Thursday evening....so looking forward to Friday and glad it's already right around the corner.
I've had a day of puttering around, doing the usual household chores, which I'm sure I don't have to tell you about because they're pretty much the same, day in and day out.
Much as I love homemaking, I have to say that dishes drive me completely insane, like I would love to never have to do dishes again. It's never ending, fill the washer, remove the clean, pack in the dirty, run the washer, remove the clean, pack in the dirty......over and over and over, multiple times a day. My word!!!
My days are pretty much the same, I have a routine I tend to stick to.
I get up every morning at 5:30 with Curt, make coffee, and once he leaves for work, I sit on the couch with my pugs and look through facebook, check email, read the Bible etc. If I am feeling really tired, I sometimes lay down on the couch and take a short nap.
By 7:30 I am up, get dressed, and then make myself another cup of coffee and some breakfast.....next on the list, dishes. Always!!!

To make the chores a little easier, I always have my laptop going, I'm either watching some vlogs on Youtube, that is Anna Brim by the way, one of my favorite vloggers, you can check out her channel here.

Once the kitchen was clean and laundry was going, I started my baking. I have been wanting to make some Hawaiian Bread rolls for a while, and since I haven't been feeling too well the past few weeks, I kept putting it off, but today was the day.

Such a simple recipe and I just love fresh homemade bread. There's something so homey about seeing a bowl of bread rising on the counter.

Even though it's been so hot here lately, I can't help myself, most afternoons I have a cup of hot tea or coffee. Today I was craving a Galao, Portuguese coffee with milk, it's made using a ratio of 1/4 coffee to 3/4 hot frothy milk, and oh goodness did it hit the spot.

Even better when enjoyed with a fresh sweet Hawaiian roll with cheese and ham. Oh that was such a delicious afternoon snack, my kids were both in heaven with the bread.

While I was enjoying my treat, this new review book came in, I'm quite excited to start it. I'm the kind of gal that loves a good looking book cover and I admit that often times it is what makes me decide to either read a book or not even give it a second thought.
Thing is, sometimes the cover is deceiving, it's happened many times. Guess that is where the saying comes from "don't judge a book by it's cover".

Speaking of the yummy afternoon treat, I have the recipe up on the food blog for you, if you want to check it out, or give it a try. Let me know if you do, I would love to know if you liked it.
Much as I love my days, I do enjoy my evenings when I get to sit on the couch with my family, watch some TV and wind the day down. It's almost 9pm here and we're fixing to watch Impractical Jokers and Behind Bars: Rookie Year. Better get on off here and grab a quick drink.
I love reading about people's days and your days always make me feel hungry! I want to go and eat now! I'm not a huge fan of doing the dishes...so it's one of the girls' chores, haha. big hugs xxx
Good grief that looks good!! I bet that bread smells amazing while baking. I haven't baked any bread in a while. Some how it causes all of us to "swell" around here! Lol. Hope you're having a good Friday. I'm cleaning!
Those rolls look very good!
Thanks for the new YouTube channel to watch! I am obsessed! I spent way too much time watching other people clean, cook and create! :)
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