I feel that behind every wonderful blogging woman I have come to know, there is an amazing man, they are the ones working in the background. The ones providing for our families, fixing what is broken around the house, giving us a hug when we're down, listening to our bad days, putting up with the constant flashing of cameras in their eyes (admit it, you tote that camera around just as much as I do LOL).
So I think they need to be recognized and admired and acknowledged for the wonderful husbands they are and what better way to do that, than to devote a whole month of prayer to them. Will you join me?
Embark with me on a journey for the next 31 Days, in which we devote ourselves to prayer for our husbands.
Day 8
Pray that your husband will work hard to provide for your family, to the best of his ability. Pray that the character qualities necessary for a successful career and ministry will be a growing part of his character—persistence, decisiveness, strength, an analytical mind, organizational skills, positive relationships with people, determination, etc. (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:58 )
Romans 12:6
6Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in (B)the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
I really appreciate the different things you have us praying for and the fact that you are doing this. Thanks - I'm praying with you.
I missed out yesterday, but I'm back praying today!
Praying and singing Praises!
Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. I praise God for your faithfulness to share with us.
Many Blessings,
I've been a little AWOL over the weekend, but I'm back on it now! Thanks!
This sounds wonderful! Where did you get this idea, from a book, blog or just personal conviction??
Still praying!
I'm praying also. I am really enjoying this, also it has "forced" me to get up a bit earlier to get my prayers started.
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