"Our goal is to create beautiful, inspiring presentations that make a positive difference in the lives of millions of people around the world."
They have two powerful presentations which you can view here, please do, I promise you will be touched by the messages and also reminded of how wonderful God is :)
This morning I want to start by bringing your attention to two beautiful and amazing ladies that I have met through the blogging world.
The first one is Courtney, she is married to Matt who is currently deployed to Iraq. They have 3 beautiful children. Courtney is the typical military wife, totally supportive of her husband while having to endure months and months of separation, being the mom and the dad for the kids and keeping the house running while daddy is away.
I ask that you go over to her site "Waiting on my Soldier" and show some support, and say a prayer for them during this rough period.
The next lady is Emily. Now a lot of you already had the pleasure of meeting Em through the blogs. She's another amazing military wife dealing with the daily struggles of life while her soldier hubby Dan, is away in Iraq. Emily is so devoted to God that it's truly inspiring to read her posts and her journey through this deployment. So again I ask, if you have some time, please go on over to "Consider how the Lillies Grow" and show her some support and also keep them in your prayers.
Being a military wife myself, it's always wonderful to hear a word of encouragement and know that there are people supporting us and our husbands and praying for us.
Yesterday was the school's Annual Carnival. Because Curt was working "late man", which means going in at 8pm until everything and everyone is done for the night, he was able to go with us for an hour. The kids had a blast. Jasmine got to ride a horse which was the highlight of her night, boy that girl loves horses, she even asked the owner how much she paid for hers.
Yeah I can just see us dishing out $800 for a horse that mommy is too scared to get on. LOL
Inside the school we played all sorts of games, well, the KIDS played the games. They got tons of prizes and candy so they were happy, and they even got their faces painted.

Julie from Everyday Mommy, had said in my comments yesterday that she wanted to see a pic of me sans the coffee mug LOL So just for you Julie, and I don't do this for everyone because I HATE having my picture taken LOL, I let the kids snap a couple of pics of me. Enjoy!!!
Don't say I didn't warn you though, I'm not photogenic at all, I always think I look weird in my photos and I'm extremely self conscious, but anyway......here you go LOL

And I just had to post these because I LOVE how they turned out :)

Alright that's it for photos LOL
So today Jasmine has a birthday party to go to, it's also at the Bowling Alley just like hers was, so she's excited. I'm excited too because I get to go and Nicholas stays with daddy :)
Later we are rearranging the living room/office area, we have to make room for Jasmine's new computer. I think we're running out of room in this house, I just can't wait until we get moved to new housing, but knowing my luck we will finally get orders somewhere just after or before we move LOL
Yesterday while reading my favorite blogs, I saw that Momrn2 at "My Quiet Corner", had posted her 100 things, and that got me thinking about mine which I posted sometime back in February, so if you want to see my list and learn a bit more about me, then go HERE.
As I'm sitting here typing, I have the most gorgeous sunlight coming in to the living room. The weather has been amazing lately, temperatures go up to the 80's and it's made for some much needed outside time. So with that said, I'm going to get dressed and start my day. I will probably be back later with an update of how the day went, hope you all have a great saturday :)
Ok Sandra I'm in tears!! Thank you so much for all the support you give so unselfishly. I appreciate you & all you do more than you could ever know. Thank you again & from one military wife to another....WE ROCK!!!!!!
P.S. The pics are great. You & your family are beautiful!!!
Oh, I like both your pictures--with and without the coffee mug!
I thought the "mug shot" was clever--it sort of made me feel like you were dropping in for a cup of coffee.
Wish you could. . .
Sweet kids, touching post.
I think that you look great! :) Thanks for posting pictures. I will definitely stop by those two blogs and keep them in my thoughts!
Janice - Thank you :) I guess you get used to the moving around, it's just a bit tougher on the kids especially when their friends move away.
Court - You are so welcome :) I know how tough it is for you guys right now and any support you have is never enough. Hugs :)
Kim - I wish I could drop by for coffee myself, that would be so awesome :) Thank you for for the compliment on the photos :)
Lisanne - Thank you for stopping by the blogs, they are awesome ladies :)
Faith - Thank you :) I still don't know who my little man looks like either LOL I think he's a mixture of both LOL
Emily - Thank you hon :) I've always been self-conscious, it's one of those tough habits to break! Hope you're having a good weekend :)
Julie - LOL Glad you liked the pics, like I said, they were as per your request :)
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