Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/16/2024

Good morning friends, welcome back to Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
It is a crisp and cool morning, and as of this moment (7:12 AM), the sun has yet to make an appearance.  We are definitely approaching Fall, with the mornings taking longer to get bright, and the evenings getting darker earlier.  I must say, I don't quite enjoy this part of the season, but I still love it.
I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend with your families, and as we all prepare for a new, full week ahead, I pray that you are blessed, that you are productive and that you are safe.  My week will be filled with crochet, reading and other random jobs around the home, intermingled into the usual daily homemaking tasks that go with running a household.
Wishing you all a blessed week ahead ♥

*** The Weather *** 
It's been wonderful but this past weekend we once again saw triple digits.  Texas always reminds us that summer isn't quite over in September.  It has a way of tricking us into cooler temperatures only to bring them back every few days, letting us know who is in charge.  Such nonsense.  Hahah
Monday - Partly cloudy, 94
Tuesday - Sunny, 95
Wednesday - Sunny, 98
Thursday - Sunny, 100
Friday - Mostly sunny, 100
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 98 
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 93
 *** Right now I am ***
Sitting on the bed and working on getting this post up.  Also watching Julie Green on the TV.   
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I have so many projects that I want to do, crochet, knitting, sewing, reading, it's just a jumble in my brain at the moment.  I love being creative but if you're a creative person, you will understand what I mean when I say that, sometimes, it's a bit overwhelming.  Your brain goes a mile a minute with a ton of new ideas and all the things you want to make, but there is clearly not enough hours in the day.   
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm doing good.  Stomach is a little off because once again I ate sugar this weekend.  We had family over and I made two Portuguese desserts.  I know that sugar is not good for me anymore, but yet I fall into the trap each time then pay for it after.  Entirely my fault, but what can we do?    
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of Caramel Pecan Coffee with skim milk, healthy waffle (1 egg, 1 tablespoon peanut butter).
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Green beans and tuna salad.  Have leftover green beans from Friday's dinner, so will add some tuna, tomato and onion.   
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Greek Shrimp with Orzo, Spaghetti Squash.   
*** On the menu *** 

Greek Shrimp with Orzo, Spaghetti Squash.
Chicken Broccoli, Basmati Rice (cauliflower rice for me)
Oven Roasted Fish with Potatoes and Peppers, Bean Salad
Roasted Cherry Tomato Pasta, Garlic Bread, Salad
Frozen Pizza for the boys, Grilled Tomato and Onion Sandwich for me (multigrain bread)
Green Bean Soup, Sandwiches (I will just eat the soup, since I'm having a sandwich the night before)
Pampered Chef Taco Ring

*** What I am wearing *** 
My summer nightie at the moment.  Leggings and tank top when I get changed, as I will be working out today. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
Finished 1 Samuel in the Bible.   I have learned to go into prayer and ask God what He wants me to read, which book He wants me to go to next.  I did that and sat there for 5 minutes waiting, then Joshua popped into my mind.  It wouldn't leave, it was like a big neon sign, constantly Joshua, Joshua, Joshua.  So that is the book I am starting today.

Still reading Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson, physical book.
On the Kindle, I am reading The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen.  Really enjoying Klassen right now, she is just the type of author I love reading.  Here is how she describes herself:

If you love romance, British accents, Jane Eyre, or anything by Jane Austen, then you and I are soul sisters and I write for you!

Well, yes, yes and YES!

*** On my TV this week *** 
Homemaking channels on YouTube.  
Catching up on All Creatures Great and Small
*** Looking around the house *** 
The sun has just now started to come in through the windows and as always, it is my favorite time of the day, when the golden light hits every wall inside, and leaves everything looking so magical.  
I just need to do the usual Monday cleaning and tidying.     
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Finish one of the knitted owl gloves I started. 
Vacuum and dust.
Mop all floors.
Water inside plants.

*** What I am creating ***
Knitted Owl Gloves.  I made some many, MANY years ago.  I haven't knitted in years and just picked it up again, it hurts my hands more than crocheting though, so I'm not sure just how much I'll be able to enjoy, but I'm hoping to at least finish this pair.  
Also still working on my Winter Nordic Blanket.

*** From the camera *** 
The fabric pumpkins are so cute.  I love making these.  ♥  

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Just pray.  We are in unprecedented times, and need to be making sure to put on the full armor of God daily, cover ourselves and our families and homes with the blood of the lamb, and stay connected to God.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sewing Day


Good morning! 
I've often talked about my sweet grandmother and the fact that she was a seamstress, and taught me how to sew from a very early age.  I've also talked about how in those days, I felt frustrated because as much as I enjoyed spending time with her and learning new skills, I wasn't really wanting to spend hours sitting next to her while she worked on wedding dresses, and I was delegated the unpicking chore.  
If you sew you know what that means, it means taking the seam ripper and taking apart sewing stitches.  Boy did that annoy me, but if I had known then what I know now, I would have kept quiet, done it with a huge smile on my face and not complained one single second.  Why?
Because the tools that she passed onto me, are something I treasure so very deeply and am extremely grateful to have.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

I don't often get to sew, as much as I love it, I find that I don't have the space to really get into it.  Sometimes I wish I had a studio where I could have all my yarn and fabric neatly packed and show cased, with a long table where my sewing machine is always plugged in and on display, an overlocking machine set up next to it, space to lay fabric, cut it out, a spot to iron and so on.

I don't.  At least not for the moment.  When Jasmine moved out, the plan was to make her bedroom into my studio/guest room.  But, that is when we found out that my brother in law was returning from Korea and staying with us until he bought his house.  So, that was set aside, and once he moves out, then I will work on that room.

Honestly can't wait, but I also am not rushing or desperately waiting for that to happen, so it will happen in God's timing.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

With that said, it shouldn't hold me back from sewing.  I have so many projects swirling around in my head right now, with many things I want to make and sew.  So, even if the setting is not perfect for it, I think every week, I will set aside a day for sewing, use my desk as I have done here, and just go for it.   
Now, the first thing I wanted to make were some mushrooms, and I even got everything cut up and ready to go, but once I made the first stem, I realized it was just not working for me, they were far too small.  I'm going to do the tops and then find a different pattern for the bottom stem.
Since I couldn't do those, I set them aside and just went for the fabric pumpkins.  I think I may have far too many handmade pumpkins already, but I can't help it, I just love fabric and crocheted pumpkins.  They're perfect as decorations for this time of year, and super easy to make.

September 7, 2024

There are many, many tutorials online, both on google and YouTube, some are no sew using hot glue, and some are sewed, I much prefer sewing than doing a whole project with hot glue, but that is a personal preference.

Here is a good one from Aubree Originals.

I didn't use hers, because I've been making these for years, I think the first I made was back in Arizona when we were stationed at Luke AFB.  I don't remember where I got the tutorial from, maybe it's mentioned on the post, not sure, but you can check it out here.
Here are the finished pumpkins, I love them so much, they are the cutest.
Fabric Pumpkins

Maybe I should do a Works in Progress Wednesday, and show you each week what I've made or what I'm working on, whether it's sewing, knitting or crocheting.  

Anyway, just wanted to quickly show you the fabric pumpkins, hope it inspires you to make some of your own.

Have a blessed day! ♥

Monday, September 09, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/09/2024

Good morning sweet ladies, welcome back to this second HHM of September.  I can't believe I'm even saying that, September arrived and seems to be moving much faster than I want it too.  I kind of want to tell it to slow down a little, I'm not ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas yet.  Hahaha
Anyway, I'm going to keep this short and jump right into our post.  Let's see what is happening around our homes.

*** The Weather *** 
The weather is absolutely gorgeous.  September came in and immediately brought the temperatures down.  Every morning now I open the windows and the back door and get the most wonderful of chills coming in.  Loving it!  It's thankfully started cooling down, and we are told the hot temperatures are finally over with.  I'm thrilled.  
Monday - Generally clear, 80 
Tuesday - Sunny, 92 
Wednesday - Mostly sunny, 93 
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 93 
Friday - Sunny, 99 
Saturday - Mostly sunny, 104 (this guy is clearly confused and thinking he's in August) 
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 99
 *** Right now I am ***
I just finished seeing hubby off to work, made my breakfast and another cup of coffee, and am back sitting in bed.  I'm listening to a Christian show on the TV while working on this post.   
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
About the menu plan for this upcoming week and the next.  I was thinking that surely I still have another week, because I JUST went grocery shopping and made the new menu, and now realized that nooooo, it is time again.  That was the fastest 2 weeks. 
*** How I am feeling *** 
Women know.  No words needed, I think you all understand, so I'm a bit crampy this morning and have a slight headache brewing. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
2 cups of coffee with skim milk, healthy banana pancake. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Tuna Salad. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Amish Chicken, Basmati rice, Sauteed Kabocha Squash 
*** On the menu *** 

Amish Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Sauteed Kabocha Squash (I will have just the chicken and squash)
Lentil and Chickpea Curry, Basmati Rice (Cauliflower rice for me)
Bacon Spaghetti, Salad




*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer pajamas.  Grey with pink and white flowers.  I got them for my birthday from my sister in law and brother.  Will put on either a dress or skirt or leggings....honestly don't know. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  
Finished The Linen Queen by Patricia Falvey.  It was ok....I didn't enjoy it very much, the main character got on my nerves.
Also finished reading Daughter of Fire by Sophia Robleda which I loved.  It was really good.

Started Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson.


*** On my TV this week *** 
Homemaking channels on YouTube.  
*** Looking around the house *** 
It is clean and tidy so I don't have much to do, other than the daily chores that come with running a home.   
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Starting the sleeves on my Fall Sweater. 
Meal plan and grocery list

*** What I am creating ***
I had some yarn that I didn't know what to do with, and while watching a slow living video on Youtube this weekend, I came across a pattern for a super easy and quick crochet sweater.  It's something I haven't done before, and really wanted to try, so I grabbed the yarn and the hook and just went for it.  I am loving it, and just finished the body yesterday, so will be starting on the sleeves today.  I can't wait. 

*** From the camera *** 
I love sewing and it's not something I get to do very often.  This past week, I took a whole day to devote to making some fabric pumpkins.  I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it, it always reminds me of my grandmother and I'll often sit and sew while being flooded with sweet memories from our time together. 
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Maybe today you want the district attorney Jesus, who'll get all those people who've made your life hard.  He will be only your sovereign Savior King.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp 

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Autumn is slowly creeping in!

I opened the back door this morning and the most wonderful of chills came in.  It is the first day that opening the door didn't feel like checking your cake in the oven.   Another sign that summer is truly over.

Aside from the chill, the one other thing that tells me Autumn is creeping in, is the change in lighting.  It becomes warmer and everything seems golden and orange.  God truly is a master creator, I couldn't even imagine in my little brain, a fraction of the colors and details that He does. 

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

The past week I have truly immersed myself in crafting.  There's a shift in our emotional well being, when we pull away from social media and the world, and dig deep into hobbies, pretty things and connecting with the earth around us.

I've been enjoying my time outdoors more, not even going far, but a simple walk into the backyard with Kaia while she does her business, leaves me feeling so much happier.  Everything around us is changing, the leaves are turning from deep greens to dark oranges.  

I love this leaf in my grape vine, I feel like it shows the transition from summer to autumn.  I couldn't believe just how amazing it looked, almost as if perfectly cut down the middle, or as if we are watching a video transition slowly moving from green to orange. 

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

As things change outside, they slowly start shifting indoor as well.  I used to not decorate for Autumn, I just felt that it was pointless, so I would do Christmas and Halloween.  There was never really an inbetween season of decorating for me, but this was back many years ago, when the kids were little and I still did Halloween not understanding just how evil it truly is.  (I know we all have different opinions, but since this is my blog and my space, I can express mine and speak for myself)

That's a talk for another time and not something I really want to get into right to the beautiful Autumn change.

I've brought out my decorations and have slowly been pulling things out, a little at a time.  Usually I would take it all out at once and be done, but I'm enjoying doing it slowly this year, just inching into the season with calmness.  We seem to rush into everything and want everything immediately and for last year.  But when we take the time to really take in each moment, we enjoy it more.

September 7, 2024

Above you can see the Granny Stripe Pumpkins I made a few days ago.  I just love how they turned out and they look perfect in my living room.

I made another one which needs a stem, and I have to find my glue gun sticks.  I know I have them but can't for the life of me remember where I put them, so can't really glue anything yet.  The two cinnamon stick stems in the pumpkins above are in place but I just want to secure them with some hot glue, to be sure they don't pop off.  For now though, they're right there, and no one messes with them so they're fine.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

These little woodland candle holders are just the cutest aren't they?  They are the perfect size for a tealight and I love seeing them lit up at night, they look beautiful next to the autumn leaf garland.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in real quick and show you just a little glimpse of Autumn around here. 

How is it going in your area, are you seeing signs yet, are the leaves turning, or are you still dealing with summer?

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Hello Fall ♥

Good morning Fall, so happy to see you!

Technically it is not officially the first day of Fall, we have to wait until September 21st, but we will just pretend and go with it.  Truthfully, the minute September 1st comes around, the weather shifts, the light changes and the temperatures drop.  It's like a tease of what is to come without officially being the time for said season.
“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”
Henry David Thoreau 

So, how have you been, how are things going for you, is Fall starting to make an appearance yet or are you still plagued by Summer heat?  I use the term plagued loosely because I do understand that there are many of you out there, who love summer and love the heat.  I used to, but not anymore, I think my body radiates enough heat on it's own without needing outside assistance.
 September 1, 2024

I wanted to come in a just share a little of the past few days.  I've been sort of in a cocoon, not by choice but kind of a forced one, brought on by overeating things I shouldn't, this past weekend.

It's been days since my stomach has felt normal, and I can tell you that I hope to never go back to feeling that way again.  It's funny though, because I was telling Curt that I used to feel this way all the time, I would go months where my stomach was just not right.  This was back before January when the blood tests came back with elevated Triglycerides, and my diet and life changed completely.

I don't know how I was ever able to live like that, because just 2 days of that crampy, nausea feeling and I was ready to run away to the hills.

Thankfully it's all sorted out, I'm back to very minimal sugar and carbs and am already feeling so much better.

September 1, 2024

September 1, 2024

I've been taking it easy, starting my mornings slowly with windows wide open and the fresh crisp morning air coming in to renew my soul.  How I missed these cool mornings where the air feels crisp, you can smell the wet earth and breathe in without feeling like you're smothering in a hot oven.

The animals have been loving the change as well, and we even finally got a little rain.  

I'm definitely a Fall season girl nowadays.  Give me dark mornings, curtains blowing in the wind, and beautiful candles lit throughout the house.

September 1, 2024

September 1, 2024

I've divided my time between reading and crocheting, both hobbies that had dwindled down for a while and have now come back full force.  I am back in my little bubble, stepping back from social media and rather spending my time watching history documentaries, crocheting and reading.

I've already finished my first book for September, and went back and redid my reading list for this month.  I had previously posted my September Reading List in this post, but am not feeling those books at the moment, so I've stacked them in a neat pile, to the side, and have once again browsed the bookshelves for others that caught my eye.

I'm not going to do a whole new post, because honestly I will probably still end up reading the original books I picked, but I just added 3 more.
Walk the Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson
Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy
Days of Dreams and Laughter by Lucy Maud Montgomery

September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024

 My crochet has been divided between adding rows to the ever growing Cosmic Blanket, whipping up a sweet book sleeve and now making granny strip pumpkins, because it's Fall season and you can never have enough pumpkins in my opinion.
These are just adorable and so easy to make, they're also helping me get through my stash of random yarn needing to be used up but being too small for big projects.
The pattern is very easy to follow and you can find it over on Mj's Off the Hook Designs.
I made the medium size and the large size yesterday afternoon.  Well, I finished the last two rows on the large one in the evening, and only because I had to stop to go and make dinner, or I would have finished it before.  It's a quick pattern and just the cutest things ever.  No doubt there will be more popping up, as I plan on making a plain orange, plain brown and plain white pumpkin too.  You'll see those in future posts.

As for the documentaries I mentioned above, I have subscribed to History Hit, which is a very cheap app containing only History documentaries and it is fabulous.

So far I have watched three, one about the Holocaust, and two from one of my favorites Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb in England.  

Meet the Tudors - Holbein at Henry VIII's Court
Six Tudor Lives

There are so many to choose from.  I love documentaries because I can move on with my day and just have one in the background.  I feel like I don't HAVE to stare at the screen, I can just listen to it while getting things done, and I am learning a lot too.

Have you heard of History Hit?

September 2, 2024

It's been a great start to September so far.  

I leave you with this photo that I took of the usual Fall visitors.  We have a lot of deer year round, but this time of the year we get an even bigger influx, with tons of does and little babies, plus always a huge group of beautiful bucks.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/02/2024

Hello September, am I ever so glad to see your sweet month.
I must say, I have been anxiously awaiting your arrival, for what seems like forever, although I know that is ever so slightly exaggerated, but when you immensely dislike the heat, you tend to romanticize the cooler BER months. 
So welcome, please stay a while and bring the cooler temperatures which we so need.

The past week has been a bit of a blur totally induced by the nasty triple digit heat and the non existent rain.  Actually, rainy days have become a family joke around here.  Our weather forecast seems to have become the biggest liar on the face of this earth.  We get told we have days of rain, only to see not a single drop arrive.  The clouds turn up, they go a deep purple, give out a thunderous sound and that is it, they dissipate leaving us frustrated and saddened.  
It's been exhausting, honestly, but we did get a full 2 seconds of rain last night, and no I am not even exaggerating that statement.  Curt and I started laughing at the ridiculousness of it all.  *sigh*
Anyway, good morning, welcome to a new month.  I hope this month of September brings you blessings and joy and the peace that only our Lord can give. 
Now, let's jump right in, and kick off the BER months, shall we?

Good morning ladies, and welcome to the last Happy Homemaker Monday in August.  Can you believe that?  I am so happy to see this month come to an end, even though it's my birthday and anniversary month, the heat is unbearable.
So, last one for August, and then we are into the BER months....yay!
I had a good weekend, it was laid back and relaxing and just what I needed.  Got a lot of crochet in, which felt so good to do, it's been years since I've done that, so it's great to be back on track with that.
Last week was a bit of a hit and miss when it came to posting, but I explained why in my last post, which you can see here, The Past Week in Pictures! 
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and are ready for a new blank slate, week ahead.  I pray God's blessings over you and your families.  Now, let's see what is happening around our homes. 

*** The Weather *** 
It's thankfully started cooling down, and we are told the hot temperatures are finally over with.  I'm thrilled. 

*** Right now I am ***
Sitting in the living room, working on this post, seeing the gorgeous sunrise and watching a video on YouTube.  You know I love history and there is a channel called Real Royalty that I am just loving.  I have always adored England and castles, and I get to indulge in watching some of the most beautiful castles and manor houses.  Learning their history, seeing the inside and all that fun stuff. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing specific in mind, just the usual day planning, what the week brings ahead and things like that. 
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm doing ok.  We had a small family get together on Saturday, we traveled up to Oklahoma City and spent the day.  It was wonderful but I definitely indulged and ate like I used to, and I'm suffering for it now.  My stomach hurts, I'm nauseous and just don't feel 100%.  So even though I enjoyed one day of food freedom, I can say that it's not worth the after effects.  Will not be doing that again. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Had a cup of milky tea, and a healthy small waffle.  1 egg and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.  That's it. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, I don't feel like eating anything with my stomach feeling the way it does. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Salad.  
*** On the menu *** 

Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Salad 
Best Chili Ever, Tortilla chips 
Amish Chicken with Rice, Salad
Fish Fillets, Mixed Veggies, Potatoes in Garlic Parsley Butter
Homemade Pizza
Fend for yourself
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer pajamas, dark blue shorts and a dark blue spaghetti strap top with white flowers.
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  
Finished The Linen Queen by Patricia Falvey

*** On my TV this week *** 
Homemaking channels on YouTube.  
Real Royalty on YouTube
*** Looking around the house *** 
Thankfully it is clean so I don't have to worry about anything today. 
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
A row or two on my Cosmic Blanket.  

*** What I am creating ***
Cosmic Cal Blanket from Crystals and Crochet. 
Also, yesterday afternoon while stuck in bed with stomach cramps and nausea, I quickly made a crochet book sleeve.  Love how it turned out.


*** From the camera *** 
I love getting up very early.  I am up every day at 4:45am.  I never thought I would be the kind to enjoy that, but as I've gotten older, I have just really loved getting up this early while the house is asleep, and having my quiet time. 

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
My heart is broken for the parents of the hostages that were executed in Gaza.  I just can't fathom the pain they've endured for 330 days, hoping and praying to see their children again, only to get the horrible news that they were executed.  May God give them strength and peace through this time.  
I am so incredibly sick of evil in this world, it truly breaks my heart to know that there is such evil and violence around the world.