Janice over at 5 minutes for mom, came up with this great concept. In her own words:
Each week on Tuesday, I am going to post before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that I tacked this week.This is such a neat idea, mainly because like Janice said, sometimes your housework gets left behind when you're sitting on the computer visiting all the blogs. Let's face it, no one likes housework but it has to be done, and what better way than to feel an incentive right?
I will link to any of you who are also playing along.
The project can be little or big – whatever you want. It could be a drawer you cleaned out, the inside of your fridge, closet or cupboard. It could be your scrapbook area or your garden. And if you are so organized that your house doesn’t need any work, you could even post a before/after picture of a new recipe you are trying out.
So thank you Janice for this great idea. I'm definitely playing along :)
Here is my first Tackle it Tuesday.
As many of you know, we spent this weekend working on the kids rooms. We were inundated with toys, they were just everywhere, no matter what part of the house you were sure to find a toy laying around. No more, hubby and I sat down and went through all the toy boxes and got rid of bags of toys, yes you heard right, BAGS. They were all donated to the Airman's Attic on base.
First we tackled Nicholas' room. The way we had the bed and everything set up, the room looked tiny with no space to play at all. We did some shifting around and moving, got rid of tons of toys that weren't played with anymore and finally managed to make it look much bigger. He loves it, he's been in there every chance he gets and even invited his sister over for a "Sleep Over", although I think he made her pay in imaginary money to enter his room. LOL
Before pics:

Now onto Jasmine's room. Hers wasn't as bad, but we did add her new computer so things were starting to look a bit crowded in there. We did some major reorganizing, this child has literally thousands of dinosaurs. I'm not kidding you here, by the time I got all of them together they covered her bedroom floor. So here is what I did, I took one of those underbed drawers with wheels on it, filled it with all her dinosaurs and pushed it back under the bed, now when she wants to play, she just pulls it out, plays and then shoves them back in there and pushes it under the bed again. Much easier.
We filled up two of these with other toys and placed them in her closet, they fit in there perfectly.
So here are the pics before:
And after:

I have to tell you, it was hard work, two days of going through endless toy boxes and moving and rearranging, but the end result is worth it and it feels SO much better.
If you want to check out other participants, head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and check the links. Can't wait to see everyone's projects. :)
The kids have nice rooms :)
Great job girl! I love their rooms. I'm gonna love this. I'm gonna get so much done this way!! LOL!
What cute rooms! It's wonderful that you donated so many toys. It's also amazing how they accumulate. I swear in the dark of night toys invite friends from other places to join the party. (You know you only bought a box of 500 Legos...and a month later there are 5,000.) I also think it's cool your daughter is into dinosaurs!
PS--Thanks for commenting at my Blog!
Wow, the kids bedrooms. Now THAT'S a lot of work! Good job, so glad they are enjoying it!
Along with the Tuesday Treasure, I need to definitely do this one - I need an excuse to get something done around here.
BTW, you're already on my Blog Buddy list - since last night actually... I figured since you said that you had already blogrolled me that would be cool. I'm so happy... yay! I have a new buddy! (I can be such a girl)!
Those pins are awesome. Our son has several of them in his room. You did an awesome job organizing. Awesome that you gave the toys to a good cause.
BTW - why is that the children's rooms are always so small in houses?
Thanks for stopping by this morning - just got of work and are making my rounds :).
All I can say is WOW!!!
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