Saturday, March 29, 2014
Steadily it comes down.....
The pitter patter is a constant for the past few days. The dark skies seem to cover our small town as if to shelter it, while the clouds above pour down upon us.
I love rain, I don't think I will ever stop loving rain. The sound, the smell, the sight, everything about it is beautiful, and so I've been loving the past few days. The darkness that the sky and the rain bring may make some feel gloomy, but not for me, it makes me feel warm and cozy.
I think it's best enjoyed with hot cups of tea, good reading or crocheting and some quiet time. Unless of course you have to run out for errands, then it's not as wonderful is it? *snicker*
This past week has flown by for me, maybe because I've been so focused on my spring cleaning and haven't had much time for anything else. But I miss my quiet daily puttering around the house days, you know the ones where I bore you with random pictures of what I'm doing around here.
You're all very sweet to constantly tell me that you really enjoy my daily photo heavy days, but I sometimes wonder if you're not just being kind. After all, being a homemaker is filled with monotonous chores that don't change from day to day.
I do try to change things up and find new ways to enjoy my days. I especially love adding little touches here and there, always in an attempt to make my house feel even more cozy.
Let me show you something I just did, and I'm sure many of you already have a little corner in your kitchen for your tea and coffee, but I never got around to creating one just until a few days ago, and now I honestly don't know how I ever lived without one.
I'm using one of my cake stands and some cute pieces I had laying around the kitchen. In the back I have my red phone box tea canister, next to it my Comfort and Joy Holiday Spice tea that my sweet friend Renate sent me. It's delicious and it's become one of Jasmine's favorites too.
I also have a little jug with spoons, some sweet n low and more English Breakfast tea, some caramel latte satchets and in the covered little bowl is some coffee.
I love that it sits right next to my coffee machine and kettle so when I want a quick hot drink, I don't need to go looking for anything, it's all at my fingertips.
When I'm not busy inside the house, I'm often at my window or out on my deck watching the birds fly by. This little one has been visiting me every day. He watches me, I watch him, he chirps, I say nothing and then he flies away only to return a few minutes later and do it all over again.
And when I'm not watching that little one, I'm watching these two. They love each other to death, and I am quite in love with them both. Sweet faces.
So as you can see, my life is not exactly very exciting. I'm not saying it's boring either, as I do find ways to keep entertained, plus there's never a dull moment around here, not when I'm surrounded by the loves of my life.
Oh I have to show you what my husband found me the other day. This man sure knows the way to my heart.
Isn't it just perfect???? I have been looking for something like this for my kitchen, for quite a while. Now I have to decided whether to put it up right away or wait until we move in 2 months. I just don't know if I can wait that long. Decisions, decisions.
I can just imagine my aprons hanging from those pegs, and my beautiful colorful dishes inside.
And inside, look what he found too? Oh my.
So, I'm thinking that I will do a little giveaway next week for these cute wooden knitting needles. Is that something you all would be interested in?
Let me know in the comments.
Now I'm off to watch tonight's season finale of When Calls the Heart. I can't believe it's already ending, how sad.
Have a beautiful Saturday night my friends :)
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Love the little cabinet. He sure knows your taste. With regard to the knitting needles, you can always take up knitting again. Have a wonderful weekend. A package awaits you either Monday or Tuesday. Enjoy.
Love that shelf! I think your days sound way more exciting than mine. I think working about 13-14 hours a day is boring. LOL! I love reading your blog.
Oh my gosh, is that a pie cupboard? The last time I saw something like that, with the wire inserts it was a pie cupboard in Kalamazoo, MI. It's gorgeous, I hope you gave him a big hug! I'd be very interested in the wooden knitting needles. BTW, I love your blog, have been coming here daily for more than a year and I love reading your articles, recipes and tips, as well as your photos too.
I don't mind rainy days sometimes, driving in rain is not nice at all.
I enjoy your posts and photos about your daily life. They always inspire me.
That cabinet your husband found is fantastic! I think I would wait until I moved into new home, but waiting would sure be hard to do. Delayed gratification can be such a wonderful thing sometimes.
Those wooden knitting needles are a good find too. I don't do much knitting these days, more crocheting.
Have a lovely Sunday ~ FlowerLady
I love rain so much also! Makes me feel warm and cozy...I'm always happy on a rainy, overcast day! We do love your daily photos...being a SAHM, it does get monotonous but your photos always inspire me to do more than just what is needed. Always! And yes, do hang your is too short! Enjoy them every second you can :-) Have a blessed Sunday.
you never bore me sandra..i love all the that pic of the sweet little boy with that sweet little pug..she is a cutie..
Love the shelf, its so pretty .great find ...
I like seeing your photos. No one has to read your blog. Those of us who do, enjoy seeing your pictures.
I love rainy days too. So cozy.
I like reading your posts and seeing your pictures. They make me smile.
I love rain too...I love storms (well medium storms that do no damage LOL) but only when I'm indoors. x
That is adorable! I can't tell you how excited I get at a good thrift store find :)
I can't believe that When Calls the Heart is over already! What happened to shows going through June and taking a summer hiatus? BOO!
Wish you could send a little or your rain our way...we could use a break from all this sun. I love what you have done in your kitchen. How cute and cozy. Enjoy the week ahead!
Always such beautiful photos... they make me happy! :)
What a sweet cupboard. I'd have a hard time waiting for 2 months to use it. Just saying. ;)
Love the cabinet. Your husband did great. And love the knitting needles. Would love to win those. And I never find your posts or pictures boring. Your blog is the first one i read every day that you post.
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