Spring break is over, so today it's back to schooling 4 kiddos, and making sure they're on track and caught up and such. I finished my spring cleaning, even though I didn't share the living room and bedroom pictures, honestly I got right into it and forgot to take pictures. Oh well. But yes, it's all done and now I can just go back to normal daily clean ups here and there.
Anyway, on to our Happy Homemaker Monday :)
As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful morning. The sun is rising but because it is cloudy, it's creating this gorgeous pink/orangle glow.

Right now I am:::
At the kitchen table enjoying my coffee, typing up this post, and chatting with my husband as he gets ready for work. Also have my email open, checking on my blogs and facebook etc.
Thinking and pondering:::
About so many things and nothing in particular, if that makes sense? I am actually thinking I should change this category to something else. Any ideas?
On my bedside table:::
My Bible
My Kindle
On my tv tonight:::
Still have to catch up on The Musketeers.
Still have The Trip to Bountiful to watch.
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
The 100
Here comes Honey Boo Boo
Hangar 1: The UFO Files
Ancient Aliens
Ghost Adventures
The Universe
Long Island Medium
Listening to:::
The radio
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Southern Barbecue Chicken, Caesar Salad
Tuesday - Individual Meatloaves, mashed potatoes, green beans
Wednesday - Beef sauted with green peppers & mushrooms, butter rice
Thursday - Pizza Burgers, Fries
Friday - Chicken Fried Steak, Garlic mashed potatoes
Saturday - Slow Cooked Beef Stew
Sunday - Roast Chicken and Potatoes
On my to do list:::
Move boxes to the garage
Call to make eye appointments
Happening this week:::
Monday - Laundry (washing, drying), stripping the beds
Tuesday - Laundry (ironing, putting away), bathrooms
Wednesday - Vacuum, mop floors, Sewing day
Thursday - Living room clean up
Friday - Dusting, baking
Saturday - Laundry yet again
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I can't believe I still haven't shown you the finished blanket...ugh. I will try and get that done today. I'm working on my other blanket right now but it's giving me a headache. I always keep my crochet hooks WITH my projects, but for some reason mine got misplaced and now I have no idea what size I was using because every size I've thought was right, is wrong and the squares are coming out smaller. *sigh*
My simple pleasure:::
Reading old homemaking books
Homemaking tips:::
Stay on top of cleaning. You don't have to go all out or make a spring cleaning list for every day cleaning, but if you pick up as you go, you will find that your house is always presentable.
Looking around the house:::
Nicholas is playing on the Xbox Kinnect thingamabob. The pugs are asleep on the couch and Jasmine is still in bed. What is it with teenagers and the amount of sleep they require? Geez!!!!
I don't have much in the way of picking up, thanks to my spring cleaning last week. YAY!!
From the camera:::
Prayer List:::
Jacinda....Sherry Gore's daughter who is very sick at the moment.
A vlogger I follow who had a car accident last week and is recovering at the moment.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
And we have seen and do testify that the Father has sent his Son as the Savior of the world. (1 John 4.14 NRSV)
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
praying for jacinda, hope she gets all better soon..
have a happy day Sandra..
Hope you have a wonderful week Sandra!
I've so long wished I kept a blog, when I've seen all those who link to yours. So, for the past few days I've been wrangling with blogspot, trying to set one up for myself. I'm savvy enough internet wise, but blogspot, or blogger, makes things difficult. I made a header graphic with a white background, but when I uploaded it, it had a grey cast to it. Only to learn that blogger considers that "auto-enhancing". I ended up making the background transparent as that was the only solution I could come up with. I also don't know what the heck I'm doing setting up the sidebar, everything looks so bare compared to all the lovely blogs you and your blogging friends have created.
Happy Monday, Sandra! I hope it is a great week. :)
You do not have to tell me about teenagers and sleep! It is a constant fight with Emily to get her out of bed :/
I would love to see your list of old homemaking books, I love to read them too.
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