Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Hello Fall ♥

Good morning Fall, so happy to see you!

Technically it is not officially the first day of Fall, we have to wait until September 21st, but we will just pretend and go with it.  Truthfully, the minute September 1st comes around, the weather shifts, the light changes and the temperatures drop.  It's like a tease of what is to come without officially being the time for said season.
“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”
Henry David Thoreau 

So, how have you been, how are things going for you, is Fall starting to make an appearance yet or are you still plagued by Summer heat?  I use the term plagued loosely because I do understand that there are many of you out there, who love summer and love the heat.  I used to, but not anymore, I think my body radiates enough heat on it's own without needing outside assistance.
 September 1, 2024

I wanted to come in a just share a little of the past few days.  I've been sort of in a cocoon, not by choice but kind of a forced one, brought on by overeating things I shouldn't, this past weekend.

It's been days since my stomach has felt normal, and I can tell you that I hope to never go back to feeling that way again.  It's funny though, because I was telling Curt that I used to feel this way all the time, I would go months where my stomach was just not right.  This was back before January when the blood tests came back with elevated Triglycerides, and my diet and life changed completely.

I don't know how I was ever able to live like that, because just 2 days of that crampy, nausea feeling and I was ready to run away to the hills.

Thankfully it's all sorted out, I'm back to very minimal sugar and carbs and am already feeling so much better.

September 1, 2024

September 1, 2024

I've been taking it easy, starting my mornings slowly with windows wide open and the fresh crisp morning air coming in to renew my soul.  How I missed these cool mornings where the air feels crisp, you can smell the wet earth and breathe in without feeling like you're smothering in a hot oven.

The animals have been loving the change as well, and we even finally got a little rain.  

I'm definitely a Fall season girl nowadays.  Give me dark mornings, curtains blowing in the wind, and beautiful candles lit throughout the house.

September 1, 2024

September 1, 2024

I've divided my time between reading and crocheting, both hobbies that had dwindled down for a while and have now come back full force.  I am back in my little bubble, stepping back from social media and rather spending my time watching history documentaries, crocheting and reading.

I've already finished my first book for September, and went back and redid my reading list for this month.  I had previously posted my September Reading List in this post, but am not feeling those books at the moment, so I've stacked them in a neat pile, to the side, and have once again browsed the bookshelves for others that caught my eye.

I'm not going to do a whole new post, because honestly I will probably still end up reading the original books I picked, but I just added 3 more.
Walk the Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson
Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy
Days of Dreams and Laughter by Lucy Maud Montgomery

September 2, 2024

September 2, 2024

 My crochet has been divided between adding rows to the ever growing Cosmic Blanket, whipping up a sweet book sleeve and now making granny strip pumpkins, because it's Fall season and you can never have enough pumpkins in my opinion.
These are just adorable and so easy to make, they're also helping me get through my stash of random yarn needing to be used up but being too small for big projects.
The pattern is very easy to follow and you can find it over on Mj's Off the Hook Designs.
I made the medium size and the large size yesterday afternoon.  Well, I finished the last two rows on the large one in the evening, and only because I had to stop to go and make dinner, or I would have finished it before.  It's a quick pattern and just the cutest things ever.  No doubt there will be more popping up, as I plan on making a plain orange, plain brown and plain white pumpkin too.  You'll see those in future posts.

As for the documentaries I mentioned above, I have subscribed to History Hit, which is a very cheap app containing only History documentaries and it is fabulous.

So far I have watched three, one about the Holocaust, and two from one of my favorites Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb in England.  

Meet the Tudors - Holbein at Henry VIII's Court
Six Tudor Lives

There are so many to choose from.  I love documentaries because I can move on with my day and just have one in the background.  I feel like I don't HAVE to stare at the screen, I can just listen to it while getting things done, and I am learning a lot too.

Have you heard of History Hit?

September 2, 2024

It's been a great start to September so far.  

I leave you with this photo that I took of the usual Fall visitors.  We have a lot of deer year round, but this time of the year we get an even bigger influx, with tons of does and little babies, plus always a huge group of beautiful bucks.



Mother Em said...

I guess I didn't get 'round to reading Tuesday's post. But, Autumn starts September 22 ...happens to be on my birthday! :) Those pumpkins are ever-so cute, but I am a really taught-myself-crocheter and would just use the same color. Wish you sold some of your creative cute items. Have a great Wednesday here!

Billie Jo said...

I am glad you are feeling better. I love my cozy little bubble. I am quite content to stay in it all fall. Have a cozy evening!