Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Crazy winds, cute dogs and crochet!!!
We had the craziest winds on Monday, and I mean crazy enough to flip over a semi truck on the highway. Here on my side of the world, it brought down the fence in the back yard, flipped over some patio chairs and even brought down trees.
And in the middle of that all??? The freakiest snow storm. It was quite weird, but then I see that the weather has been absolutely insane all over the country.
It lasted the whole day and only really wound down yesterday morning. Thank goodness.
Morning started with a beautiful sunrise and I couldn't help but take this photo. That's me at the kitchen table enjoying my coffee. I do think one of my favorite times of the day are the early mornings.
As always, I have the best company during my mornings. It's usually just me and my girls while the kids are asleep.
I'm sure you can tell though that they are cold, the temperatures dropped from 70 degrees to 20 and we've been quite chilly here.
Aren't they the cutest things? I do have a soft spot for my little Lola and that adorable tongue :)
On the crochet side, I have decided to finish off my Mood Blanket. I did fall completely behind and now I'm quite bored with it and that is never a good thing because then I don't want to finish it. I would rather end up with a pretty lap blanket than nothing.
My herbs and plants are all doing so well, and I've spotted some beauties popping up in my front yard, can't wait to see them bloom.
I do need to get in that planter and clean it up nicely, have weeds and grass growing in there that I want to pull out. Which reminds me I also have the backyard to give a good cleaning to, so I'm thinking maybe this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday the hubby and I will get out there and get our outside Spring Cleaning started.
Speaking of Spring Cleaning, for me that will start on Monday and I will share everyday what I'm doing and which room of the house I'm tackling.
Do you Spring Clean? Do you follow a certain routine or just go with the flow?
I would love nothing more than to stay here and chat with you all day, but, housework and laundry calls....and I have a few recipes that I need to get up on the food blog too.
Those should all be up by this afternoon or evening, the latest.
I also got a book, well two book, reviews up this morning. They are geared for young readers but I enjoyed them. Am I the only one who likes checking books out from the Young Adults section at the library? I don't know but I seem to find very cute books there for myself.
Alright, now I really must get going, I have to make the beds, tidy up the bedrooms and then vacuum, sweep and mop all the floors, and I still want to get the last of the laundry washed.
Here's hoping that you all have a fantastic rest of Wednesday, and that the weather warms up for us all and makes it feel more like Spring and less like middle of Winter.
God Bless,
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Great photos ~ I want to know how you took that photo of yourself? Are you in a mirror?
The dogs are so adorable, your blanket lovely and the food looks delicious!
Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady
I saw a video of the semi's being blown over - AWFUL! It was on the Today program. Glad things are better now.581
What crazy weather! I saw the semi video - incredible!
I don't really spring clean, but I should! I just deep clean room as the spirit moves me. )
i looooooooooooooooove your pugs..they are so darn cute...
Our weather has been strange too. For march though its been quite calm.
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