As the title of this post says.....I've claimed back our bed, Yes, because for the past few years I've had kids who don't want to sleep alone and always end up in bed with us during the night. It's frustrating and really annoying, nothing like getting punched in the eye to wake you out of a deep sleep. Not to mention the excruciating blinding pain that comes with it.
So last night, they both decided they wanted to sleep together on Jasmine's bunk bed. Me being the mother hen that I am, do not allow them to sleep on the top bunk, yes, I know, it's ridiculous but I'm just paranoid like that. I keep thinking that Jasmine being so ditzy at times, will wake up in the middle of the night to run to the bathroom, and will jump right off the bunk bed. Will it really happen???? Not likely, BUT I won't test luck!!!!
They slept on the bottom. Nicholas still managed to climb into bed with us at 4am but Jasmine stayed in hers all night. Thank GOD!!!!
So yesterday we had spent the day cleaning the front yard and playing with the kids. While we were outside we started hearing a lot of chirping, we looked over to the neighbors driveway and saw mommy bird with about 20 little ones following her around.
Of course me being the PAPPARAZZI that I am, I run and grab my camera. I swear I am like those blood thirsty photographers with a camera in hand, always ready to grab that prize winning shot. I don't send them in anywhere, but they're winners in my heart. How lame!!! LOL
This little one couldn't get to the mom. She had climbed up the little cement step and he just couldn't seem to get up there. We finally helped him up by using something for him to climb on, we didn't want to touch him with our bare hands or his mom would reject him.
Here are the little ones trying to find a spot to climb up to mom.
After we had seen all these little ones, we came out to the back yard to start the grill. We start hearing chirping coming out of our shed. Low and behold there's a nest in there and this is what we find.

I guess our weekend really was for the birds. LOL It's amazing though, we got to see two different bird species, both with little babies, how sweet.
Yesterday while the kids and Curt were jumping on the trampoline, Jasmine lost another tooth. It was already wobbly so when Nicholas bumped her with his arm, the tooth went flying off. Great for her, but AGAIN annoying for me. It just meant I would have to deal with the whole Tooth Fairy issue again. What's up with this thing of loosing teeth in between paychecks???
I don't know about all of you, but I'm not rich and I usually don't have tons of money laying around just waiting for a tooth to come out. It would be so much easier if the teeth would decide to leave little mouths, RIGHT after payday, now THAT I could work with.
Switching gears now to wish a very special Happy Birthday to my hubby!!!
I know he is not too thrilled at turning 33 years old, but I think he looks good no matter how old he may be turning. LOL
33 years ago the love of my life was born, I obviously didn't know it at the time and all the ups and downs that we both had through our lives, ultimately led us to each other. I always knew that God was working towards this and when we first met we were showed way too many signs to ever deny it.
I thank Curt for being the best husband and father anyone could ever wish for. I also thank him for his daily sacrifices in the military, I don't think soldiers ever get thanked enough. I thank him for the laughs, for the cries and for always being there no matter what happens or what I look like. Yes, if he can wake up next to me with no make up and still call me beautiful, the man is a keeper!!!
So babe, I hope you have a wonderful day and just know that our lives are so much better for having you in them. We love you more than words could ever say.
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!
And with that said, I'm OUT!!! Time to get kids to school and start cleaning etc. Hope you all have a wonderful Manic Monday!!! Well maybe just Monday, forget the Manic. :)
Time to go refill my coffee mug!!!!
Yummy bagel and cream cheese, thanks! Cheers for the sleep. I've always been an in-theory supporter of co-sleeping but past the baby stage I just cannot do it, I get NO sleep. My kids sleep in bunk beds pushed against the wall, the little guy is on the top bunk with a side rail. Never has fallen out. They have each other's company, we all get decent sleep. Happy birthday to your husband!
so very kind of you to say that about your husband. I feel the same way about mine. YAY! I also want to tell you how beautiful some of the recent templates you have done ofr other bloggers is/are. ( forgive! )
**as for the sleeping in your bed-jeez. At 3AM I ended up on the couch b/c the boys were kicking me outta my own bed! Easier for ME to move than risk ( God forbid! ) moving and waking them! Have a good day!
Happy Birthday Curt!!!
Lovely bird picts :) and hope the kids stay n their own bed from now on!!!!
Happy Birthday Curt!! You have a wonderful wife & family! I love the pictures & glad you had a nice family weekend. Can't wait to have those again Gosh I miss those!
I can't get into my own blog this morning, so my name looks weird without the linkage to it. Anyway, I've been totally behind in blog reading while I've had houseguests, but I just want to say your new look is terrific!
Tomorrow I have huge reading catchup to do!!
Rabbit - I think I'm just being a paranoid mom worrying about her falling off when I'm sure she would be just fine LOL I am really going to try it though, I think we are all needing our own space and a good night's sleep :) Thanks for the birthday wishes :)
d~ - Thanks so much for dropping by and for the sweet words :) I've added you to my blogroll. I've done the same before though, I've ended up moving somewhere else just so I could sleep without waking them up LOL
Toni - Thank you for the birthday wishes :) Those birds are too cute :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they stay in their own beds. :)
Emily - Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart, that prayer was just what I needed to hear this morning. :) You are such a sweet lady and I'm so glad to have met you. Thank you for the birthday wishes for Curt, he's feeling mighty important today LOL
Courtney - Thank you hun :) You and Matt will be having many many more family weekends soon. I'm counting down the time with you :) Huge hugs!! And thanks for the birthday wishes :)
Morning glory - Blogger has been acting really weird for me lately...I'm so glad you like my new look, I wanted something calming and relaxing to make us feel like we're on vacation :) HOpe you're having a great day and hopefully blogger starts cooperating with you :)
I want to wish a Happy Birthday to your man! You guys are really cute together!!
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