Yesterday they finally figured it out and she had to have emergency surgery, a very delicate one as it seemed that she had a twisted bowel in two places which involved both artery and vein.
We all continued to pray for her and later found out that the surgery went well.
I'm in awe of the outpour of support and prayer that momrn2 has received. Thank God for the blogging community and the power of prayer.
I came across this cool little tool yesterday. It's so funny and I'm embarassed to say that I spent about an hour just messing with it. It's called the Newspaper Clipping Generator and I can JUST see me using this all the time. LOL

Hubby wasn't too impressed, I guess I'm venturing into dangerous territory when it comes to making fun of his computer games LOL
Lately I've been feeling a little on the down side, I don't really know why or what it is. I'm suspecting it might be the end of school looming over us, for some it's a wonderful time, for me it means my baby girl is now going to second grade, not so little anymore.
If there's one thing I've learnt about motherhood is that nothing is predictable. There are very few things you can always count on, but for the most part, you blink your eyes and they've gone from infants to big kids, just like that. Makes me realize that every moment should be treasured.
I used to be the kind of mom that worried too much about what *society* thought. God forbid I went against what everyone else said was the RIGHT way to raise my children. If they dropped a toy on the floor I would run behind and pick it up, the sight of one of the kids running into the living room and catapulting onto the couch with a juice box in their hands, had me screaming like a psycho and running at turbo speed to try and intercept them.
Then I woke up one morning and realized that I'm missing out on so much, I'm missing out on having fun with my kids and just relaxing, time goes by so fast, you have to enjoy every day and make every minute count.
I turned to God and said "Look, I don't even need to go into details because you know me like no one else, you know what I think, what I feel, what scares me and what makes me tick. But I'm at a loss here, I don't know how to let go without causing more chaos around me." It didn't take long for me to get into the right frame of mind and to start enjoying the kids.
"Take it with a grain of salt." Yes, Yes, that is exactly what I'm going to do!!!!
We laugh, we have fun and if there is a mess to be cleaned after, that's fine. *GASP*, I can't believe I said that out loud!!!
It's not the end of the world and I would much rather see a smile on my kids faces than have to freak out over something that is easily fixed. - a happy kid or a mess free house- it's not that hard to choose!!!
And with that said I think it's time to venture into the warm weather and do some gardening. Have a great saturday everyone!!!
Lately I've been feeling a little on the down side, I don't really know why or what it is. I'm suspecting it might be the end of school looming over us, for some it's a wonderful time, for me it means my baby girl is now going to second grade, not so little anymore.
If there's one thing I've learnt about motherhood is that nothing is predictable. There are very few things you can always count on, but for the most part, you blink your eyes and they've gone from infants to big kids, just like that. Makes me realize that every moment should be treasured.
I used to be the kind of mom that worried too much about what *society* thought. God forbid I went against what everyone else said was the RIGHT way to raise my children. If they dropped a toy on the floor I would run behind and pick it up, the sight of one of the kids running into the living room and catapulting onto the couch with a juice box in their hands, had me screaming like a psycho and running at turbo speed to try and intercept them.
Then I woke up one morning and realized that I'm missing out on so much, I'm missing out on having fun with my kids and just relaxing, time goes by so fast, you have to enjoy every day and make every minute count.
I turned to God and said "Look, I don't even need to go into details because you know me like no one else, you know what I think, what I feel, what scares me and what makes me tick. But I'm at a loss here, I don't know how to let go without causing more chaos around me." It didn't take long for me to get into the right frame of mind and to start enjoying the kids.
"Take it with a grain of salt." Yes, Yes, that is exactly what I'm going to do!!!!
We laugh, we have fun and if there is a mess to be cleaned after, that's fine. *GASP*, I can't believe I said that out loud!!!
It's not the end of the world and I would much rather see a smile on my kids faces than have to freak out over something that is easily fixed. - a happy kid or a mess free house- it's not that hard to choose!!!
This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
PSALM 118:24 NIV
Beautiful new template! I love it! Gosh, I wish that I could be at the beach right now, LOL! :) I think that becoming a mom has taught me to be a *lot* more flexible and laid back about things. If Lucas makes a mess, so be it ~ I can always clean it up later! I'd rather spend time with him and see him discovering/playing. [I'm such a Virgo and a type A personality, haha!] Excellent entry. I love reading your posts ~ they are always so well written and thought out!
That newspaper is too cool! I thought it was real until I read your post. Big relief for Momrn2 huh! God's watching over even the blog world!!! Have a great weekend girlie :)
This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the...tum tum te tum [taps fingers]. You're reminded me of a psalm we used to sing at school! I'm guessing it's going to be one that gets stuck in my head...something which you're probably happy about ;)
I love the newspaper thing!! It's so cool!!
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