Thursday, February 01, 2024

Welcome February, where did January go?


This month has been a bit of a blur, it seemed to have come in quietly, quickly moved through the year and disappeared out the back door with nary a sound.

We always complain about time moving fast, but this month of this new year, may just take the cake, and the cherry and the whole shebang.  Anyway, it's February 1st and here we are, enjoying what seems like late Spring weather.  That's Texas for you though, gives us some temps in the 70s but as we move into the middle to end of February?  We will no doubt get our huge snow and cold temps.  It's always like this!



We've been receiving a lot of rain, which is always welcome and very much needed around here.  The minute it starts pouring down, my soul changes into a slower pace.  The candles are lit, blankets are pulled out of baskets to be snuggled with, and books are read.

You can see my current read above.  And speaking of reading, I want so much to make this year my comeback to reading.  I go through phases where I read a ton, then go years without picking up a book, just admiring them on my bookshelf and telling myself, "I really want to read that one" or "I can't wait to get into that book".
I'm hoping those thoughts manifest into actual reading, so I can then say that I've read it and not just admired it's beautiful cover.





On rainy days, the fur babies and I have spend a lot a time at the big windows, just looking out into the yard and watching the rain coming down.  There is such a soothing rhythm to the sound, it lulls you into peace, or at least it does for me, but then I am a rain lover, so maybe that's why.
A few days ago, I decided that I was going to take the day for myself.  I've been keeping busy the past two weeks, moving more, working out, cleaning and organizing and de cluttering the house.  Then that time of the month rolled around, and between the cramps and the muscle soreness from the workouts, I thought I deserved one day of rest.

So I did.  I made myself a sort of nest on the couch, with comfy pillows, warm blankets, my book, candles, coffee and I settled in to watch some period dramas on tv.  Oh my gosh, how I've missed those too.  Why do we tend to stop doing the things we enjoy?

I often sit and wonder why I can let go of some of my favorite hobbies, and then go months or even a year, where I don't touch them.  Photography, crochet, period dramas, those three in particular have been so neglected and for no real reason.  But, I am bringing them all back and have been loving getting reacquainted with each.






I'm enjoying the slower pace of life.  More days of pottering around, enjoying every nook and cranny from my home and just living life in a simpler, more subdued kind of way.

I've also picked up my crochet hook and have fallen in love with this beautiful form of art, all over again.  Why did I stop crocheting?  It brings me such joy.

I have purchased and started a new blanket.  Something new to me, or rather a technique new to me as crocheter, the Mosaic overlay.  I am currently working on a Nordic Blanket that is just too beautiful for words.  I can not wait to see it finished, and to know that I did it with my own, often sore, and arthritic hands.  Mind you, I must say that crocheting hasn't been exacerbating the pain in my joins, but rather relieving.  Weird!



Also got some girl scout cookies, which we do every year, although this year I am not eating them.  Ok I won't lie, I did have two, but one was a gluten free toffee that I bought specific with my new diet in mind.  Something to enjoy once in a while, as a little treat.

The rest have been enjoyed and devoured by the 3 men in the house. 



And finally, the beginning stages of our renovation in the hallway.  We suspected that there was some damage in the sub floor under the carpet, and when we pulled the carpet back, we confirmed those suspicions.  It took a while to get all the nail strips out and to clean this floor, we also replaced that spot of floor and now the new flooring will go on this weekend.  So exciting!

I am also going to be painting the walls, as you can probably see, they are this brown wallpaper.  I don't know why the previous owners ever picked that, but that's their taste and that's fine.  It doesn't work for us, and now with the new flooring going in, it will really not look good.  So I'm painting the walls white, which means that paper has to come down, which means it's going to take me a few days to do that.  

Even knowing that, I am so excited to finish this renovation.  Once that is done, I need to paint our bedroom white, and the living room I am wanting to paint a sage color.  It is currently mint green, and it's not a color I ever would have put on my walls, but it was already here when we bought the house and I've slowly gotten used to it, but it needs to go.

If you have recommendations on the best wall color, or know of a pretty sage, please let me know down below.

Anyway, just a quick update, even more for myself to register it here, but, I am now down 8 pounds and so happy.  I've been working out every day for 15 to 20 minutes.  I will eventually up that to at least 30 minutes, but slowly because my sciatica won't allow me to go all in right now.  Either way, the new way of eating and the workouts are showing results and I'm beyond thrilled with that.

Now, I am going to get off here.  I have a Walmart pickup between 10 and 11, but before that I need to go to the commissary on base to pickup the meats, as I find them to be much cheaper than anywhere else.

Then of course, come back home and put it all away.  The part I most dislike about grocery day, do you agree?

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday, and I'll see you back here either tomorrow or Saturday.


Katerinas Blog said...

It is very good that you started renovation. Usually something like this has a positive effect on our psychology! Good luck finishing. Good month!

Debbie said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! Also on the renovations! I love a good makeover :) The sage green sounds soothing and pretty. When we moved into this little cottage, I had everything painted white so I could add a bunch of color with curtains and furnishings. I did paint my cabinets a fun green color, but now, 3 1/2 years later, I think I'm ready for new cabinets in a shade of white, to make it look bigger. But time and money...need more of both! :)