Took me a while to fall asleep last night, but after I did I was lulled the rest of the night with the pitter patter of rain. I don't know about you, but THAT is the best sound to sleep with for me. The rain, the thunder and even the lightning was just amazing and we were in desperate need of that after these scorching two weeks.
You know I'm really enjoying my new template, no matter how bad of a day I may be having, clicking onto my blog always makes me feel like I'm somewhere else, on the beach having a great time and listening to the waves.
I want to start today by asking you all to head on over to momrn2's blog "My Quiet Corner", she really needs some prayers right now. Her 8 year old daughter is in the hospital undergoing all sorts of tests to find out why she has been vomiting for the past 11 or so days. PLEASE head on over and say a prayer for her precious little girl and the family too.
Another blog I would love you to visit is Julie's "Everyday Mommy". Especially for those moms that have sons, she has a great post on raising them and a new blog set up etc, but I'll let her explain, I'm not too good at trying to summarize things. I will just say that it has to do with my new button on my sidebar, the "Just Like Joshua" one.
I'm thrilled that I actually got everything done on my to do list yesterday. It was one of those days where you get a second wind around noon and then zip through the house like a tornado. I cleaned and scrubbed and mopped and vacuumed, I even put new curtains in the living room, washed windows, you name it, I did it.
Yes it was exhausting and by the time I got into bed by back hurt, BUT the outcome is so worth it, nothing like waking up to a really clean house smelling like flowers......well maybe not flowers, but it smells clean.
I want to share another quote from the book "Another Fine Mess Lord". I came upon it yesterday right after I watched ER and the whole war and Iraq issue. These words seemed to fit just perfectly.
We sometimes face enemies who want to destroy us, or maybe we're just in the path of someone else's misguided ambition. When that happens, we can accept the situation or learn how to change it through our own acts of courage and obedience to God's Word. Like Esther, you can work where you are, with what is within your control, do what you know, and learn the rest as God teaches. With powerful courage and more powerful belief, your destiny will find you, one victory at a time.It really takes me right back to Joshua's book and the repeating words "Be Strong and of Good Courage". This book has taught me that every decision requiring great insight requires great courage. I choose to be courageous not weak and with God at my side, I KNOW I can achieve whatever I want to.
Blogger has been acting weird as usual, so if it seems that I haven't been to your blog or left a comment the past few entries, please know that it's NOT me. Here's how it goes, every morning I sit down and read through all of my favorite blogs, yes I said ALL. LOL
There's some on blogger that I get to and it has an entry from a few days ago, I refresh again and again but nothing. Then I go away, come back the next day, and all of a sudden I have 4 or 5 entries that WERE there, but blogger was hiding them from me???? For fear of?????
I wish I knew. So anyway, just letting you all know, if you don't see a comment from me it's because I'm being held captive by blogger somewhere in cyberspace until it decides to spit me out again and show me what I missed.
I just realized today is friday. Maybe I'm having too much coffee or not enough, I seem to get lost in the days. Does that ever happen to you guys? I think my life has become so predictable and the days are all the same that suddenly it doesn't matter if it's monday or thursday or even saturday, I'm still going to be doing the same things, cleaning, cooking, chasing after kids, etc.....see it never changes.
Being that it really IS friday, here is my "Remember When???".

When my dad was young he used to play roller hockey. It's always been one of his passions, so when years later in South Africa, he was offered the position of coach for one of the teams, he gladly took it. This was wonderful, not only did he get to do what he loved, but during the summer time we got to travel with him and his team, all over the country. It was a blast.
So one of the trips to us to Durban. To keep the expenses cheaper, we booked rooms at a local YMCA. We get to the place, my dad checks in and then goes off to see to the team, make sure they are in the right rooms, give them the schedules and times to be in bed, all that fun stuff that coaches do.
Since my sister in law (who at the time was just dating my brother), had come with, we shared a room. My stepmom handed us the key and we looked at it briefly. Apparently we were on the second floor. We dragged our luggage upstairs, there were NO elevators. Again we glance down at the key number and then head to the room we are supposed to be in. I stick the key in and try to turn but nothing happens. We look at each totally confused and then being girls, we start giggling and laughing, we both grab onto the door handle and start jiggling it and pushing the key in and trying our best to get it open.
Next thing we know, this man in his underwear opens the door. I think we both stopped breathing right there and then. All we could do is stare in disbelief. He says "what are you doing?", and we answer "this is our room", and so the following conversation begins:
Weird man in underwear: "No this is MY room"Walk away from the man, drop the bags and burst out laughing. We had JUST tried to break into this man's room while he took a nap....or at least that's what we're hoping he was doing in his underwear, anything else is just too weird and gross to think of.
Scared to death girls: "NOOOOO, we have the key, they just gave us this key, you're in our room"
Weird man in underwear: "Umm actually, NO this is my room, I've been here a while"
Scared to death girls: "Actually, this is OUR room, again, they just gave us the key"
Weird man in underwear: "This is room 112, what does your key say?"
Scared to death girls: "It says *look down at the key again*, OH, it says 212, I'm SO sorry".
So there you have it, one more of our adventures!!! Until I started writing these down, I had NO idea how exciting of a life I actually have LOL
Wow one more week and school is out. I just can't believe how fast it went and that my little girl is already done with First Grade. Nothing like that to make you feel older!!!
So I'm off to work on a template for Charla. Then I have to work on my back yard, the one thing about living on base is the constant visits by the housing inspectors and the threats of contacting the commanders etc. It's frustrating really.....BUT we gotta do what we gotta do right?
Hope you all have a fantastic friday. I will see you all back here tomorrow :)
God bless,
I just looked at flip flop mamma's new look good job girl! I have sooo much cleaning & running to do today.....I wish I had your energy from yesterday! Wanna send some my way????? LOL! Have a great weekend!
Hey Sandra, I love your template. Any chance you have time help with mine?
Jaymi - You are so welcome :) Glad to know I'm not the only one with days that always seem the same LOL
Courtney - Thanks Court :) LOL I'm running around today too, wish I lived closer to you, we could have a housecleaning party LOL
J's mommy - Sure thing :) Let me see what I come up with, if you have an idea of color or graphic you want, just let me know at :)
Emily - Thank you so much :) Going to go check your blog right now :)
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