Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sewing Day


Good morning! 
I've often talked about my sweet grandmother and the fact that she was a seamstress, and taught me how to sew from a very early age.  I've also talked about how in those days, I felt frustrated because as much as I enjoyed spending time with her and learning new skills, I wasn't really wanting to spend hours sitting next to her while she worked on wedding dresses, and I was delegated the unpicking chore.  
If you sew you know what that means, it means taking the seam ripper and taking apart sewing stitches.  Boy did that annoy me, but if I had known then what I know now, I would have kept quiet, done it with a huge smile on my face and not complained one single second.  Why?
Because the tools that she passed onto me, are something I treasure so very deeply and am extremely grateful to have.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

I don't often get to sew, as much as I love it, I find that I don't have the space to really get into it.  Sometimes I wish I had a studio where I could have all my yarn and fabric neatly packed and show cased, with a long table where my sewing machine is always plugged in and on display, an overlocking machine set up next to it, space to lay fabric, cut it out, a spot to iron and so on.

I don't.  At least not for the moment.  When Jasmine moved out, the plan was to make her bedroom into my studio/guest room.  But, that is when we found out that my brother in law was returning from Korea and staying with us until he bought his house.  So, that was set aside, and once he moves out, then I will work on that room.

Honestly can't wait, but I also am not rushing or desperately waiting for that to happen, so it will happen in God's timing.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

With that said, it shouldn't hold me back from sewing.  I have so many projects swirling around in my head right now, with many things I want to make and sew.  So, even if the setting is not perfect for it, I think every week, I will set aside a day for sewing, use my desk as I have done here, and just go for it.   
Now, the first thing I wanted to make were some mushrooms, and I even got everything cut up and ready to go, but once I made the first stem, I realized it was just not working for me, they were far too small.  I'm going to do the tops and then find a different pattern for the bottom stem.
Since I couldn't do those, I set them aside and just went for the fabric pumpkins.  I think I may have far too many handmade pumpkins already, but I can't help it, I just love fabric and crocheted pumpkins.  They're perfect as decorations for this time of year, and super easy to make.

September 7, 2024

There are many, many tutorials online, both on google and YouTube, some are no sew using hot glue, and some are sewed, I much prefer sewing than doing a whole project with hot glue, but that is a personal preference.

Here is a good one from Aubree Originals.

I didn't use hers, because I've been making these for years, I think the first I made was back in Arizona when we were stationed at Luke AFB.  I don't remember where I got the tutorial from, maybe it's mentioned on the post, not sure, but you can check it out here.
Here are the finished pumpkins, I love them so much, they are the cutest.
Fabric Pumpkins

Maybe I should do a Works in Progress Wednesday, and show you each week what I've made or what I'm working on, whether it's sewing, knitting or crocheting.  

Anyway, just wanted to quickly show you the fabric pumpkins, hope it inspires you to make some of your own.

Have a blessed day! ♥


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I've always wished I had truly learned to sew. Such a wonderful skill to have! These pumpkins could not be any cuter!! I love that they're not the traditional kind of colors/pattern. That makes them extra adorable. I think you should absolutely do WIP Wednesdays! I love to see what you're working on. xoox

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Your pumpkins are beautiful. A week ago I moved my crafting studio down from one of the extra bedrooms into our family room - it wasn't being used much! It has been great (so far)- my sewing machine can stay set up on a table along with all of my other crafting projects!