I asked what was wrong and they told me they had just seen a badger on the school grounds. Now mind you, Jamie's house is RIGHT behind the school. Jamie informed me that the badger was really big, so Janet another friend and neighbor had called up the base housing informing them.
Do you know what they told her????
"We can't do anything about that, we have a refuge out there!" WHAT?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
A badger refuge on school grounds? Now I've never personally seen a badger, only on tv, but those things have HUGE claws and they are big, they are also quite vicious. So this morning I'm calling the school, the security desk on base AND Animology on base. Something has to be done, our kids are out there during recess playing and the last thing I want is one badly hurt because people were just not taking this issue seriously.
Anyway, you know even though I'm 31, some of the jargon used nowadays, really confuses me. It took me forever to figure out what "Bling Bling" meant. Now that I know, I find it funny that my daughter has a shirt saying exactly that, especially since she informed me the other day that she wants to get her ears pierced but only if she can get diamond earrings. Ummm YEAH, I'll get right to work on that one.
Today is only half day at school, so they get out at 1:30pm to prepare for the Annual School Carnival. Kids always have a blast. Each classroom is decorated for different games where they can win prizes. The gym also has tons of games they can play plus food like hotdogs, nachos etc. It's not a big deal but the kids love it and it's one of those nice times to have kids and teachers interact on a social level, just laughing and having a good ol' time. So we're definitely going today.
Yesterday before Curt left for work, Nicholas asked daddy to make his hair spiky. They both took off for the bathroom and minutes later they emerged with spiked hair. Nic was all proud and showing off what daddy had done for him. When Curt tried to walk out the door, Nicholas ran straight to him and grabbed his legs crying "I want to go to work with you". We told him he couldn't do that, especially since daddy works with the F-16's. He cried and cried and kept asking and we kept telling that he just couldn't go and we were sorry.
Next thing we know, he runs into the living room and we hear "I DON'T WANT MY SPIKY".
We find him in there wildly and frantically rubbing his hair to get the spiky out LOL
It was hilarious for him to even do that, it's like, "well you can't take me to work with you, then forget it, I don't want the spiky you gave me" LOL
I know this post is full of pics of my kids, but they're just so gorgeous, I couldn't help myself today. Sorry if I'm bragging!!!
They were goofing off this morning and gave me perfect opportunity to snap some pics :)
Ok so on to today's "Remember When???". This one is about our trip last summer to Utah. I'm sure my mother in law and brother in law will get a kick out of it again. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense, including MYSELF LOL

Last year June, my MIL and BIL came to visit for about a month. We always love having them over because we laugh and play games and just enjoy talking and having fun. This time though since they were staying longer, we had a couple of outings planned. One of them took us to Ogden, Utah, four hours from where we live. We were going to the Ogden Dinosaur Musem/Park, which the kids just love and though we'd been there before, we wanted to take Mom and Chris.
So we get there and we are walking around and looking at all the great dinosaur exhibits etc. They have this big outside area where you walk around and there's dinosaurs all over the place, in the trees, bush etc.
We were having a great time!!! We start walking towards this exhibit which is located through a small trail covered in trees etc, which leads to almost like a small cave with a dinosaur skeleton inside. Curt, the kids and Chris all went ahead first and then mom and I were last, on the way up from the trail, for some unknown reason, I decided to step in front of mom and walk ahead. Next thing I know I hear birds flying and then feel what seemed like HUGE rain drops. In my mind I'm thinking "Good Lord, those are HUGE rain drops, I mean I felt them on my arm and legs". I look down and instead am met with the biggest bird poop I've ever seen. LOL
Instantly this light bulb goes off in my head and I'm almost afraid to look down at my clothes.
YEAH, I got pooped on!!!! And not just a small little drop, these were like 5 or 6 HUGE droppings on my arms and legs. LOL
It felt like the birds came out of nowhere and just flew low over me and dropped their bombs. I just burst out laughing, even though I realized that now I have to finish the outing looking like I just stepped out of a paintball session. LOL
Alright this is a really long post, so I hope no one fell asleep, I promise to keep the one tomorrow short and sweet, how's that?
Well it's time to pick up the phone and start Badger Hunting, hopefully we will have the badgers cleared out of the school areas soon. As for today, Jasmine and Scottie have been told to play near the school building, I'm just terrified of a kid getting hurt out there.
Have an awesome friday everyone.
I leave you with a little insight for May 5.
- Don't let your mom brush your hair when she's mad at your dad.
- If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. It's always the second person who gets caught.
That's so ironic because I walked out back this morning to pick up some of the kids toys & saw a HUGE opposum (I know thats spelled wrong...typical blonde) Anyway you spell it it's nasty & scary....lol!
The way I see it, when a mom has gone through the pregnancy, given birth in all its glory, nursed, changed, dressed, bathed, carpooled, bandaged, sung to, cried with,..........well, you name it, then I think bragging rights are allowed. You have darling children!
Hey, I found your blog after you found mine!
Your children are adorable! I love your daughter's red hair.
Great pictures by the way, you should be proud!
Darling, Beautiful, Adorable children! And I LOVE your daughter's red hair!! Striking!
Courtney - LOL that IS funny. Those animals are scary looking and they can be so nasty, I stay away lol
morning glory - My heart knows you're right, but then I always think that I don't want people to get annoyed with me for going on and on about the kids lol
overwhelmed - Glad to see you again :) Thank you, everyone loves her red hair, I only wish I had it LOL
momrn2 - Thank you :) She does have beautiful red hair, which is weird because mine is jet black :)
Julie - LOL Ok, I will post pics of me without the coffee mug LOL
Janice - Hey Janice :) So glad you could stop by my blog, I always love meeting new people :) I've added you to my blogroll too if you don't mind :)
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