Paperback: 268 pages
Publisher: Blank Slate Press (April 28, 2015)
A girl, a guy, a broken-down house. Not exactly on-again, off-again, Malcolm and Joanna are in-again, out-again: in love, out of each other’s arms, in an awkward co-living arrangement, out of the country. Their unconventional relationship is the only way, Joanna says, to protect herself from the specter of commitment, which inevitably leads to heartbreak.
When Harry Met Sally for the Millennial generation, set in the damp and drizzly neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon, Broken Homes and Gardens is an ode to friendship, lust, and the unrelenting pull of love.
About Rebecca Kelley
Rebecca Kelley grew up in Carson City, Nevada, wandered for a few years, and eventually landed in Portland, where she teaches writing at Oregon College of Art and Craft. She is the co-author of The Eco-nomical Baby Guide. Broken Homes & Gardens is her first novel.
My Thoughts:
Joanna has had enough of relationships, she feels like she always picks the wrong guy and all relationships lead to is heartbreak, so she's determined to not go there again and just be friends with everyone.
She buys a broken down home and begins the process of renovation, only thing is that Malcom comes into her life asking to be her roommate.
As things heat up between the two, Joanna decides that it's best to just stay friends and avoid the hassle of commitment, so they embark on an off-again and on-again relationship. She keeps pushing him away while realizing that she may really like him more than she things, and as much as she says no, she can't help but feel jealous of any other woman around Malcom.
I enjoyed this story, but I have to say that at times I wanted to reach through the book and shake Joanna, she got a little tiring with the push and pull, but overall it was a sweet, lighthearted story that I truly enjoyed :)

Sounds like most of us wanted to shake Joanna. I really enjoyed the book and would have liked more about the remodel.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story overall. Thanks for being a part of the tour!
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