Saturday, September 07, 2024

Autumn is slowly creeping in!

I opened the back door this morning and the most wonderful of chills came in.  It is the first day that opening the door didn't feel like checking your cake in the oven.   Another sign that summer is truly over.

Aside from the chill, the one other thing that tells me Autumn is creeping in, is the change in lighting.  It becomes warmer and everything seems golden and orange.  God truly is a master creator, I couldn't even imagine in my little brain, a fraction of the colors and details that He does. 

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

The past week I have truly immersed myself in crafting.  There's a shift in our emotional well being, when we pull away from social media and the world, and dig deep into hobbies, pretty things and connecting with the earth around us.

I've been enjoying my time outdoors more, not even going far, but a simple walk into the backyard with Kaia while she does her business, leaves me feeling so much happier.  Everything around us is changing, the leaves are turning from deep greens to dark oranges.  

I love this leaf in my grape vine, I feel like it shows the transition from summer to autumn.  I couldn't believe just how amazing it looked, almost as if perfectly cut down the middle, or as if we are watching a video transition slowly moving from green to orange. 

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

As things change outside, they slowly start shifting indoor as well.  I used to not decorate for Autumn, I just felt that it was pointless, so I would do Christmas and Halloween.  There was never really an inbetween season of decorating for me, but this was back many years ago, when the kids were little and I still did Halloween not understanding just how evil it truly is.  (I know we all have different opinions, but since this is my blog and my space, I can express mine and speak for myself)

That's a talk for another time and not something I really want to get into right to the beautiful Autumn change.

I've brought out my decorations and have slowly been pulling things out, a little at a time.  Usually I would take it all out at once and be done, but I'm enjoying doing it slowly this year, just inching into the season with calmness.  We seem to rush into everything and want everything immediately and for last year.  But when we take the time to really take in each moment, we enjoy it more.

September 7, 2024

Above you can see the Granny Stripe Pumpkins I made a few days ago.  I just love how they turned out and they look perfect in my living room.

I made another one which needs a stem, and I have to find my glue gun sticks.  I know I have them but can't for the life of me remember where I put them, so can't really glue anything yet.  The two cinnamon stick stems in the pumpkins above are in place but I just want to secure them with some hot glue, to be sure they don't pop off.  For now though, they're right there, and no one messes with them so they're fine.

September 7, 2024

September 7, 2024

These little woodland candle holders are just the cutest aren't they?  They are the perfect size for a tealight and I love seeing them lit up at night, they look beautiful next to the autumn leaf garland.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in real quick and show you just a little glimpse of Autumn around here. 

How is it going in your area, are you seeing signs yet, are the leaves turning, or are you still dealing with summer?

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