Monday, November 30, 2020
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/30/2020 }
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
{ Busy day in the kitchen }
I had picked up this magazine from Taste of Home, a while ago, and the recipe on the cover was calling my name. I had everything I needed on hand so quickly whipped up this Chocolate Chip Cranberry Bread, the recipe will be on my food blog today.
I have about 2 cups of cranberries left so I'm going to make some homemade cranberry sauce today. I have never made it myself so we will see how that turns out, and of course I'll share with you my thoughts and the recipe too.
I also had some oranges that were starting to go back, so got those sliced up and in the oven to dry, for my orange garlands. I make one every year, to hang over the fireplace and as a decoration for my real Christmas tree.
While working in the kitchen, I put my instant pot to good use. I don't know about you all, but I love mine so much and use it at least 4 times a week, some weeks I am using mine every single day.
I cooked up some sweet potatoes, I realized I only had 2 so I've added a bag of sweet potatoes to my Walmart pick up. My Jasmine will never forgive me if I don't make some sweet potato casserole for her.
And with the remaining potatoes, I will make a sweet potato pie and then slice some up for fries, blanche and freeze them for future meals.
If you're wondering how to make sweet potato in the instant pot, I place them on the metal trivet, or you can use a steaming basket (which reminds me I don't have one for my pressure cooker, so I think I'll add that to my Christmas wish list lol).
Anyway, wash the potatoes, add them to the trivet or basket, add a cup of water, and then pressure cook on HIGH for 26 minutes for 4 to 5 potatoes. Quick release the steam.
Since I only had 2 potatoes I cooked them for 20 minutes, and it is the perfect timing. Once they were out, I let them cool slightly and then pulled the skin right off, and put them in the fridge until I use them.
While the food was cooking and baking in the kitchen, I gave my fireplace a quick clean to get it ready for winter. We have had pretty good temperatures so far, and we never light the fire unless it gets to 30 degrees or below.
Monday, November 23, 2020
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/23/2020 }
Good morning, welcome back to my blog.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
{ Fresh haircut and finally have bedside tables }
Thursday, November 19, 2020
{ New camera and my reading basket }
Well hello there.
Yes, it's me, actually sitting down to work on a post that is not a Happy Homemaker Monday or a book review. For shame!!!
Honestly, I don't like seeing my blog like this, it bothers me because I feel like so much has been happening, and so much is going on in our lives, that I should be writing it down.
But time, time just slips through my fingers and I end up letting days, weeks and months go by without a proper blog post.
Not what I like to do, but it is what it is. Anyway, I am here right now and I just wanted to come in and chat a bit, catch you up on what has been happening, what we've been doing and so on.
As you may have noticed, or maybe you didn't, but I finally got a new camera.
My old camera has officially been packed up and set aside. It still works and will be kept as a back up, but I am so thrilled with my new one. My husband surprised me with a Canon Rebel T7. My previous was a Canon Rebel T2i and it has been a huge blessing for 10 years.
Yes, 10 years I had that camera. The poor thing was falling apart, the little plastic cover for the memory card won't stay shut, my battery compartment was also loose, the padding around the camera itself was coming unglued and you can even see where my fingers sit because it has worn completely down.
And yet, I still love it. It was my first big girl camera, and I'll always have it with me. I can't say that I'm not excited about my new one because I am, it's a blessing for sure and it's been a dream of mine to upgrade for many and I mean many years.
It has been a bit hard learning all the new ways to take photos, obviously being a newer model the menu is different, the way the camera itself works is different and so on.
It took me over an hour to finally enable my back button focus LOL
I enjoy it though, I have always loved learning new techniques and new technology, so it's been fun figuring this one out. It also helps that I have the cutest subjects that let me just snap pictures. They're the best, never complain, never say they don't look good in the shots and always willing to just sit there and let me go on snapping here and there.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
{ The Patriots by Winston Groom - TLC Book Tour }
• Hardcover: 464 pages
• Publisher: National Geographic (November 3, 2020)
In this masterful narrative, Winston Groom brings his signature storytelling panache to the tale of our nation’s most fascinating founding fathers–Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams–painting a vivid picture of the improbable events, bold ideas, and extraordinary characters who created the United States of America.
When the Revolutionary War ended in victory, there remained a stupendous problem: establishing a workable democratic government in the vast, newly independent country.
Three key founding fathers played significant roles: John Adams, the brilliant, dour New Englander; Thomas Jefferson, the aristocratic Southern renaissance man; and Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the Caribbean island of Nevis. In this riveting narrative, best-selling author Winston Groom illuminates these men as the patriots fundamentally responsible for the ideas that shaped the emerging United States.
Their lives could not have been more different, and their relationships with each other were often rife with animosity. And yet they led the charge–two of them creating and signing the Declaration of Independence, and the third establishing a national treasury and the earliest delineation of a Republican party. The time in which they lived was fraught with danger, and their achievements were strained by vast antagonisms that recall the intense political polarization of today.
But through it all, they managed to shoulder the heavy mantle of creating the United States of America, putting aside their differences to make a great country. Drawing on extensive correspondence, Groom shares the remarkable story of the beginnings of our great nation.
Purchase Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble
About Winston Groom
WINSTON GROOM was born in Washington, D.C., but grew up in Mobile, Alabama, on the Gulf Coast. After a brief period in the Army, Groom returned to Washington, where he worked as a reporter at the Washington Star, covering the political and court beat. He enjoyed a stint in New York City, befriending and socializing with literary legends before returning to Alabama, where he settled down to writing and enjoying life. He is the author of 18 previous books, including Forrest Gump and The Aviators.
Monday, November 16, 2020
{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/16/2020 }

Gabe’s opponents had no obligation to help him. They could have given into their natural desires to look out for themselves (Galatians 5:13); doing so might have improved their own odds of winning. But Paul urges us to display the fruit of the Spirit in our lives—to “serve one another humbly in love” and to demonstrate “kindness” and “goodness” (vv. 13, 22). When we lean on the Spirit to help us not act on our natural instincts, we’re better able to love those around us.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
{ Birth of the Fae by Danielle Marie Orsino - TLC Book Tours }
• Hardcover: 230 pages
• Publisher: Icon; Retail ed. edition (June 19, 2020)
Ride on the backs of fire breathing dragons with the Dark Fae and watch the Light Fae play in the shadows of primitive humanity as they build their magical world.
Abandoned by their creator, two factions of powerful angels remain on earth after the Great War with Lucifer. They struggle to comprehend their Creator’s plan while their angel wings, a symbol of their angelic lineage, slowly and painfully decay.
With no hope of returning to the Shining Kingdom, two groups of angels denounce their angelic lineage and develop into separate factions – the Court of Light, led by Queen Aurora, a former Virtue Angel, and the Court of Dark, ruled by King Jarvok, a former Power Brigade Angel.
The two monarchs have opposing views on how to govern their kin, but the one belief they agree on is that human worship equals power.
Birth of the Fae: Locked Out of Heaven is an epic fantasy adventure of heartbreak, rebirth, and hope that examines the bonds of family, friendship, and love. It is a fantastic tale of good vs evil in a beautiful world, where the Light Fae and their potent elemental magick are tested by the raw power of the dragon riding Dark Fae warriors.
Purchase Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble
About Danielle M. Orsino
Danielle M. Orsino is taking on her biggest challenge to date: the debut of her fantasy novel, Birth of the Fae: Locked out of Heaven. Expanding her love of writing and exploring the world of fantasy novels, she delves into the realm of fairies and retells their origins from a completely new perspective. Orsino has a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Exercise science and is an LPN with a special interest in Lyme disease research. This novel was born from her long treatment sessions with a patient who asked her to tell him a story for a distraction, which sent Orsino on a journey longer than she had anticipated. Orsino has been widely recognized from her influence and experience in martial arts realm, training for over 20 years and with over 500 tournament wins, and accumulating national and world titles. She has performed for former President of the United States Bill Clinton and has been featured on “Soap Talk, Fox Five news CBS, TLC and E!. With this experience, she worked as a Fight Choreographer on”Wonder Woman: Balance of Power” and has worked with the likes of martial arts legend Vincent Lyn and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
Find out more about Danielle at her website, and connect with her on Instagram.
If you love fantasy, angels and good vs evil, this is THE book for you. You have to pick it up and start reading it right away. I know that may sound like a pretty bold statement to make, but you'll thank me later.
So, right from the very first few pages, you are hooked.
We are privvy to a pretty strong scene where angels are abandoned by their creator and left to their own devices on this plane. They have no idea what to do or how to even survive in a land that is so foreign to them.
Their only way of survival is to form different factions, try to take on the form of new beings and continue their fight.
Queen Aurora leads the good faction, while King Jarvok leads the evil side.
It is a battle of good vs evil, fraught with twists and turns, crazy events, and a world of fantasy that will leave you turning pages faster than your fingers can turn them.
Best part? This is book one of a new series and I can not wait for the next to come out.
I'll be honest, I haven't yet finished the book, but I am pretty close to the end. I think I'm holding out a bit because I don't want to see it finished.