I'm going to be running around today, it's always like that on payday. See, being military we get paid on the 1st and the 15th of each month, so those are two sure HECTIC days for us.
Jasmine woke up this morning with a cough and she felt a little warm, but not warm enough to stay home from school, I just hope she isn't coming down with another cold, you all know how easily she gets sick, so I'm praying to God that she gets over whatever this is FAST.
My dad sent me two more photos from the Kruger National Park, so I'm posting them here for you all to enjoy. How amazing that the animals are that close huh?
I remember a certain story that my dad always tells us, about how they went to the Park when they were little, and they had their windows wide open. They came across some monkeys and before they could close the windows the monkeys jumped into the back seat and proceeded to eat the bananas they had back there LOL
I think I would have passed out with fright!!!
So here you go, a photo of another elephant (I can see dad is getting adventurous again and not sitting back a mile away lol), and one of a mommy and baby monkey. :)

Again last night as I was searching the tv for something interesting to watch, I was lucky to catch another program by Pastor McBath. This time the topic was "The purpose filled Life", and wow it blew me away.
Something really stuck with me.
Something really stuck with me.
You'll never find life until you find purpose in something bigger than yourself.
How true is that??? Something else that I was reminded of is that once you give your life to God the REAL work begins. It's almost like being selected for a class or course and then you study and you work for it, you don't just get accepted and that's it. It would be so much easier if it was that way, but what would we learn?
So here's my weekend recap:
The good: We spent saturday morning and afternoon cleaning, mowing and planting out in the front yard, it was hard work but the yard looks great.
The bad: At about 5pm I was watching tv and got a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH. Next thing I know we are being hit by hail, 60pmh winds, thunder and lightning, which in turn destroyed my newly planted tulips.
The good: I was finally able to fit my comforter into my washer, so I wouldn't have to drag it to the laundromat every friday when I change the bed, therefore I washed IT, plus all the sheets and the mattress protector at home.
The bad: I was so thrilled with the newly discovered ability and money saving technique, that I quickly made the bed back up only to discover that I totally forgot to put the mattress protector back on.......it now reminds me WHY we need a new mattress, those springs killed me all night.
The good: Managed to watch "Flighplan" and "Narnia" on sunday.
The bad: Started the movies at 1pm and didn't finish watching until 6pm because of the thousand interruptions by little ones. "I want a snack"...."no nicholas you can't play my game"...."leave me alone jasmine"...."can I have popcorn?"......."this movie is boring"....."I'm tired"....."can you get me a drink, I'm thirsty". You get the idea right?
The good: Got all my laundry done.
The bad: woke up this morning to realize that for some insane reason, I put the last load in the dryer, threw in the dryer sheets but FORGOT to turn it on, so now I have wet, moldy smelling clothes which need to be washed again.
So there you have it, my weekend summary, sounds exciting doesn't it? lol
I better get a move on, gotta get my menus and grocery list ready, have tons to do today.
Hope you all have a wonderful first day of May :)
- You cannot be a blessing in your own strength.
- You cannot be a blessing and walk in pride.
- You cannot be a blessing until you're willing to serve.
- You cannot be a blessing until you listen to God for instructions.
How true is that??? Something else that I was reminded of is that once you give your life to God the REAL work begins. It's almost like being selected for a class or course and then you study and you work for it, you don't just get accepted and that's it. It would be so much easier if it was that way, but what would we learn?
So here's my weekend recap:
The good: We spent saturday morning and afternoon cleaning, mowing and planting out in the front yard, it was hard work but the yard looks great.
The bad: At about 5pm I was watching tv and got a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH. Next thing I know we are being hit by hail, 60pmh winds, thunder and lightning, which in turn destroyed my newly planted tulips.
The good: I was finally able to fit my comforter into my washer, so I wouldn't have to drag it to the laundromat every friday when I change the bed, therefore I washed IT, plus all the sheets and the mattress protector at home.
The bad: I was so thrilled with the newly discovered ability and money saving technique, that I quickly made the bed back up only to discover that I totally forgot to put the mattress protector back on.......it now reminds me WHY we need a new mattress, those springs killed me all night.
The good: Managed to watch "Flighplan" and "Narnia" on sunday.
The bad: Started the movies at 1pm and didn't finish watching until 6pm because of the thousand interruptions by little ones. "I want a snack"...."no nicholas you can't play my game"...."leave me alone jasmine"...."can I have popcorn?"......."this movie is boring"....."I'm tired"....."can you get me a drink, I'm thirsty". You get the idea right?
The good: Got all my laundry done.
The bad: woke up this morning to realize that for some insane reason, I put the last load in the dryer, threw in the dryer sheets but FORGOT to turn it on, so now I have wet, moldy smelling clothes which need to be washed again.
So there you have it, my weekend summary, sounds exciting doesn't it? lol
I better get a move on, gotta get my menus and grocery list ready, have tons to do today.
Hope you all have a wonderful first day of May :)
I can't tell you HOW many times I've done that with the clothes!
Love your changes! Sooo cute. We also watched Flightplan while on our trip this weekend....lol!
LOL I couldn't figure out why I couldn't post on your blog!! Now I see my pop -up blogger has been stopping it LOL
I once had monkeys come right into my tent (while hiking) to "steal" my breakfast
Hope you're week is more of "the good" and less of "the bad!"
I have tagged you for a meme. Head over and check it out.
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