made two pies.  One is a chocolate pecan pie and the other a sweet potato pie.  They were both so good, so I'll be making them for our Thanksgiving as well.     

*** Something to share ***
Gonna have to try this again.  I am so sorry about last week's video, I guess the youtube channel blocked the playback outside of Youtube.  But here's another, this time a wonderful Thanksgiving Ambience for us to enjoy while we get ready for family, in a few days.
*** Thanksgiving Tips, DIY, Ideas or recipes ***
Set the table the night before.  I know this may be a no brainer, but I swear, until a few years ago, I forgot about this detail until an hour before the family was due to arrive.  It sent me into a frenzy, and stressed me out so much.  Now I do it all the night before, right after our dinner is done, I set the table for Thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving 2014

*** Devotional, Bible Verses ***
I thought today I would do something a little different.  With Thanksgiving approaching, and the current state of the world, I think it's very important to count our blessings, and to focus on those instead of everything that is going wrong.
This song has been on repeat for me lately, it brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it.  Hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to count your blessings.


threesidesofcrazy said...

Sounds like you're having a BIG crowd again this year! Your menu sounds divine and the tip to set the table the night before is pure genius. Have a blessed Thanksgiving week my friend.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Wow! That is one heck of a menu for the holiday. A lot of cooking and baking, but looks good.

A Runners Mom & More said...

Luckily this year my kids all want to go out for Thanksgiving, which totally suits me! I'm working a race that morning and will be editing photos when I get home.
meal Menus plan this week won't revolve around leftovers....that's a Win for me. Having an Amazing week and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Mrs.T said...

Wow, what a Thanksgiving menu!! We will be going to our daughters and will be joined by friends also. I'm baking five pies and making some side dishes -- stuffing, broccoli casserole and squash/apple bake.

Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Aritha V. said...

Thanks for your blog post, the cozy photos, and your text. I have no idea what Thanksgiving is, but I think it's some kind of day to give thanks? And it has something to do with turkeys.

I tried turkey once, a long time ago, when I was 10 and I found it quite disgusting. It had fatty bits, and I tucked those into the pocket of my sweater. Later, I went to the WC and washed away the greasy meat pieces. My friend's parents had a turkey farm.

Question: do you dream in Portuguese or English :-) Or without words.

Lisa K Thomasson Jung said...

My favorite deviled eggs. I'm interested in try cornbread in the crockpot. I have never done that.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello my Friend!
Happy Thanksgiving week to you and yours! The pies look and sound amazing! 😋 Love the ambiance video too. I can't set table too far in advance due to Bubba. Lol You can't keep a cat off of anywhere!! 😂 I hope you have a wonderful holiday time ahead.
Blessings. xo

Luludou said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Your menu sounds scrumptious!

Sherry Jolly said...

There are a lot of comments that I could make, but one that I have been meaning to ask for weeks now - tell me about these Turkish shows! Are they dubbed or do you read the subtitles? I've watched a lot of Korean shows, some Taiwanese and Japanese and a few random ones from other countries - and mostly they have subtitles. And as much as I love them, I'm generally doing something else when I watch tv so when you read the subtitles you can only do one thing at once! HAHA But maybe that is a good thing, it makes you slow down and actually relax. Have a very blessed Thanksgiving, Sandra!!

Debbie said...

Your menu sounds amazing! Have a wonderful week and a happy Thanksgiving :)

Jean said...

Thank you for always doing the Happy Homemaker Monday link ups. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Loved the music - left it playing all yesterday morning and it's playing again today! Thank you.