I've been trying to catch up on my knitting, I still have to finish Jasmine's scarf but last night I made a little dish cloth in just an hour, yes you read that right, an HOUR. I'm a fast knitter, I first learnt how to knit in high school when I was about 15 years old and I've been knitting non stop since then.

I came across this great pattern for Knitted Kitchen Dish Cloths and just had to try, luckily I had some red yarn leftover and it was just enough AND it matches all the red in my kitchen. YAY!

I'm hoping to finish it soon because I want to make some more dish cloths and other cute little things for Christmas gifts. What about you, do you use knitted/crocheted dishcloths or have you never tried them?
That's why I'm heading to Walmart soon to go pick up some more yarn and needles. Jasmine wants to learn how to knit and I'm tickled pink, it makes me so happy to see my girl interested in cooking and knitting, can't wait to show you all what she makes. Maybe one of your little girls will want to learn too.
So, it's been a quiet day, the kids are off to school and all my housework is done. I've managed to update my food blog with a new recipe, a great way to get the kids to eat fish. Go check out my Cod Fish Casserole or Bacalhau com Natas as it's known in Portuguese.
Now on to a meme that Heidi tagged me for....it comes with an award too, thank you so much :)
the rules for this award:
Pass this on to 5 blogging friends.
Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following that.
From The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner:
"Fellowes fell upon hard times and came crawling on his knees to San Francisco, beggins his illegitimate son to have pity on him. Abel, so the story goes, gave Fellowes what Fellowes had given him when he told Abel he would never amount to anything -- five dollars and a tin of cheap tobacco -- and sent him on his way."
Now for the tag:
Amy at The Joy of My Heart
Bonnie at Simple Beauty
Lara Gisela at Prossigo Para o Alvo
Posh and Trendy
Nikowa at Knowledge House Academy
And I'm out of it, got things to do and stuff to knit and dogs to play with. You know...the usual.
Yes, I use nothing but my homemade knitted dish clothes..I even knit my own face clothes. Store stuff can't even compare to the knitted ones.
Glad your back is better and enjoy teaching your daughter how to knit. I taught all my daughters to sew and crochet but none wanted to knit.
My mother in law knits us dish cloths- I love them too.
I love the color!
Glad you're feeling better.
I haven't made knitted dish cloths yet - but you never know! I am so glad you are feeling better and about and enjoying your day!
I can't believe you knit that in an hour. I am so slow!
Thanks for playing along with the meme.
I'm glad you are feeling better.
So cool! I wish I could knit something more than a scarf. Right now, I'm lacking motivation though :)
Thanks for the tag :)
Geez Sandy you have always beemn real good at the crafty stuff. Hope you Curt and the kids are great!
Ha!! How fun! Okey dokes.. I am a meme'in!
Thanks for thinking of me, sweet Sandra!
Hugs... oh and I love your knitting...one of those things I want to learn to do... beautiful work!
Cute dish cloths! And glad your back is feeling better...
I'm glad you're feeling better, Sandra.
And I love your knitting. I cannot knit but my Mum does it very well. I never wanted to learn but now I want to do it. Do you think it is too late???
Have a wonderful day.
Congrats on the award and I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! Wonderful knitting.
Glad to here you are feeling better....
glad youre feeling better..Its so good to hear about your knitting..Wish i could knit baby hats..I just love them, they are so cute..
have a wonderful day..
I do not knit, but i am lucky enough to be on the receiving end of many knitted items! I have received a dish cloth/wash cloth and one i use - it has some scratch, kinda stiff gold yarn in it, and it works great - wonderful for camping! The others i use as trivits! (p.s. thank to your comment about spark people i joined and i have lost over 15 pounds!)
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